The Bible, Douay-Rheims

Chapter 141

140:9. Keep me from the snare, which they have laid for me, and from the stumblingblocks of them that work iniquity.

140:10. The wicked shall fall in his net: I am alone until I pa.s.s.

I am alone, etc... Singularly protected by the Almighty, until I pa.s.s all their nets and snares.

Psalms Chapter 141

Voce mea.

A prayer of David in extremity of danger.

141:1. Of understanding for David, A prayer when he was in the cave. [1 Kings 24.]

141:2. I cried to the Lord with my voice: with my voice I made supplication to the Lord.

141:3. In his sight I pour out my prayer, and before him I declare my trouble:

141:4. When my spirit failed me, then thou knewest my paths. In this way wherein I walked, they have hidden a snare for me.

141:5. I looked on my right hand, and beheld, and there was no one that would know me. Flight hath failed me: and there is no one that hath regard to my soul.

141:6. I cried to thee, O Lord: I said: Thou art my hope, my portion in the land of the living.

141:7. Attend to my supplication: for I am brought very low. Deliver me from my persecutors; for they are stronger than I.

141:8. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the just wait for me, until thou reward me.

Psalms Chapter 142

Domine, exaudi.

The psalmist in tribulation calleth upon G.o.d for his delivery. The seventh penitential psalm.

142:1. A psalm of David, when his son Absalom pursued him. [2 Kings 17.]

Hear, O Lord, my prayer: give ear to my supplication in thy truth: hear me in thy justice.

142:2. And enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight no man living shall be justified.

142:3. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul: he hath brought down my life to the earth. He hath made me to dwell in darkness as those that have been dead of old:

142:4 And my spirit is in anguish within me: my heart within me is troubled.

142:5. I remembered the days of old, I meditated on all thy works: I meditated upon the works of thy hands.

142:6. I stretched forth my hands to thee: my soul is as earth without water unto thee.

142:7. Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit hath fainted away. Turn not away thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.

142:8. Cause me to hear thy mercy in the morning; for in thee have I hoped. Make the way known to me, wherein I should walk: for I have lifted up my soul to thee.

142:9. Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord, to thee have I fled:

142:10. Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my G.o.d. Thy good spirit shall lead me into the right land: 11 for thy name"s sake, O Lord, thou wilt quicken me in thy justice. Thou wilt bring my soul out of trouble:

142:12. And in thy mercy thou wilt destroy my enemies. And thou wilt cut off all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.

Psalms Chapter 143

Benedictus Dominus.

The prophet praiseth G.o.d, and prayeth to be delivered from his enemies.

No worldly happiness is to be compared with that of serving G.o.d.

A psalm of David against Goliath.

143:1. Blessed be the Lord my G.o.d, who teacheth my hands to fight, and my fingers to war.

143:2. My mercy, and my refuge: my support, and my deliverer: My protector, and I have hoped in him: who subdueth my people under me.

143:3. Lord, what is man, that thou art made known to him? or the son of man, that thou makest account of him?

143:4. Man is like to vanity: his days pa.s.s away like a shadow.

143:5. Lord, bow down thy heavens and descend: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke.

143:6. Send forth lightning, and thou shalt scatter them: shoot out thy arrows, and thou shalt trouble them.

143:7. Put forth thy hand from on high, take me out, and deliver me from many waters: from the hand of strange children:

143:8. Whose mouth hath spoken vanity: and their right hand is the right hand of iniquity.

143:9. To thee, O G.o.d, I will sing a new canticle: on the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings I will sing praises to thee.

143:10. Who givest salvation to kings: who hast redeemed thy servant David from the malicious sword:

143:11. Deliver me, And rescue me out of the hand of strange children; whose mouth hath spoken vanity: and their right hand is the right hand of iniquity:

143:12. Whose sons are as new plants in their youth: Their daughters decked out, adorned round about after the similitude of a temple:

143:13. Their storehouses full, flowing out of this into that. Their sheep fruitful in young, abounding in their goings forth:

143:14. Their oxen fat. There is no breach of wall, nor pa.s.sage, nor crying out in their streets.

143:15. They have called the people happy, that hath these things: but happy is that people whose G.o.d is the Lord.

Psalms Chapter 144

Exaltabo te, Deus.