The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 388

After showcasing her vocal range, Feng Xiao Qing sang the last lyrics slowly and with a melodious voice... Won"t you stay with me... The music started to become smaller and her voice was reverberating inside the hall... Everyone was entranced by her voice and some of them were closing their eyes just to enjoy her voice...

People had thought that her performance had ended and they were going to clap their hands when they suddenly heard the music"s beat started to change. They were surprised and fortunately, they were able to hold back their clap --- instead, they were following the beat with their clapping hands. The atmosphere turned joyful all at once.

The music became faster and more cheerful. It was slightly different from the jingle but still, so fun to be listened to. The jingle was more mysterious and s.e.xy like --- but this one was purely firing up the atmosphere. It"s just a mixture of the chorus and she sang it along with the choir while not forgetting to dance around just like how she had practiced with her dance team.

The coordination between her and her dance team was perfect --- no fault could be found whatsoever. Her dance was quite complicated but the audience was still able to follow her movement easily because the movement was quite repet.i.tive and it made the performance more enjoyable to them.

The audience started to stand up and sing along with her and this gesture was really rare to see in the show! They enjoyed the song so much especially because the lyrics were pretty easy to remember, besides, they were already familiar with the jingle ads as well.

Once Feng Xiao Qing finished her song, everyone was cheering for her. All in all, her performance was really a big success.

An Ran Jie, Lu Yi Feng, and Xiao Xi Xi were looking at her performance while supporting her silently. Once in a while, she looked at them just to calm herself down once she felt nervous all over again --- they were really her support system. Fortunately, they were there for her and besides, she managed to handle her anxiety well.

She just let herself lose herself into the song and think nothing but her performance.

Feng Xiao Qing couldn"t hold back her tears of happiness when she saw that everyone seemed to love her performance. This was her moment... her dream... her first stage... Their standing applause really meant the world to her. She would never forget this moment for the rest of her life.

She didn"t forget to bow to the crowds to show them her gratefulness at the end of her performance. It took a long while before she could stand up and maintain her calmness but it made her look even more humble.

The MC was clever enough to wait for the applause to cool down before she was making an appearance on the stage once again. "It seems like... everyone is enjoying this performance..." The MC laughed while started to talk when she saw it was time for her to speak.

"Yes!" The audience answered at the same time and this was truly their reactions... The staff of the show didn"t ask them to pretend to enjoy the show and force them to clap their hands. Their show was popular with their fairness so they had never manipulated the audience"s reaction and this was the reason their show gained a lot of respect from the audience.

"So... Don"t you all feel curious about something...?" The MC asked loudly, trying to build up the momentum because this was time for the reveal. Feng Xiao Qing was deliberately put at the end of the show to build up their curiosity.

"Yes...!" The audience answered at the same time once again.

"What do you want to know? We will make it come true!" The MC wanted them to say it out loud.

"We want to know her ident.i.ty!" Some of them answered more excitedly than others. Feng Xiao Qing could only smile bashfully there. She didn"t think that they would be this curious but she couldn"t help feeling happy ah~! It meant that their plan had worked.

"Ah... so you want to know our pretty singer"s face and ident.i.ty..." The MC teased the audience. "I took a peek just now... and she"s super beautiful you know..."

It made the audience started to become a bustle once again. They wanted to know how beautiful the mysterious singer was. There was no need for the MC to ask the question... Of course, they were curious ah~!

They started to chant over and over again, "Open the mask! Open the mask!"

"I will ask her to open the mask... However, you need to know her name first so that you all can call her and ask her to open the mask!" The MC cleverly said.

"Oh yes! What is her name?!" One of the audience asked in a loud voice. It made the others laugh but they agreed with him.

The MC laughed cheerfully and looked at Feng Xiao Qing, before finally asking, "h.e.l.lo there, Guest! It seems like you already have a loyal fan over there. He said that he wants to know your name... So, can you tell the audience your name?"

Feng Xiao Qing nodded her head and answered with a smile, "h.e.l.lo! My name is Ariel... Nice to meet you!" They had chosen the stage name for quite some time. In the end, Lu Yi Feng and Feng Xiao Qing ended up with this name because of Xiao Xi Xi. The latter"s favorite Disney Princess was Ariel --- the mermaid.

She said that her mommy was like a princess and she should become a princess on the stage as well, hence... they had to choose Ariel as her stage name. After thinking for a little while, it wasn"t a bad idea. The name was easy to remember so they went with it.

"So... Her name is Ariel... Guys... What do you want Ariel to do for you?" The MC asked in a loud voice.

"Open the mask! Open the mask!" People were talking louder and louder which showed them how excited they were!