The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 313

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Chapter 313

"What?!" Feng Xiao Qing asked in surprise . Did she hear it wrong?

"Come on! Slap me once again here!" Lu Yi Feng urged her while he continued pointing at his left cheek in excitement .

"Are . . . Are your brain alright?" Feng Xiao Qing asked . Did she ruin his brain because of the loud slap just now? What kind of farce was this?! She was the one who blinked stupidly at Lu Yi Feng at this moment, not understanding what did this man actually want to do .

She couldn"t fathom his thoughts ah~! Feng Xiao Qing had read somewhere in the Bible "If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also . . . ", so . . . did he copy this sentence just to coax her?!

Lu Yi Feng pouted and said, "Of course, it"s alright . . . I"m fine . . . My brain is super alright and in a healthy condition!" He was confused about why Feng Xiao Qing asked such a question, but then he urged her once more, "Come on! Quickly do it! What are you waiting for?!"

"Then, why do you want me to slap you again?!" Feng Xiao Qing couldn"t help but ask loudly while pointing at his cheek .

"I just want to confirm something . . . " Lu Yi Feng trailed off while hoping Feng Xiao Qing could quickly slap him . He wanted to know whether it was a fluke or not ah~! If it wasn"t a fluke, he would attack her with hot kisses . . . !
Feng Xiao Qing, " . . . "

Er . . . what kind of thing that could be confirmed with a slap?! She finally had an idea and seemed to have guessed what kind of thing that he wanted to confirm about! She became more interested all at once . Was it really because of that?! Her eyes were s.h.i.+ning with excitement .

"Yi Feng . . . I honestly want to ask you a question . . . but I . . . " Feng Xiao Qing was a bit hesitant but still braced herself to ask . She didn"t know how to ask the question because it was a bit embarra.s.sing .

"Mmmm . . . ? Ask me what?" He asked while tilting his head to the side . When he saw her reluctant look, he tried to a.s.sure her, "Just ask me if you have something to ask . "

Lu Yi Feng was in a good mood so he would happily answer any of her questions . The sooner she asked the question, the sooner he would be able to answer her and then, he could receive her slap ah~!

"Do you want to see whether you are a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t or not, right? I mean . . . I mean . . . do you want to confirm that you enjoy the pain or not, right?" Feng Xiao Qing asked excitedly . She needed to know ah~! If they were going to be together in the future . . . wouldn"t she need to match him? If he was a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t . . . wouldn"t she the one who would become the s.a.d.i.s.t?!

She didn"t know whether she liked this kind of roleplay or not? But . . . she was an adventurous person, so of course, she would like to try . . . Somehow, her thoughts turned dirtier and went to the direction of x.x.x and OOO . . . She blushed shyly, couldn"t believe that she was thinking of those "bed exercise" ah~!

They weren"t in a relations.h.i.+p and yet, she was ready to pounce on him .

Lu Yi Feng, " . . . "

Lu Yi Feng was taken aback when he heard her question . What "m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t"? What "enjoy the pain"? He really wanted to open her brain and see what kind of things inside! He had never thought of that kind of x.x.x and OOO thing ah~! It seemed like Feng Xiao Qing"s mind wasn"t as pure and innocent as him . . .

He helplessly looked at her and flicked her forehead lovingly, "What are you thinking about ah~?! It"s not about that . . . " How could her mind turn to that direction? He really didn"t know whether she should laugh or cry ah~!

"Ouch!" Feng Xiao Qing touched her forehead while frowning . "Then . . . why?" Feng Xiao Qing asked, feeling disappointed when she knew that she had made the wrong guess . She was so sure before and now, she was feeling embarra.s.sed to death!

If she was correct, she could tease Lu Yi Feng for a long time . . . but if not, it would reveal her thought ah~! She really wanted to dig a hole and hide inside!!

Lu Yi Feng flicked her forehead and looked at his own fingers which had touched her skin --- still no reaction whatsoever . He wondered if his allergy had been totally cured . He really needed to ask Tang Yi Jun about this, but before that, he had something else to do .

He looked at Feng Xiao Qing"s eyes and ordered the latter in an excited voice, "Come on! Quickly slap me!"

Lu Yi Feng wanted to see whether this was real or not . . . If this was just a dream, the slap would serve as a wake-up call so that he wouldn"t hope too much!

Feng Xiao Qing felt helpless . This was the first time she saw someone was excited to be slapped . "Are you sure?" Feng Xiao Qing asked while cracking her knuckles .

The loud sound of the cracking bones somehow made Lu Yi Feng faltered . Did she want to use her full power?

Lu Yi Feng changed his tone and said fawningly, "Just an ordinary slap, okay? Don"t be too hard on me!"

Feng Xiao Qing, " . . . "

Wasn"t it already too late for him to say this?

"Sure thing," Feng Xiao Qing answered with a wicked smile . "I"m just a weak woman, how much strength that I could muster?"

Lu Yi Feng sighed in relief when he heard that . . . He prepared his cheek and nodded his head at Feng Xiao Qing and closed his head, "Go ahead!"

Because he closed his eyes, he didn"t see Feng Xiao Qing"s sinister smile . . .

Feng Xiao Qing thought to herself with a smile, "You are the one who tells me to do it ah~! So don"t blame me . . . "

She prepared herself and finally . . .


She slapped him just like how he wanted .