The Bloodline System

Chapter 1129 Forcing The Leaders Out

Chapter 1129 Forcing The Leaders Out


At this same instant, a charge was set off on the surface. Gustav had activated the device.

"Sorry my fellow leaders but this place only allows one person. I have enough oxygen and food here to last me for days till the effect of the charge wears off... then I can escape," The leader voiced out as he noticed the other leaders began to choke.

-"Koorrhh! Korrhh!"

-"H-ow cou-ld you...?

The rest of the leaders coughed intensely as they voiced out with tones of regret.

"I shall rebuild the Genxodus... since we still have lots of bases scattered across the world, bouncing back from this incident won"t be an issue," The main leader voiced out from the secluded s.p.a.ce.

"Too bad the rest of you wont be here to witness it," He clicked his tongue with a tone of disappointment.

"If you four are truly loyal to the Genxodus you should kill yourselves or stay here till you die instead of getting caught by Gustav Crimson," The main leader added.


Above the surface, Gustav stood in place waiting after the charge had been set off.

"Any minute now," Gustav muttered with a smile as he waited.

("They won"t be able to get away with any spatial help since the disruptor is active,") The system announced.

"So they have no choice but to exit the other frequency from the vicinity... looks like I have nothing to worry about," Gustav replied with a look of understanding.

After a couple of minutes, a circular beam of light appeared on the ground several feet away.


Two figures clad in whitish cloak appeared within the circular beam an instant later.


Before Gustav could check them out, another circular beam appeared a couple of feet behind.

The moment Gustav turned around to check out the second beam, the figures that had just appeared stormed off.

Fwwwhoommm~ Fwwwhhooomm~

Both of them had instantly tapped on the chest area of the cloak which in turn caused their entire figure to be covered in a suit.

This was activated the instant they arrived on the surface. The suit gave them increased movement speed and agility which they were currently using to try to get away.

Fwwhiii! Fwwwhiii

With a single leap, both figures had crossed up to five hundred feet and they headed in seperate directions.

Just as Gustav was about to go after them, the ones that had just arrived as well, performed the same action.

Fwwhiii~ Fwwhiiii~

All four of them had fled in seperate directions while clad in the suit that enhanced their physical capabilities.

They all headed, north, south, east and west respectively, arriving at the top of the hole in only a few momemts.

"They must have planned this before leaving the other dimensional frequency.... thinking it would work against me..." Gustav muttered as he made a 360° turn to check out the runners.


Gustav"s eyes suddenly turned dark pink with a mixture of gold.

"Cosmic Superiority... Parallel Domain," Gustav whispered.


An outburst of golden and pink energy was sent forth from his figure.

The runners instantly felt a wave of unprecedented and unfathomable energy sweep across the vicinity.

Gustav had controlled the wave of his Parallel Domain, limiting it to only a small.range. Had he let it run wild, the entire city as well as the neighboring ones would be affected.

This was something he didn"t want since his friends were also within the city.

This power was a combination of Yarki and another ability he unlocked after becoming a parallel being.

All figures that were escaping initially, paused as they figured out they had lost control of their body functions.

Their figures were lifted into the air and they found their bodies floating back to the same place they fled from.

No matter how much they tried, they couldn"t even move a finger, much less let out a scream.

They were completely incapacitated by this strange and unknown goldy power. Only their thoughts were their own but their bodies at this point didn"t even belong to them anymore.

-"Is this the power of Gustav Crimson?"

-"Just as suspected, he is indeed a dangerous man,"

The leaders thoughts ran wild as they arrived before Gustav.

"Did you lots thing you could actually escape from me like that?" A smirk appeared on Gustav"s face as he voiced out.

"Think again," Gustav said while moving towards the first one.


He deactivated his suit and the face that appeared before him was a blue colored one with horn on the forehead.

Gustav moved to the next one and deactivated the suit as well. This time it was a female face. She looked pretty human but had a pointy ear with unknown markings behind them.

