The Black Haired King ~The Rise of a Magical Swordsman Who Cannot Use Magic~

Chapter 8:  Mentor

Chapter 8:  Mentor

「…..I see, going after greenhorns huh.」

「Yes. On top of that, it seems they targeted me because I was well dressed despite having black hair」

I talked to Mistrea-san about what happened to me, and an hour flew by.  Despite my having a hard time explaining it, Mistrea-san earnestly listened to me.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, before I realized it, Ropo had fallen asleep on my lap.  I wonder why he"s getting so comfortable with me.

「I can"t forgive them, those guys.」

Helen-san got angry after listening to my story.

「About that sword, I"ll mention it to Lepanto. Well then, Redius, what are you going to do from now on?」

That"s right… Since I"ve woken up, I"ll have to leave this place soon. I don"t want to receive any more help than I already have. I also need to go find bene-san and retrieve my sword from her. …..huh, now that I think about it, where is this place?

「Before that, where exactly is this? Where exactly around Albast Kingdom is it?」

I ask Mistrea-san, and then look towards her. Then Helen-san looks towards me. W..What?

「You haven"t told him?」

「I…I"m sorry, I forgot.」

「Good grief, You"re so  forgetful, Helen. Redius, This isn"t the Albast Kingdom.」


I responded flatly to Mistrea-san"s words.

「W..What exactly do you mean?」

「This place is south of Albast Kingdom, across a mountain range, in what is called the 『Disfania Kingdom』.」

Everything before my eyes turned white. Why am I so far away? And what should I do now?

「There"s no reason to feel down. It"s not like I said you had no way of going back.」

While I was feeling down, Mistrea-san replied with a fed up voice. There"s a way for me to return?!

「Is there possibly a way for me to get back?!」

While getting my hopes up, I ask Mistrea-san, and she replies with a nod. Haaa~ Thank G.o.d. If there was no way to go back, I"d have to cross over the mountains, or travel through various countries. If so, it would take at least a year to get back.

「So, what"s the way to go back?」

「We can move through a "Gate" using my light magic. With that, We"ll be able to move to anywhere I"ve already been.」

Light magic"s "Gate" huh. That"s so convenient. It"s even more amazing since it"s something I"ll never be able to do in my lifetime.



While I"m rejoicing over the fact that there"s a way to get back, Mistrea-san looks at me with a serious stare. I wonder why?

「What are you going to do if you go back, Redius?」

<>< 24.=""><>

What kind of question is that? Once I get back, I"ll find Bene-san and them, get my sword back, and continue adventuring.  Right when I"m about to say that.

「I believe you said that you were targeted by some greenhorn hunters and they stole your sword, right?」

「Yes, that"s why I have to return to get my sword back from them.」

「Even though you almost died?」


…..That"s right.. I couldn"t even land a hit on Bene-san and I was almost killed. No, if Mistrea-san hadn"t arrived, I would definitely have died.  Despite that, I was so focused on retrieving my sword that I completely forgot about it.

「Even if you go back, find them, and try to get your sword back, you"re just going to get yourself killed again. I don"t plan on letting a person I saved return to somewhere where they"ll end up dead anyways.  Also, even if you go back and retrieve your sword, since you"ll still be black haired, others will still target you. Despite that, do you still want to go?」

I couldn"t even respond… True, even if I go back now, I don"t even know if I"ll be able to get my sword back. On top of that, I"d still be treated as taboo or be called incompetent due to this hair color.. If it was easily resolved, no one would ever worry about it. In that case, what should I do…

「Well, I didn"t expect you to know what to do right away,  For now, how about you just stay here until you can move easily? Until then, think about what you want to do. If, despite all of this, you still want to go back, I"ll take you back.」

After saying that, Mistrea-san leaves the room. Think about it huh, what should I do….

「Why are you thinking so hard?」

When I was worrying endlessly, I heard a fed up voice from next to me. Helen-san was sitting next to me.

「……What do you mean?」

「I said, what are you thinking so hard for. The answer has already come out: It"s just that you haven"t realized it. Didn"t it show in the talk before? The fact that you have things you need to do.」


…..Things that I have to do.

「Well, there"s no point in me saying anything further, so I won"t. Think about it later; it"s alright to use this room as you please. When dinner is ready, I"ll come to call you. Ropo, let"s go.」


「…..Why are you showing such a displeased face… Come on, let"s go.」

Helen-san grabbed Ropo, who"d attached itself to my nape, and left the room. I lay back down on the bed and stare at the ceiling.  I think back to what Mistrea-san and Helen-san said earlier.

Even if I go back now, I"ll just end up dead, Even if I go back, I"ll still force myself to live through the scorn. To avoid that, what should I do?

What was my original goal anyways? It was to become an adventurer and live my life.

How would I get there? By getting stronger.

