The Black Haired King ~The Rise of a Magical Swordsman Who Cannot Use Magic~

Chapter 10: Technique to aim for

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Chapter 10: Technique to aim for

「Haa, haa」

「Next is here, and here too!」

「Guh, Gah!」

s.h.i.t, Mistrea-san cuts any thin areas in my mana coverage without mercy. It"s only been 3 days since I"ve started this training, but I don"t even think there are any spots left that haven"t been cut. (TL: tempted to call it a mana cloak, because that sounds cool af)

She"s so scary she even goes after a man"s vital spot… Certainly, I"ll need to run…

Though, I do feel like my senses have been slowly getting better. The mana is probably almost even at this point.

「Why are you getting distracted!」

c.r.a.p! I just let my mind wander for a second and she aimed for my left side. She went on to cut at my shoulder diagonally. Not only that, but she skillfully only cut at the surface layer. Still, what hurts, hurts.


I use my sword to balance myself while I fall to my knee"s. Mistrea-san is standing before my eyes, then she showers the potion that she received from Helen-san onto my entire body. Fuu, the pain is slowly fading away.

「Good grief, don"t let your mind wander in the middle of training. Concentrate! Do you want to die?」

「I"m sorry,」 I was thinking that I got a bit better since I first started and before I realized it, and my mind wandered off for a second.」

「Sure, compared to when you first started 3 days ago, you"re a bit better, but this is just the basics of the basics. If you couldn"t even do this, we wouldn"t be able to move along. By the end, what you"re trying to achieve is to be able to release mana outside of your body.」

「Outside of my body?」

When I ask, Mistrea-san nods.

「First of all, cloaking has multiple different techniques. Putting mana into your legs will increase things like your running speed, jumping height, and kicking strength; it"s called "Magic Legs". If you put magic into your arms, it will raise your arm strength; that"s called "Magic Fist". Putting mana into your eyes will let you see the opponents mana flow - "Magic Eye." These are techniques you"ll be able to use once you learn how to use magic armor properly.」

「That kinda sounds cool……is it possible that, I can use magic armour to protect my armour??」


Ouch! Mistrea-san hit me while I was joking around. I pat the place that was just hit and stare at Mistrea-san. Helen-san was nearby holding her stomach while laughing, s.h.i.t…

「Jeez, instead of thinking of trivial things, why don"t you listen up. Conversely, you could also concentrate higher amounts of mana into one place, thereby raising your offensive and defensive abilities, but it"s irrelevant so I"ll omit it. After learning how to use that "Magic Armor", the cloaking technique, the next technique to learn is this. Helen, my sword.」

「Yes, Obaba-sama.」

Helen-san, who was nearby to help, went to go get Mistrea-san"s sword. When she got back, she gave the sword to Mistrea-san, what"s that? The sword I previously used for training isn"t even worth comparing to this one. It"s releasing an amazing presence.

「Redius, look closely. First up will just be "Magic Armor". Helen, fire some magic at me.」

「Yes, "Burn - Fireball"!」

「Eh, W-wait!」

When Mistrea-san pulled out her sword, she said that to Helen-san, and then Helen-san instantly fired out magic without reserve.

Isn"t that a little dangerous! When I thought to say that, it was already too late, Mistrea-san had already slashed through the fireball that was fast approaching her. But, the moment the fireball hit her sword, in that instant, it exploded. Wait, Huh?!

「Mistrea-san! I"ll be over…..soon..? Huh?」

When I was about to run over in worry, Mistrea-san popped out from within the smoke unscathed. Forget being injured, there"s not even any signs of smoke or soot on her. Why?

「This is the effectiveness of "Magic Armor". Also, the magic exploded because I cut it down with my sword. As you should know, Redius, the only way to block magic is either with shields or the like, or with magic.」

……I just learned of this.. I see, I never knew.

「Next, I"ll show you an application of cloaking, by pa.s.sing mana through my sword. You probably can"t tell since you don"t know "Magic Eye" yet, but right now this sword is filled with mana. In this state, Helen, now.」

「Yes, "Firebolt"」

Mistrea-san asks Helen-san again, so Helen-san fires out more magic. Since I saw her unscathed earlier, I"m not as panicked, but I"m still a little worried.

In the worst case scenario….I guess she has potions so she"ll be fine? While thinking such things, the fireball approaches Mistrea-san.


Just like before, She cuts at the fireball with her sword. But unlike before, the fireball doesn"t explode, it was extinguished the moment it was cut by the sword. Awesome~ I can"t think of any other words to describe that.

「These are the results of pa.s.sing mana through your sword. Putting mana into your equipment is thusly called "Magic Equip". But, this is the most difficult part. It"s putting mana into something other than your body after all. However, if you"re able to do this, it"ll become your trump card, since you can"t use magic, Redius. The other party will most likely be using basic magic after all.」

…..A technique that can become my trump card. I was so amazed I couldn"t even say anything.

「Combined with "Magic Eye", you"ll be able to spot the weak point in the magic. If you cut there, you"ll be able to cut down magic no matter how powerful it is. Well, to do that, you"ll still need to strike the weak spot with equal or more mana than it has.」

Mistrea-san laughs at that but, even then, to think there was a way that let me stand toe to toe with everyone else who was able to use magic. In that case……

「Mistrea-san, Let"s continue.」

「Hmm? What"s up?」

「I want to use that technique as quickly as possible.」


I was probably grinning at this point, Mistrea-san was broadly grinning and laughing.

「In that case, let"s go again. Don"t regret it.」

She approaches me, I cover my body in mana again, invoking "Magic Armor". I"ll try my best.