The last two Gustav deactivated had similar looks, making Gustav believe they were relatives. Two of them had the same type of horn on their faces.

"All slarkovs... I thought as much," Gustav said internally after uncovering their ident.i.ties.

There was not a single human amongst these Genxodus leaders.

"Now that I have you all in the palm of my hand, tell me why I shouldn"t slaughter you one after the other," Gustav stated.

They were silent for a bit before Gustav realised something.

"Oh," He snapped his fingers after exclaiming.

"You can speak now," He said while conjuring a chair out of iro silk.

He proceeded to sit with his legs crossed as the floating figures in front of him drew a little closer.

-"You can"t kill us Gustav Crimson!"

-"We are valuable to the MBO,"

"Oh is that so?" A snack appeared in Gustav"s hand and he began chewing away as he listened to them speak.

-"You are a slave to the MBO, you must keep we the leaders alive for questioning,"

One of them voiced out once more.

"Am I now?" Gustav gobbled down another mouthful of snack before nonchalantly staring at the fourth leader who had just spoken.

Fwwwhiii~ Bang!

A popping sound rang out in the next instant, causing the leaders eyes to widened in shock and fright.

"Hmm, I guess you can"t answer my question... afterall you"re missing a head," Gustav muttered as he stared at the fourth floating leader who now had a headless corpse.




The three leaders yelled out as they watched blood squirt out of the fourth leader"s headless corpse like a fountain.

Gustav watched the blood flow with an unbothered expression before snapping his fingers.


The headless corpse fell to the ground and was soon covered in a pool of its own blood.


Gustav resumed gnawing on the snack bar in his hand while watching the frightened reactions of the other leaders.

"I wonder if anyone else thinks I"m a slave of the MBO," Gustav voiced out while swallowing another mouthful of snack.

Despite the stench of blood in the vicinity, he was not bothered in the slightest.

-"Please spare us,"

The leaders began pleading for their lives.

"Nah... One or maybe all of you will still die by my hands," Gustav replied without an iota of mercy in the tone of his voice.

-"Please, please we will tell you everything you want to know,"

-"Please spare me, i will for sure cooperate,"

"Hmm, well it depends on if you give me enough valuable information... then I can let the rest of you live... if not, I"ll just kill all three of you and tell the MBO there was no way to save you lots," After saying this, Gustav drank a bottle full of water.

-"There is still one more,"

"Hmm?" Gustav"s face beamed with a look of interest upon hearing the female leader say this.

"Tell me more," The bottle in Gustav"s grasp disintegrated into light particles as he stared at the Slarkov woman with interest.


"Contact them again,"

In the control room on the outskirts of Aribia City, commander Darmark voiced out.


"Officer Aildris, Can you give us a status update?" Commander Darmark questioned.

-"All Genxodus members outside the upper district have been successfully rounded up. Total number is two thousand, seven hundred and thirty four," Aildris responded from the other side.

"Good job, any word from officer Crimson?"

-"None yet,"

"We have tried contacting him over and over but to no avail. Our sattelites are running blind after the cover up so we have no idea what is going on," Commander Shuri voiced out this time.

-"Not to worry commanders. Officer Crimson will update us himself after he has achieved his objective," Aildris replied.

"Such insubordination! He chose to disallow any communication with the higher ups to pursue his own agenda! Officer Crimson must be..." Officer Colt began voicing out when Aildris interrupted.

-"Officer Crimson did that to avoid unnecessary distraction which would lead to further mishap of the mission. He will reach out to us once the objective is complete," Aildris stated.

"This is no..."

"Commander Colt calm down," Commander Darmark shut him down before he could say anything this time.

"On the bright side the Genxodus members are trapped within the barricade of those spiky walls..." Commander Shuri added.


Author"s Note: (If you want Miss Aimee to get impregnated by Gustav, drop a "yay" in the comment section below. If not, drop a "nay")