The Bible, Douay-Rheims

Chapter 11

10:17. And the light of Israel shall be as a fire, and the Holy One thereof as a flame: and his thorns and his briers shall be set on fire, and shall be devoured in one day.

10:18. And the glory of his forest, and of his beautiful hill, shall be consumed from the soul even to the flesh, and he shall run away through fear.

10:19. And they that remain of the trees of his forest shall be so few, that they shall easily be numbered, and a child shall write them down.

10:20. And it shall come to pa.s.s in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and they that shall escape of the house of Jacob, shall lean no more upon him that striketh them: but they shall lean upon the Lord the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

10:21. The remnant shall be converted, the remnant, I say, of Jacob, to the mighty G.o.d.

10:22. For if thy people, O Israel, shall be as the sand of the sea, a remnant of them shall be converted, the consumption abridged shall overflow with justice.

A remnant of them shall be converted... This was partly verified in the children of Israel who remained after the devastations of the a.s.syrians, in the time of king Ezechias: and partly in the conversion of a remnant of the Jews to the faithful of Christ.-Ibid. The consumption abridged, etc... That is, the number of them cut short, and reduced to few, shall flourish in abundance of justice.

10:23. For the Lord G.o.d of hosts shall make a consumption, and an abridgment in the midst of all the land.

10:24. Therefore, thus saith the Lord the G.o.d of hosts: O my people that dwellest in Sion, be not afraid of the a.s.syrian: he shall strike thee with his rod, and he shall lift up his staff over thee in the way of Egypt.

10:25. For yet a little and a very little while, and my indignation shall cease, and my wrath shall be upon their wickedness.

10:26. And the Lord of hosts shall raise up a scourge against him, according to the slaughter of Madian in the rock of Oreb, and his rod over the sea, and he shall lift it up in the way of Egypt.

10:27. And it shall come to pa.s.s in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall putrefy at the presence of the oil.

At the presence of the oil... That is, by the sweet unction of divine mercy.

10:28. He shall come into Aiath, he shall pa.s.s into Magron: at Machmas he shall lay up his carriages.

Into Aiath, etc... Here the prophet describes the march of the a.s.syrians under Sennacherib; and the terror they should carry with them; and how they should suddenly be destroyed.

10:29. They have pa.s.sed in haste, Gaba is our lodging: Rama was astonished, Gabaath of Saul fled away.

10:30. Lift up thy voice, O daughter of Gallim, attend, O Laisa, poor Anathoth.

10:31. Medemena is removed: ye inhabitants of Gabim, take courage.

10:32. It is yet day enough, to remain in he shall shake his hand against the mountain of the daughter of Sion, the hill of Jerusalem.

10:33. Behold the sovereign Lord of hosts shall break the earthen vessel with terror, and the tall of stature shall be cut down, and the lofty shall be humbled.

10:34. And the thickets of the forest shall be cut down with iron, and Liba.n.u.s with its high ones shall fall.

Isaias Chapter 11

Of the spiritual kingdom of Christ, to which all nations shall repair.

11:1. And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up out of his root.

11:2. And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: the spirit of wisdom, and of understanding, the spirit of counsel, and of fort.i.tude, the spirit of knowledge, and of G.o.dliness.

11:3. And he shall be filled with the spirit of the fear of the Lord, He shall not judge according to the sight of the eyes, nor reprove according to the hearing of the ears.

11:4. But he shall judge the poor with justice, and shall reprove with equity the meek of the earth: and he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.

11:5. And justice shall be the girdle of his loins: and faith the girdle of his reins.

11:6. The wolf shall dwell with the lamb: and the leopard shall lie down with the kid: the calf and the lion, and the sheep shall abide together, and a little child shall lead them.

11:7. The calf and the bear shall feed: their young ones shall rest together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

11:8. And the sucking child shall play on other hole of the asp: and the weaned child shall thrust his hand into the den of the basilisk.

11:9. They shall not hurt, nor shall they kill in all my holy mountain, for the earth is filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the covering waters of the sea.

11:10. In that day the root of Jesse, who standeth for an ensign of the people, him the Gentiles shall beseech, and his sepulchre shall be glorious.

11:11. And it shall come to pa.s.s in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand the second time to possess the remnant of his people, which shall be left from the a.s.syrians, and from Egypt, and from Phetros, and from Ethiopia, and from Elam, and from Sennaar, and from Emath, and from the islands of the sea.

11:12. And he shall set up a standard unto the nations, and shall a.s.semble the fugitives of Israel, and shall gather together the dispersed of Juda from the four quarters of the earth.

11:13. And the envy of Ephraim shall be taken away, and the enemies of Juda shall perish: Ephraim shall not envy Juda, and Juda shall not fight against Ephraim.

11:14. But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines by the sea, they together shall spoil the children of the east: Edom, till Moab shall be under the rule of their hand, and the children of Ammon shall be obedient.

11:15. And the Lord shall lay waste the tongue of the sea of Egypt, and shall lift up his hand over the river in the strength of his spirit: and he shall strike it in the seven streams, so that men may pa.s.s through it in their shoes.

11:16. And there shall be a highway for the remnant of my people, which shall be left from the a.s.syrians: as there was for Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.

Isaias Chapter 12

A canticle of thanksgiving for the benefits of Christ.

12:1. And thou shalt say in that day: I will give thanks to thee, O Lord, for thou wast angry with me: thy wrath is turned away, and thou hast comforted me.

12:2. Behold, G.o.d is my saviour, I will deal confidently, and will not fear: because the Lord is my strength, and my praise, and he is become my salvation.

12:3. Thou shall draw waters with joy out of the saviour"s fountains:

12:4. And you shall say in that day: Praise ye the Lord, and call upon his name: make his works known among the people: remember that his name is high.

12:5. Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath done great things: shew this forth in all the earth.

12:6. Rejoice, and praise, O thou habitation of Sion: for great is he that is in the midst of thee, the Holy One of Israel.

Isaias Chapter 13

The desolation of Babylon.

13:1. The burden of Babylon which Isaias the son of Amos saw.