The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 82

Feng Xiao Qing didn"t know that Lu Yi Feng had been waiting for her impatiently inside the apartment for a long time. She thought that she would be clever enough to cover up her midnight adventure. She already sighed in relief when she had finally arrived at the apartment building.

She paid the taxi fare and quickly went up to their apartment"s floor. Feng Xiao Qing confidently opened the front door, forgetting the fact that the man was probably still sleeping in the living room. The door made a quite loud creaking sound, but probably due to her relief, she didn"t think that much about it. In her mind, even if Lu Yi Feng woke up, he wouldn"t take a look into her bedroom so there was no way he would find out that she was gone.

Her smile stopped midway when she saw that the man started to move from his slumber. "What the heck? He"s still sleeping in the living room?!" She berated herself and cried about why she wasn"t careful when opening the door!

Little did she knew that it wouldn"t make a difference --- even her spiderman posture had been found out by the big boss.

Lu Yi Feng pretended to be yawning and stretching his body before he finally opened his eyes. He felt like by staying with Feng Xiao Qing, he also honed his own acting skill. Lu Yi Feng turned on the light and made the dark living room become bright all of a sudden.

He found Feng Xiao Qing was still standing with a dumbfounded look in front of the door --- probably in shock, and her backpack fell down to the ground in a thud. The man could practically her guilt from her expression and it made him become more curious about what she had done to make her tremble just like that.

In reality, Feng Xiao Qing was too angry because of her own stupidity and that was the reason why she trembled --- not because she was afraid. The gear in her mind started to move faster, trying to come up with a plausible excuse. But heck! She could find none!

Lu Yi Feng asked with a hoa.r.s.e voice, "Where did you go?" He took a look at his watch and said, "It has already pa.s.sed midnight!"

Feng Xiao Qing felt like she was being reprimanded by her father and pouted, "I have an important matter to do." She could only think of this excuse.

"What important matter?" Lu Yi Feng asked sternly.

Feng Xiao Qing muttered under her breath softly, "You are not my father. Why are you being so noisy?"

"What did you say?" Lu Yi Feng asked while raising one of his eyebrows. He was certain that she was chiding him under her breath.

Feng Xiao Qing quickly changed her pout into a bright smile, after all, the man in front of her was her Big Buddha and she didn"t dare to offend him. "Nothing... I just said what a good boss you are!" Her boot-licking skill started to come out.

"What do you mean?" Lu Yi Feng asked in confusion.

"I never know that a boss will kindly wait for his subordinate due to worry until this late at night. I"m so touched!" Feng Xiao Qing touched her chest and sniffled, pretending to cry with happy tears. "I can"t believe that you care about me this much, Boss!" She looked so touched and her expression showed him her full adoration toward him.

Lu Yi Feng, "..."

He was beyond speechless by her shamelessness. She cleverly tried to steer him away from his question by praising him. "I know that I am a good boss and thank you for being touched," Lu Yi Feng said sarcastically. "So... where did you go and what did you do?" The man wasn"t easy to fool.

"Tsk!" Feng Xiao Qing complained inwardly, "This man ah~ why is he so conceited?! She"s just saying nonsense and he accepts the praise without any shame!"

"Boss... I really have an emergency!" Feng Xiao Qing didn"t know how to explain herself. If he knew that she was a gangster, she was a hundred percent sure that he would terminate her contract! She would become jobless and couldn"t afford Xiao Xi Xi"s school, after that... she would be kicked out from the apartment. The last few days would become a fairy tale to her and Xiao Xi Xi!

"What to say... what to say!" Feng Xiao Qing was in panicked. She was good at acting, yes... but she used to be blunt because of her gangster way and she didn"t like lying! Saying the truth wasn"t a sensible choice, lying was also not possible. She felt like crying because of the dilemma. She knew that it must be easy for Lu Yi Feng to prove that she was lying if he investigated everything, so she didn"t dare to lie too.

She could only say, "Er... I just visited an old friend, but I have no time to spare at noon. So, I can only meet my friend at night." What she said was the truth... Du Fu was indeed her old friend and she could only meet him at night.

"Hmm... is your friend a man or a woman?" Lu Yi Feng asked.

Feng Xiao Qing thought to herself, "Does it really matter?" However, she decided to answer his question, "A man."

Lu Yi Feng somehow felt sour. "Who is this man?" He asked in a stern voice.

"Is it really important?" Feng Xiao Qing asked weakly. Why did he sound like a jealous husband? Feng Xiao Qing could only roll her eyes.

"Of course!" Lu Yi Feng said. He didn"t know why it felt important to him and why his heart didn"t feel well when he heard that she met up with a man. Trying to justify himself, Lu Yi Feng continued talking, "You are in a relations.h.i.+p with me! Even though we are only pretending, but I need your full loyalty. No man other than me!"

Lu Yi Feng himself didn"t realize how overbearing he sounded!