The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 343

Lu Yi Feng answered, "I"m fine with it too... Tang Yi Jun is here so I"m sure that I will be fine." He tried to rea.s.sure Feng Xiao Qing who was still feeling worried about him. Then, he asked Tang Yi Jun, "You have a preparation, right?"

Tang Yi Jun nodded his head. "Of course!" He said with a smile. How could he be reckless with Lu Yi Feng"s life ah~?! In a way, the man wasn"t only his best friend but also his gold mine ah~!

Feng Xiao Qing could rest a.s.sured when she knew that Tang Yi Jun was confident in himself. She finally nodded her head in agreement. "Then, it"s all up to you. Anyway, all of you already know about the consequences yourself," she said with a gentle smile.

They had prepared for the worst and there was a pack of the medicine and a gla.s.s of water on the living room table. Once something bad happened, Lu Yi Feng could easily grab it and drink everything in one go so that his allergic reaction could be kept under control.

"You can start now," Tang Yi Jun said in a low voice while giving a rea.s.surance gaze at Xiao Xi Xi.

The little girl nodded her head but she was feeling nervous all of a sudden. There was a lot of "what if" which made her anxious. She took a peek at Lu Yi Feng and said, "Daddy, I"m going to touch you now..." She put out her hand hesitantly towards Lu Yi Feng --- her hand was slightly trembling.

"Go ahead!" Lu Yi Feng tried to convince her with a gentle smile which seemed a bit awkward on his face. However, it was still able to make Xiao Xi Xi become calmer. Lu Yi Feng"s heart was beating faster out of nervousness because he was also afraid of the unknown.

He also wished to hug and kiss the little girl and he hoped that his body was able to handle it.

Xiao Xi Xi finally touched his hand and she didn"t even dare to breathe, wanting to see whether her touch would affect him or not. After touching his hand, she didn"t know what she should do --- should she release it... or continue holding it?

In the end, she decided to continue touching him because her daddy didn"t say anything to her.




Nothing weird seemed to happen to her daddy.

"Daddy... how do you feel?" Xiao Xi Xi asked softly, trying to hold back her nervousness. She didn"t see any difference in him at all... Besides, she also didn"t understand what kind of symptoms that her daddy had when his allergy flared up. Her mother said that it was a bit scary, but... nothing happened ah~!

She looked around and saw that the others also looked intently at her daddy --- thus, she could only follow along and looked at her daddy intently. Maybe she could spot something...

"Wait... let me feel it a little more..." Lu Yi Feng said in a low voice, trying to feel his own body"s reaction while closing his eyes so that his sense would become a bit more sensitive. He sighed in relief when he didn"t go directly to the crazy symptoms mode.

There was a faint of tingling feelings all over his body which marked the beginning of his allergic reaction so it seemed like her touch was still affecting him in some ways. It wasn"t as strong as usual but it was still there, however, he didn"t feel out of breath at all --- he didn"t feel like he was being choked! He took a look at his body and there were faint dots here and there, however, it wasn"t that itchy and didn"t make a big impact on him.

He could stand the allergic reaction and this was really a first ah~!

Lu Yi Feng knew that Tang Yi Jun had seen how crazy his allergic reaction was, so he decided to ask him, "What do you think?"

Feng Xiao Qing didn"t see the awful scene last night once again and sighed in relief, thus, she continued to let Xiao Xi Xi hold Lu Yi Feng"s hand.

Tang Yi Jun tilted his head to the side, "Have you ever touched another child?"

Lu Yi Feng shook his head. "As long as the other party is a female, I would avoid her..." He admitted. Besides, he didn"t like children in the first place but he didn"t say it out loud in front of Xiao Xi Xi.

"Hmm... Interesting... I thought that there must have been something in Feng Xiao Qing"s blood that was suitable for your body or something like that... Xiao Xi Xi is her daughter, so she should have the same effect as her, but it doesn"t seem to be the case," Tang Yi Jun explained while playing with his pen.

Feng Xiao Qing somehow sweated when she heard that and she decided to change the conversation. "Then, what do you mean?" She asked curiously.

"Maybe because Xiao Xi Xi is only a little girl, so it cuts the allergic reaction into half..." Tang Yi Jun told them the result of his a.n.a.lysis.

"Why does it sound so weird?" Lu Yi Feng asked while looking at him in disbelief. He had never heard such a theory before... It was so unbelievable ah~!

Tang Yi Jun glanced at him and said in a joking tone, "Because your condition is quite weird too! Have you ever heard another person who has the same illness as you? In the end, anything is possible to happen ah~! Let me ask you something first, the one who made you get this kind of trauma, is it a woman or a little girl?" Tang Yi Jun wanted Lu Yi Feng to open up a little bit about the source of his trauma.

Any little clue would be good enough for him.

Lu Yi Feng was surprised when Tang Yi Jun asked him that. Not only that, but everyone was looking at him seriously. It made him feel uncomfortable ah~!