The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 295

"What?" The other kidnapper asked. "What"s his name?"

On the other hand, Xiao Xi Xi was listening carefully as well, maybe she would know the ident.i.ty of that person. When her daddy found her, she would report the name to him! She wanted her daddy to punish that bad guy ah~!

"I put his contact on my list under the name of The Employer..." The boss said proudly like he was so smart for giving that name. No one would know his ident.i.ty if he didn"t write his real name, after all, his boss wanted to remain anonymous.

The other kidnapper, "..."

Xiao Xi Xi, "..."

He wasn"t being creative at all ah~! Both of them had the same thought... Although they didn"t know his name, they would know right away that this man was their boss. If people found his phone, wouldn"t they be able to easily find the person who hired them?!

The other kidnapper was speechless, but he could only nod his head in agreement, even though he was actually cursing about his partner"s stupidity inside his head over and over again.

Xiao Xi Xi had even tried to hold her breath in for quite some time, waiting for his answer so that she could hear the name clearly, but in the end, it was all for nothing ah~! She almost wanted to bite that annoying kidnapper! That man made her feel hopeful out of nothing.

She took a deep breather but she forgot the smell inside the van, she could only cover her nose and mouth with her cardigan --- at least, it smelt of perfume and so much better than the rotten smell all around her.

Xiao Xi Xi was on the edge of breaking down, but she tried to be brave. She tried not to think about her past abuse... but it kept haunting her. The more this happened, the more afraid she was.

"Daddy... Mommy..." She whispered to herself, calling them over and over again just like a mantra that could ease her heart a bit.

Xiao Xi Xi wanted her daddy and mommy, burying herself inside their warm embrace. Her mommy had warned them over and over again not to trust any stranger. The old woman Tang was a staff from her school so, in her simple mind, she wasn"t a stranger.

From now on, she would only trust her parents and Uncle Lin San. This matter led to another trauma for the little girl, from then on, it was hard for her to trust a person ever again --- she became more cautious and her personality became a bit colder to strangers.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Xiao Xi Xi sighed sadly... She missed her daddy and mommy so much.

What if she couldn"t meet them again?

The more she thought about it, the more tears were coming out from her eyes. Her mind kept thinking for the worst and it affected her braveness from before.

"Daddy... Mommy... I"m afraid..." She mumbled to herself while cowering in distress.

Xiao Xi Xi tried to close her eyes, hoping that after she opened her eyes once more, this would become a mere dream. However... what she wished for didn"t happen. When she opened her eyes, she was still inside the van --- waiting to be saved by her daddy and mommy.

Everything seemed to be so desolate on her end.


Back in the tense atmosphere inside the conference room, everyone kept looking at Siu Lan, trying to see her reaction and they were feeling scared by her distorted face. Since when she had become like this? Before this, she was only a jealous person but wasn"t as bad as this.

"Show me the proof! Don"t just talk nonsense and then slander me!" Siu Lan said loudly. She believed that the things that she had written inside that book couldn"t become a piece of solid evidence. They must have been lying when they said that they had proof!

Siu Lan knew that she wouldn"t be able to stay in this company any more, thus, she didn"t bother to be polite to the big boss. She had forgotten... If the big boss hated her, he could easily ban her and she wouldn"t be able to work in this industry anymore.

Everything was actually over for her but the woman herself didn"t realize it.

Lu Yi Feng sneered at her and ordered Lin San, "Show her our proof!" He wanted to erase the smug look on Siu Lan"s face. He wondered where she got her confidence.

Lin San opened his laptop and connected it with the LCD screen so that everyone could see where the evidence came from. He explained that just now, they had caught one of the kidnappers" accomplish and that old woman made a call towards two people.

They successfully tracked their call and found that it came from their own company. How disgraceful was that? Betrayers appeared once more in their company.

Lin San replayed the recording and everyone was dumbfounded when they found how vicious those kidnappers were... However, they also found that the woman"s voice had been changed with a voice changer... so how did they connect it with Siu Lan?