What about having black hair? I thought strength was the only thing that mattered to an adventurer. I thought the people who would do anything would go away with just that.

Who is Mistrea-san? A person who was previously an S-ranked Sword King adventurer was it? I might have heard of it before.

The thing I need to do now is….So that"s it. It"s kind of shameless to ask the one who saved my life this kind of favor, but it"s the only thing I can think of right now. But can I even do it?

When I was thinking about these various things.

「Redius, I"m coming in.」

Helen-san entered the room. Huh? Even though she just left the room a bit ago?

「Helen-san, what"s wrong? Did you forget something?」

When I said that, she gave me a really odd face. I even thought it was kind of scary.


「…..What are you even saying? Did you hit your head or something?」

「No, but, You just left the room and you"re already back so fast…..」

「Just now? Are you talking about the conversation from earlier? That happened quite awhile earlier. It"s already been 5 hours since then.」

「Ehh?! It"s been 5 hours?!」

No way, I didn"t think I was pondering that intensely. This room has no windows, so it"s not like I was able to tell the time either.

「Jeez, you were too focused on thinking,  but I guess it"s fine. Dinner"s ready, so let"s go eat. Can you stand up?」

While saying so, Helen-san holds out her hand. It"s hard to use my right hand right now, so I grab it with my left hand.

「Un, I"m fine, wait, huh?」


When I extended my arm, I missed her hand.

「Ah, sorry.  You can"t see out of your left eye, right? Right.」

That"s right. I forgot I can"t see out of my left eye. Since I can only see with my right eye, I have no depth perception, so I couldn"t grab her hand. So, Helen-san grabs my left hand.

「Haha, Thanks….Whoa!」

「Kyaa, Redius, are you ok?」

Right when Helen-san grabs my hand, I tried to stand, but I couldn"t put any power into my knee and fell over. This is probably because I was sleeping for a full month.  This could be pretty bad.

Helen-san helps me get up and we leave the room. When I look out of the window, everything nearby is pitch black so I can"t see anything. I should look at it tomorrow.

「You finally got here. Dinner will get cold.」

When we finally got to the living room, Mistrea-san was drinking something and waiting for us. Ropo was munching on some vegetables.  

I go to my chair and sit down. Right when I think I can finally start to eat, I remember that I can"t use my right arm. I can use a fork with my left hand, but I won"t be able to eat cleanly. ( is this really a problem?) There will be some clinking noise, but I hope they"re ok with it.

After we finish eating, I"ll have her listen to what I thought.  Ugh, I"m so nervous. What should I do if she refuses? I guess I"ll think about that after I talk.

「Mistrea-san. Is it alright to talk now?」

「Nn? What is it?」

「It"s about the talk from this afternoon.」

When I said that, Mistrea-san looked at me with a pair of serious eyes.

「You already have an answer?」

「Yes, this is the result of my thinking.」

So, I get up and walk towards Mistrea-san.

「Mistrea-san! Please train me! 」 (boku wo kitaete kudasai, onegaishimasu, 7 am brain so can"t figure out a way to word it without using please twice. This is really good though xD)

I bow my head. This is what I was thinking about. Even if I go back, I"ll just get myself killed. To live, I need to get stronger. Also, Mistrea-san, a previous S-rank adventurer, is nearby. If I receive training from such a person, wouldn"t I get stronger? That"s what I thought.

Of course, these aren"t half-hearted feelings. This determination is something I"d bet my life on. She might be thinking "what is this child even saying" but even then, I think this choice was decided by fate. (wut)

「You want to become my disciple? The reason?」

「Because I want to get stronger. I don"t want to be made fun of by anyone, and I want the strength to protect that which I want to protect.」

I steadily stare at Mistrea-san. Mistrea-san stares right back at me. Next to me, Helen-san is looking at me with a worried gaze. In my arms, Ropo who is currently in dream land is there. It"s so carefree.

「Normally,  I receive any aspiring disciples, but, thus far, the number of disciples who have successfully completed training amount to about 10, including Helen. Why do you think that is?」


Nn? All of a sudden the conversation has changed… I wonder why. I don"t know, so I shake my head.

「It"s because all of my training is done with real swords. They think they can heal any injury they receive with a potion. I have plenty of potions back at home anyways, so there"s no need to hold back. Because of that, the n.o.ble sons who wanted to attach a "S rank adventurer"s disciple" achievement to their list ran away within a week.  If even that"s fine, I"ll take you in as a disciple.」

There"s no point in thinking at this point. No matter what happens, I"ve already decided.  

「Of course. Please look after me.」

I bow my head once again. No matter what, I"ll get stronger.

「I understand. For now, start with enduring 1 week. Once you"re done with that, I"ll make you my disciple.」

With that, I became Mistrea-san"s disciple, even if only provisionally.  

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