The Bible, Douay-Rheims

Chapter 20

19:2. May the Lord hear thee in the day of tribulation: may the name of the G.o.d of Jacob protect thee.

19:3. May he send thee help from the sanctuary: and defend thee outof Sion.

19:4. May he be mindful of all thy sacrifices: and may thy whole burntoffering be made fat.

19:5. May he give thee according to thy own heart; and confirm all thy counsels.

19:6. We will rejoice in thy salvation; and in the name of our G.o.d we shall be exalted.

19:7. The Lord fulfil all thy pet.i.tions: now have I known that the Lord hath saved his anointed. He will hear him from his holy heaven: the salvation of his right hand is in powers.

The salvation of his right hand is in powers... That is, in strength.

His right hand is strong and mighty to save them that trust in him.

19:8. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will call upon the name of the Lord, our G.o.d.

19:9. They are bound, and have fallen: but we are risen, and are set upright. O Lord, save the king: and hear us in the day that we shall call upon thee.

Psalms Chapter 20

Domine, in virtute.

Praise to G.o.d for Christ"s exaltation after his pa.s.sion.

20:1. Unto the end. A psalm for David.

20:2. In thy strength, O Lord, the king shall joy; and in thy salvation he shall rejoice exceedingly.

20:3. Thou hast given him his heart"s desire: and hast not withholden from him the will of his lips.

20:4. For thou hast prevented him with belssings of sweetness: thou hast set on his head a crown of precious stones.

20:5. He asked life of thee: and thou hast given him length of days for ever and ever.

20:6. His glory is great in thy salvation: glory and great beauty shalt thou lay upon hom.

20:7. For thou shalt give him to be a blessing for ever and ever: thou shalt make him joyful in gladness with thy countenance.

20:8. For the king hopeth in the Lord: andthrough the mercy of the most High he whall not be moved.

20:9. Let thy hand be found by all thy enemies: let thy right hand find out all them that hate thee.

20:10. Thou shalt make them as an oven of fire, in the time of thy anger: the Lord shall trouble them in his wrath, and fire shall devour them.

20:11. Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth: and their seed from among the children of men.

20:12. For they have intended evils against thee: they have devised counsels which they have not been able to establish.

20:13. For thou shalt make them turn their back: in thy remnants thou shalt prepare their face.

In thy remnants thou shalt prepare their face... Or thou shalt set thy remnants against their faces. That is, thou shalt make them see what punishments remain for them hereafter from thy justice. Instead of remnants, St. Jerome renders it funes, that is, cords or strings, viz., of the bow of divine justice, from which G.o.d directs his arrows against the faces of his enemies.

20:14. Be thou exalted, O Lord, in thy own strength: we will sing and praise thy power.

Psalms Chapter 21

Deus Deus meus.

Christ"s pa.s.sion: and the conversion of the Gentiles.

21:1. Unto the end, for the morning protection, a psalm for David.

21:2. O G.o.d my G.o.d, look upon me: why hast thou forsaken me? Far from my salvation are the words of my sins.

The words of my sins... That is, the sins of the world, which I have taken upon myself, cry out against me, and are the cause of all my sufferings.

21:3. O my G.o.d, I shall cry by day, and thou wilt not hear: and by night, and it shall not be reputed as folly in me.

21:4. But thou dwellest in the holy place, the praise of Israel.

21:5. In thee have our fathers hoped: they have hoped, and thou hast delivered them.

21:6. They cried to thee, and they were saved: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded.

21:7. Bukt I am a worm, and no man: the reproach of men, and the outcast of the prople.

21:8. All they that saw me have laughed me to scorn: they have spoken with the lips, and wagged the head.

21:9. He hoped in the Lord, let him deliver him: let him save him, seeing he delighteth in him.

21:10. For thou art he that hast drawn me out of the womb: my hope from the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of my mother.

21:11. I was cast upon thee from the womb. From my mother"s womb thou art my G.o.d,

21:12. Depart not from me. For tribulation is very near: for there is none to help me.

21:13. Many calves have surrounded me: fat bulls have besieged me.

21:14. They have opened their mouths against me, as a lion ravening and roaring.

21:15. I am poured out like water; and all my bones are scattered. My heart is become like wax melting in the midast of my bowels.

21:16. My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue hath cleaved to my jaws: and thou hast brought me down into the dust of death.

21:17. For many dogs have encompa.s.sed me: the council of the malignant hath besieged me. They have dug my hands and feet.

21:18. They have numbered all my bones. And they have looked and stared upon me.

21:19. They lparted my garments amongst them; and upon my vesture they cast lots.