The Bible, Douay-Rheims

Chapter 49

48:21. Then their hearts and hands trembled, and they were in pain as women in travail.

48:22. And they called upon the Lord who is merciful, and spreading their hands, they lifted them up to heaven: and the holy Lord G.o.d quickly heard their voice.

48:23. He was not mindful of their sins, neither did he deliver them up to their enemies, but he purified them by the hand of Isaias, the holy prophet.

48:24. He overthrew the army of the a.s.syrians, and the angel of the Lord destroyed them.

48:25. For Ezechias did that which pleased G.o.d, and walked valiantly in the way of David his father, which Isaias, the great prophet, and faithful in the sight of G.o.d, had commanded him.

48:26. In his days the sun wen backward, and he lengthened the king"s life.

48:27. With a great spirit he saw the things that are to come to pa.s.s at last, and comforted the mourners in Sion.

48:28. He showed what should come to pa.s.s for ever, and secret things before they came.

Ecclesiasticus Chapter 49

The praise of Josias, of Jeremias, Ezechiel, and the twelve prophets.

Also of Zorobabel, Jesus the son of Josedech, Nehemias, Enoch, Joseph, Seth, Sem, and Adam.

49:1. The memory of Josias is like the composition of a sweet smell made by the art of a perfumer:

49:2. His remembrance shall be sweet as honey in every mouth, and as music at a banquet of wine.

49:3. He was directed by G.o.d unto the repentance of the nation, and he took away the abominations of wickedness.

49:4. And he directed his heart towards the Lord, and in the days of sinners he strengthened G.o.dliness.

49:5. Except David, and Ezechias and Josias, all committed sin.

49:6. For the kings of Juda forsook the law of the most High, and despised the fear of G.o.d.

49:7. So they gave their kingdom to others, and their glory to a strange nation,

49:8. They burnt the chosen city of holiness, and made the streets thereof desolate according to the prediction of Jeremias.

49:9. For they treated him evil, who was consecrated a prophet from his mother"s womb, to overthrow, and pluck up, and destroy, and to build again, and renew.

49:10. It was Ezechiel that saw the glorious vision, which was shewn him upon the chariot of cherubims.

49:11. For he made mention of the enemies under the figure of rain, and of doing good to them that shewed right ways.

49:12. And may the bones of the twelve prophets spring up out of their place: for they strengthened Jacob, and redeemed themselves by strong faith.

49:13. How shall we magnify Zorobabel? for he was as a signet on the right hand;

49:14. In like manner Jesus the son of Josedec who in their days built the house, and set up a holy temple to the Lord, prepared for everlasting glory.

49:15. And let Nehemias be a long time remembered, who raised up for us our walls that were cast down, and set up the gates and the bars, who rebuilt our houses.

49:16. No man was born upon earth like Henoch: for he also was taken up from the earth.

49:17. Nor as Joseph, who was a man born prince of his brethren, the support of his family, the ruler of his brethren, the stay of the people:

49:18. And his bones were visited, and after death they prophesied.

They prophesied... That is, by their being carried out of Egypt they verified the prophetic prediction of Joseph. Gen. 50.

49:19. Seth and Sem obtained glory among men: and above every soul Adam in the beginning,

Ecclesiasticus Chapter 50

The praises of Simon the high priest. The conclusion.

50:1. Simon the high priest, the son of Onias, who in his life propped up the house, and in his days fortified the temple.

50:2. By him also the height of the temple was founded, the double building and the high walls of the temple.

50:3. In his days the wells of water flowed out, and they were filled as the sea above measure.

50:4. He took care of his nation, and delivered it from destruction.

50:5. He prevailed to enlarge the city, and obtained glory in his conversation with the people: and enlarged the entrance of the house and the court.

50:6. He shone in his days as the morning star in the midst of a cloud, and as the moon at the full.

50:7. And as the sun when it shineth, so did he shine in the temple of G.o.d.

50:8. And as the rainbow giving light in bright clouds, and as the flower of roses in the days of the spring, and as the lilies that are on the brink of the water, and as the sweet smelling frankincense in the time of summer.

50:9. As a bright fire, and frankincense burning in the fire.

50:10. As a vessel of gold, adorned with every precious stone.

50:11. As an olive tree budding forth, and a cypress tree rearing itself on high, when he put on the robe of glory, and was clothed with the perfection of power.

Clothed with the perfection of power... That is, with all the vestments denoting his dignity and authority.

50:12. When he went up to the holy altar, he honoured the vesture of holiness.

50:13. And when he took the portions out of the hands of the priests, he himself stood by the altar. And about him was the ring of his brethren: and as the cedar planted in mount Liba.n.u.s,

50:14. And as branches of palm trees, they stood round about him, and all the sons of Aaron in their glory.

50:15. And the oblation of the Lord was in their hands, before all the congregation of Israel: and finishing his service, on the altar, to honour the offering of the most high King,

50:16. He stretched forth his hand to make a libation, and offered of the blood of the grape.