The Bigshot Shocks The World When She Backs Home

Chapter 432: Wasting Her Talents

Chapter 432: Wasting Her Talents

Translator: Tuiwen  Editor: Tuiwen

Yao Tang didn’t answer her and just said, “Let’s go.”

Qin Jing shot Xu Xuan another helpless look.

They all knew that she was a talented player with a promising future ahead of her. The problem was that she hadn’t been training properly as of late. Instead, she was following Yao Ran around, doing the girl’s bidding.

At this rate, her skills would only go to waste.

Qin Jing tried hard to steer Xu Xuan to the right path by giving words of encouragement. She hadn’t lost because she was lacking, but because Yao Tang was simply too good. The matter of the six million yuan had nothing to do with Xu Xuan, either. It was all because Yao Ran had wanted to put money on the line. And yet Xu Xuan was the one working hard to pay for their loss.


Sadly, Xu Xuan remained indifferent to Qin Jing’s efforts.

With no other option, Qin Jing turned to Yao Tang for help. “Sister Tang, won’t you come and talk some sense into her? Tell her not to be too stubborn and to stop wasting her potential on Yao Ran.”

Qin Jing realized early on that while Xu Xuan ignored her most of the time, the girl actually held Yao Tang in high regard.

Whenever Yao Tang addressed her, Xu Xuan would respond with sincerity.

Qin Jing still couldn’t figure out the reason behind this strange dynamic; all she knew was that if Yao Tang said the same words to Xu Xuan, the latter would definitely listen.

If Meng Yang were here, he would probably tell Qin Jing that Xu Xuan’s att.i.tude was born out of her respect for Yao Tang.

After all, Yao Tang had completely dominated the last tournament.

Yao Tang humored Qin Jing and looked at Xu Xuan, but all she said was, “You’re free to make your own decisions, but you must take responsibility for the consequences that follow.”

Qin Jing pressed her lips together, visibly unhappy with Yao Tang’s lackl.u.s.ter words. “That’s right, it’s all up to you in the end…” she muttered.

She couldn’t help but frown at Yao Tang. Didn’t she also want Xu Xuan to stand up for herself and put an end to Yao Ran’s abuse? Why was she saying this now?

She was practically telling Xu Xuan to maintain the way of things. Then what if Yao Ran really led the innocent Xu Xuan astray, to the point of no going back?

Qin Jing tugged at the hem of Yao Tang’s shirt, hinting at the other girl to change the subject.

To her dismay, Yao Tang didn’t say anything more.

Xu Xuan stared at Yao Tang. “I will,” she said somberly. “Don’t worry.”

Worry about what?

Qin Jing almost blurted it out, but she managed to hold her tongue at the last minute. She noted Yao Tang’s stony expression. She didn’t seem inclined to speak again.

Qin Jing was beyond frustrated at this point. She opened her mouth to keep the conversation back on track, but she was interrupted by the ringing of Xu Xuan’s phone.

The two other girls watched as Xu Xuan answered the call. Although they couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end, they could see the nervous shifting of Xu Xuan’s eyes. “Okay, I’ll go over right away,” she said hurriedly.

Xu Xuan ended the call and bid them an abrupt goodbye before sprinting away.

Qin Jing could only watch her go.

It was the first time she had seen the ever-tough Xu Xuan exhibit fear. But something else occurred to her then. “Sister Tang, did she just run away because she doesn’t want to listen to my nagging?”

“That can’t be,” Yao Tang answered with a sigh.

Qin Jing narrowed her eyes in the direction Xu Xuan had left. After a moment, she pulled Yao Tang close and said, “Why don’t we go and take a look? Maybe she really is in trouble. We might be able to help her.”

Yao Tang raised an eyebrow. “She’s obviously busy.”

Even so, Qin Jing pulled her forward. “Come on. Let’s just say it was a coincidence, that we happen to be headed the same way. Hurry!”

She was going to see what Xu Xuan was up to today, or she wasn’t the young lady of the powerful Qin family!

Qin Jing hastened her pace and pulled Yao Tang along.

Yao Tang was about to break free when Qin Jing’s next words made her pause.

“Sister Tang, if you come with me right now, I’ll do five more test papers tomorrow. I’ll also ask our cla.s.smates to do them with me. But if you don’t, I’ll go on a study strike! I’m sure you don’t want to do those test papers, right? I’ll help you finish them!”

“Ten papers,” Yao Tang said in her usual indifferent tone. “Finish ten papers by tomorrow.”

That finally made Qin Jing halt in her tracks. She whirled around and gave Yao Tang a pleading look, but the latter kept her cool expression.

“Fine,” she bit out in the end. “I’ll do ten more papers.”

They were just test papers, anyway. She just needed to put some muscle into it, that was all. Besides, she had her cla.s.smates to help her out.

With that settled, the two girls pushed forward and followed Xu Xuan through the winding alleys. At last, Xu Xuan stopped in front of an establishment.