The Bloodline System

Chapter 1182 It"s Probably Dead

Chapter 1182 It"s Probably Dead

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


Gustav heaved a sigh of disappointment after the discovery and was about leaving when he thought of something.

"When did I become so nice that I"m willing to stay out of trouble instead of getting the job done?" He wondered as he turned to stare at the eight partic.i.p.ants up ahead who were battling.

He was well aware that they were fighting because of the eggs... ot what was left of them from the caves in this area.

Which meant he could get it from them but for some reason he had been wanting to stay out of trouble.

"I"m changing?" Gustav was self aware, however  he knew that this wasn"t the time for any self reflection.

[G.o.d Eyes Has Been Activated]

He activated G.o.d Eyes once more and glanced in the direction of the battle.

There were seven partic.i.p.ants in total who were battling each other. Two were the same species, while the remaining five were different species.

Gustav recognised every single one of them and immediately identified the different planets they represented.

The two who were teammates weren"t getting the upperhand despite there being two of them. One of them also happened to be holding onto an egg as they tried dealing with the attacks.

It was no surprise that we other five were doing attacking in unison to get the egg from the two teammates so in the meantime they weren"t enemies to each other.

The battle wouldn"t end if they managed to get the egg from the two.

Gustav squatted in place and extended his index and thumb fingers a few centimetres away from his face.

He proceeded to join the tips of the right and left index and thumb fingers together before staring through the s.p.a.ce formed like it was a scope.

Shutting his right eye, Gustav"s focused his sight on the egg which was in the possession of the partic.i.p.ant that had just successfully escaped another attack.

Despite the battle happening more than four thousand feet away, Gustav sight was on the egg like it was just inches away from his eyes.

"SJ, get it," Gustav commanded.


The sacred jewel appeared in the next instant and along with it was the appearance of a blue egg.

After the blue egg and the sacred Jewel appeared, the sacred jewel emitted a bright glow causing the egg to float in mid air.


The egg flashed with a blue light and the color changed in the next instant to a Violet colored egg.

The partic.i.p.ant who was holding onto a Violet coloured egg while trying to escape the onslaught of the other attackers, hadn"t noticed the change in color of the egg in their grasp.

Gustav grabbed the Violet colored egg right in front of him and smirked, "Four eggs acquired,"

Just as Gustav was about to keep the violet colored egg away, the partic.i.p.ants up ahead took notice of the color change.

"Hold on!"

"Its blue,"

Two of them who were initially about to attack earlier paused while pointing this out.

"What?" The partic.i.p.ant who was holding onto the egg raised it with a shocked look as the middle of his head turned red.

"Who did this!?" Fire blazed from the middle of his head as he yelled.

Both himself and his teammates stared at the five before them with looks of anguish.

"It couldn"t have been us, we were right here," One of the five voiced out.

Their faces calmed a bit as they realised that the partic.i.p.ant was right but this left them with more confusion.

"I saw a flash of light in that direction and when I stared at the egg I noticed it had changed color,"

"I saw the flash of light too... from the top of that ice rock,"

Two out of the five partic.i.p.ants pointed out and everyone turned to stare in Gustav"s direction.

"There"s someone there!"

"He has the egg!"

A partic.i.p.ant among them who had the ability to alos view things from a long distance noticed the egg before Gustav kept it in his storage b.u.t.ton.

"Get him!"

They yelled out as they leapt into the air and sped in Gustav"s direction.


At this point Gustav had already kept the egg in his storage b.u.t.ton when he noticed the partic.i.p.ants headed for him.

"They caught on quite quickly," He muttered while standing to his feet.

Attacks were already formulating and being thrown forward but before any of them could close in on Gustav..

"Bye,"He waved at the oncoming partic.i.p.ants as he activated an ability.

[Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated]

Right before their very eyes, Gustav"s body dematerialised and turned into a lightning streak.


The blue streak phased past them with intense speed, disappearing into the distance in the blink of an eye.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Flames, Energy strikes and all sorts of attacks landed atop the rock after Gustav dissappeared, causing it to come cras.h.i.+ng down.

Frost scattered in every direction after the bombardment of attacks but Gustav was already long gone.

"Let"s chase him!" One of them suggested with a look of dissatisfaction.

"No point... whatever running technique he used just now, is just as fast as teleportation. We won"t be able to catch him," Another partic.i.p.ant voiced.

"I saw who it was... it was the captain of earth, Gustav Crimson," One of them revealed.

"Him? What a sneaky coward!" Another one yelled.

"I"ll make sure to pay him back for this!"

-"Let"s just look for another one,"


Gustav soon arrived in another location that was no less than two hundred thousand feet away from the initial.

He landed within an area that just so happened to have nothing but plain icelands for a long stretch.

"This is still a part of that territory, I need to move further away..." Gustav happened to recall something at this moment.

"The third daily task was to defeat a Frost Raikin," Gustav stared at the sky.

The skies looked gloomy as usual so one couldn"t tell the time neither could they tell if it was day or night. Despite its dimness, it still emitted a little bit of light that never increased or decreased.

"The day is ending already," Although one couldn"t a.s.sociate day and night with the way time operated within the fourth disk, Gustav was able to tell that the third day was nearly over.

This also meant he would fail his daily task if he didn"t battle with a Frost Raikin and win.

"So now i gotta head back," Gustav muttered as he noticed he couldn"t find any icy rock or cave in the vicinty.

He couldn"t start looking for another icy rock and cave since he didn"t know the terrain or have a map with him. This was why he decided to head back to the one he had already been to.

Gustav proceeded to tap on his left wrist.


The dimensional bracelet strapped to his wrist appeared, displaying checkpoint areas.

Gustav choose one he recently made a checkpoint and a computerised voice could be heard next.





A flash of blue light encapsulated Gustav"s figure and he disappeared in the next moment.


He reappeared before a ma.s.sive flaming white tree in the next instant. A couple of feet away, was the entrance to a familiar looking icy cave.

This was the same cave Gustav had first infiltrated to get his first three eggs. Fortunately for him, he planted a checkpoint here before he went into the cave.

He also planted a checkpoint before the second flaming tree he came across for reasons known to him. He had also decided he would plant another checkpoint if he was to find a flaming tree like this one in another location.

Gustav wasted no time, before walking into the cave.


With his speed, he soon arrived in front of the same chamber where the two partic.i.p.ants he first met were battling with the creature that suddenly phased out of the cave ground.

That creature happened to be a Frost Raikin. Gustav wouldn"t have known this if the system didn"t announce its ident.i.ty the moment it phased out of the ground three days back.

Gustav could see that the place still looked roughened up with chunks of ice forming a small hill at a corner and a ma.s.sive hole in one of the walls.

Some eggs were still embedded in the northern walls but these eggs were colors Gustav already possessed so he didn"t need them. However, he had to provoke the creature to show up so...


Gustav sped forward and arrived before one of the eggs. He grabbed hold of it and pulled it out of its hole, expecting the creature to appear.

The place was as silent as a graveyard even after more than thirty seconds had gone by.

Gustav had a look of confusion as he jumped up a little and pulled another egg out of the wall.

However, even after many seconds had gone by there wss no form of disturbance neither did he sense any presence.

("It"s probably dead or maybe it left,") The system said internally.

"Thanks captain obvious,"