The Bible, Douay-Rheims

Chapter 16

15:8. And when Asa had heard the words, and the prophecy of Azarias the son of Oded the prophet, he took courage, and took away the idols out of all the land of Juda, and out of Benjamin, and out of the cities of mount Ephraim, which he had taken, and he dedicated the altar of the Lord, which was before the porch of the Lord.

15:9. And he gathered together all Juda and Benjamin, and the strangers with them of Ephraim, and, and Simeon: for many were come over to him out of Israel, seeing that the Lord his G.o.d was with him.

15:10. And when they were come to Jerusalem in the third month, in the fifteenth year of the reign of Asa,

15:11. They sacrificed to the Lord in that day of the spoils, and of the prey, that they had brought, seven hundred oxen, and seven thousand rams.

15:12. And he went in to confirm as usual the covenant, that they should seek the Lord the G.o.d of their fathers with all their heart, and with all their soul.

15:13. And if any one, said he, seek not the Lord the G.o.d of Israel, let him die, whether little or great, man or woman.

15:14. And they swore to the Lord with a loud voice with joyful shouting, and with sound of trumpet, and sound of cornets,

15:15. All that were in Juda with a curse: for with all their heart they swore, and with all their will they sought him, and they found him, and the Lord gave them rest round about.

15:16. Moreover Maacha the mother of king Asa he deposed from the royal authority, because she had made in a grove an idol of Priapus: and he entirely destroyed it, and breaking it into pieces, burnt it at the torrent Cedron.

15:17. But high places were left in Israel: nevertheless the heart of Asa was perfect all his days.

15:18. And the things which his father had vowed, and he himself had vowed, he brought into the house of the Lord, gold and silver, and vessels of divers uses.

15:19. And there was no war unto the five and thirtieth year of the kingdom of Asa.

2 Paralipomenon Chapter 16

Asa is reproved for seeking help from the Syrians: his last acts and death.

16:1. And in the six and thirtieth year of his kingdom, Baasa the king of Israel came up against Juda, and built a wall about Rama, that no one might safely go out or come in of the kingdom of Asa.

Six and thirtieth year of his kingdom... That is, of the kingdom of Juda, taking the date of it from the beginning of the reign of Reboam.

16:2. Then Asa brought out silver and gold out of the treasures of the house of the Lord, and of the king"s treasures, and sent to Benadad king of Syria, who dwelt in Damascus, saying:

16:3. There is a league between me and thee, as there was between my father and thy father, wherefore I have sent thee silver and gold, that thou mayst break thy league with Baasa king of Israel, and make him depart from me.

16:4. And when Benadad heard this, he sent the captains of his armies against the cities of Israel: and they took Ahion, and Dan, and Abelmaim, and all the walled cities of Nephtali.

16:5. And when Baasa heard of it, he left off the building of Rama, and interrupted his work.

16:6. Then king Asa took all Juda, and they carried away from Rama the stones, and the timber that Baasa had prepared for the building: and he built with them Gabaa, and Maspha.

16:7. At that time Hanani the prophet came to Asa king of Juda, and said to him: Because thou hast had confidence in the king of Syria, and not in the Lord thy G.o.d, therefore hath the army of the king of Syria escaped out of thy hand.

16:8. Were not the Ethiopians, and the Libyans much more numerous in chariots, and hors.e.m.e.n, and an exceeding great mult.i.tude: yet because thou trustedst in the Lord, he delivered them into thy hand?

16:9. For the eyes of the Lord behold all the earth, and give strength to those who with a perfect heart trust in him. Wherefore thou hast done foolishly, and for this cause from this time wars shall arise against thee.

16:10. And Asa was angry with the seer, and commanded him to be put in prison: for he was greatly enraged because of this thing: and he put to death many of the people at that time.

16:11. But the works of Asa the first and last are written in the book of the kings of Juda and Israel.

16:12. And Asa fell sick in the nine and thirtieth year of his reign, of a most violent pain in his feet, and yet in his illness he did not seek the Lord, but rather trusted in the skill of physicians.

16:13. And he slept with his fathers: and he died in the one and fortieth year of his reign.

16:14. And they buried him in his own sepulchre, which he had made for himself in the city of David: and they laid him on his bed full of spices and odoriferous ointments, which were made by the art of the perfumers, and they burnt them over him with very great pomp.

2 Paralipomenon Chapter 17

Josaphat"s reign: his care for the instruction of his people: his numerous forces.

17:1. And Josaphat his son reigned in his stead, and grew strong against Israel.

17:2. And he placed numbers of soldiers in all the fortified cities of Juda. And he put garrisons in the land of Juda, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken.

17:3. And the Lord was with Josaphat, because he walked in the first ways of David his father: and trusted not in Baalim,

17:4. But in the G.o.d of his father, and walked in his commandments, and not according to the sins of Israel.

17:5. And the Lord established the kingdom in his hand, and all Juda brought presents to Josaphat: and he acquired immense riches, and much glory.

17:6. And when his heart had taken courage for the ways of the Lord, he took away also the high places and the groves out of Juda.

17:7. And in the third year of his reign, he sent of his princes Benhail, and Abdias, and Zacharias, and Nathanael, and Micheas, to teach in the cites of Juda:

17:8. And with them the Levites, Semeias, and Nathanias, and Zabadias, and Asael, and Semiramoth, and Jonathan, and Adonias, and Tobias, and Thobadonias Levites, and with them Elisama, and Joram priests.

17:9. And they taught the people in Juda, having with them the book of the law of the Lord: and they went about all the cities of Juda, and instructed the people.

17:10. And the fear of the Lord came upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were round about Juda, and they durst not make war against Josaphat.

17:11. The Philistines also brought presents to Josaphat, and tribute in silver, and the Arabians brought him cattle, seven thousand seven hundred rams, and as many he goats.

17:12. And Josaphat grew, and became exceeding great: and he built in Juda houses like towers, and walled cities.

17:13. And he prepared many works in the cities of Juda: and he had warriors, and valiant men in Jerusalem.

17:14. Of whom this is the number of the houses and families of every one: in Juda captains of the army, Ednas the chief, and with him three hundred thousand most valiant men.

17:15. After him Johanan the captain, and with him two hundred and eighty thousand.

17:16. And after him was Amasias the son of Zechri, consecrated to the Lord, and with him were two hundred thousand valiant men.

17:17. After him was Eliada valiant in battle, and with him two hundred thousand armed with bow and shield.

17:18. After him also was Jozabad, and with him a hundred and eighty thousand ready for war.

17:19. All these were at the hand of the king, beside others, whom he had put in the walled cities, in all Juda.