The Bible, Douay-Rheims

Chapter 38

Psalms Chapter 38

Dixi custodiam.

A just man"s peace and patience in his sufferings; considering the vanity of the world, and the providence of G.o.d.

38:1. Unto the end, for Idithun himself, a canticle of David.

38:2. I said: I will take heed to my ways: that I sin not with my tongue. I have set a guard to my mouth, when the sinner stood against me.

38:3. I was dumb, and was humbled, and kept silence from good things: and my sorrow was renewed.

38:4. My heart grew hot within me: and in my meditqation a fire shall flame out.

38:5. I spoke with my tongue: O Lord, make me know my end. And what is the number of my days: that I may know what is wanting to me.

38:6. Behold thou hast made my days measurable and my substance is as nothing before thee. And indeed all things are vantiy: every man living.

38:7. Surely man pa.s.seth as an image: yea, and he is disquieted in vain.

He storeth up: and he knoweth not for whom he shall gather these things.

38:8. And now what is my hope? is it not the Lord? and my substance is with thee.

38:9. Deliver thou me from all my iniquities: thou hast made me a reproach to the fool.

38:10. I was dumb, and I opened not my mouth, because thou hast done it.

38:11. Remove thy scourges from me. The strength of thy hand hath made me faint in rebukes:

38:12. Thou hast corrected man for iniquity. And thou hast made his soul to waste away like a spider: surely in vain is any man disquieted.

38:13. Hear my prayer, O Lord, and my supplication: give ear to my tears. Be no silent: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner as all my fathers were.

38:14. O forgive me, that I may be refreshed, before I go hence, and be no more.

Psalms Chapter 39

Expectans expectavi.

Christ"s coming, and redeeming mankind.

39:1. Unto the end, a psalm for David himself.

39:2. With expectation I have waited for the Lord, and he was attentive to me.

39:3. And he heard my prayers, and brought me out of the pit of misery and the mire of dregs. And he set my feet upon a rock, and directed my steps.

39:4. And he put a new canticle into my mouth, a song to our G.o.d. Many shall see, and shall fear: and they shall hope in the Lord.

39:5. Blessed is the man whose trust is in the name of the Lord; and who hath not had regard to vanities, and lying follies.

39:6. Thou hast multiplied thy wonderful works, O Lord my G.o.d: and in thy thoughts there is no one like to thee. I have declared and I have spoken they are multiplied above number.

39:7. Sacrifice and oblation thou didst not desire; but thou hast pierced ears for me. Burnt offering and sin offering thou didst not require:

39:8. Then said I, Behold I come. In the head of the book it is written of me

39:9. That I should do thy will: O my G.o.d, I have desired it, and thy law in the midst of my heart.

39:10. I have declared thy justice in a great church, lo, I will not restrain my lips: O Lord, thou knowest it.

39:11. I have not hid thy justice within my heart: I have declared thy truth and thy salvation. I have not concealed thy mercy and thy truth from a great council.

39:12. Withhold not thou, O Lord, thy tender mercies from me: thy mercy and thy truth have always upheld me.

39:13. For evils without number have surrounded me; my iniquities have overtaken me, and I was not able to see. They are multiplied above the hairs of my head: and my heart hath forsaken me.

My iniquities... That is, the sins of all mankind, which I have taken upon me.

39:14. Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me. Look down, O Lord, to help me.

39:15. Let them be confounded and ashamed together, that seek after my soul to take it away. Let them be turned backward and be ashamed that desire evils to me.

39:16. Let them immediately bear their confusion, that say to me: "T is well, t" is well.

"T is well... The Hebrew here is an interjection of insult and derision, like the Vah. Matt. 27.49.

39:17. Let all that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say always: The Lord be magnified.

39:18. But I am a beggar and poor: the Lord is careful for me. Thou art my helper and my protector: O my G.o.d, be not slack.

Psalms Chapter 40

Beatus qui intelligit.

The happiness of him that shall believe in Christ; notwithstanding the humility and poverty in which he shall come: the malice of his enemies, especially of the traitor Judas.

40:1. Unto the end, a psalm for David himself.

40:2. Blessed is he that understandeth concerning the needy and the poor: the Lord will deliver him in the evil day.

40:3. The Lord preserve him and give him life, and make him blessed upon the earth: and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies.

40:4. The Lord help him on his bed of sorrow: thou hast turned all his couch in his sickness.

40:5. I said: O Lord, be thou merciful to me: heal my soul, for I have sinned against thee.

40:6. My enemies have spoken evils against me: when shall he die and his name perish?