The Bloodline System

Chapter 1185 Boosting Life Signs Tracking

Chapter 1185 Boosting Life Signs Tracking

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapters


"Hmm? Is that a designated point?" Gustav wondered out loud as he ascended a frosted mountain.

There was nothing in view besides the frozen mountain top and other mountains in the vicinity.

However, due to Gustav"s perception which traveled far beyond his current position, he was already picking up on something up ahead.

The instant he arrived at the summit of this mountain top, a s.p.a.ce in between four mountains positioned on the north, south, east and west respectively could be spotted.

A ten feet tall machine shaped like an upside down funnel with a hole at the top could be spotted in the s.p.a.ce.

Upon closer look, one could see seven spherical shaped slots on its surface as well and these slots were each the size of an egg.

Gustav stood in place for a bit, scouting the vicinity for any other partic.i.p.ants that may be around, before leaping forward.


As Gustav"s body sped across the air towards the designated point, his right arm transformed.


Tusk like horns potruded from his forearm as his entire arm turned reddish and bulged intensely, becoming muscular.

Gustav swung his fist downwards as he descended.


The icy ground caved in, sending a powerful charge across the vicinity as Gustav"s fist collided with it.



Loud screams rang out in the next instant as frost and ice particles blasted across the place. The four frosted mountains on the sides quake intensely as parts of them came crumbling down.

As the fog died down a ma.s.sive crater could be seen in the s.p.a.ce between the mountains but surprisingly the machine at the designated point remained unaffected.

A blueish barrier could be seen surrounding it as it floated in place, unaffected by the destroyed icy ground.

Gustav"s figure floated right beside it. He stared down at the bottom of the crater where two figures with ma.s.sive three feet long horns potruding from the middle of their scalp could be spotted.

[Gravitational Manipulation Has Been Activated]

A powerful gravitational force suddenly descended upon the place, pinning both figures to the bottom of the three hundred feet deep crater before they could make any move.

Blood could be seen spilling out of their mouths and eyes but Gustav didn"t stop, instead he increased the Gravitational Force by a notch, causing bone cracking sounds to ring out.



Both partic.i.p.ants tried to speak but Gustav eyes remained unsympathetic as he stretched his hand downwards.


More cracks appeared at the bottom of the crater, burrying the figures of these two aliens deeper within.

In the next few seconds, they had both stopped struggling.

Gustav"s expression eased up as he confirmed that they had truly pa.s.sed out. He deactivated Gravitational Manipulation and hover in the next instant.


His figure landed before them both and he stared at their unconscious bodies.

("Fortunately you took them out before they could activate their abilities,") The system voiced in Gustav"s mind.

"Yeah the Hixtoses are really something when they are given the chance to use their strength," Gustav sighed in relief as he crouched before them.

The two who were right in front of him were representatives of planet Hixtos. A species Gustav considered formidable.

They had been lying in wait for anyone or group that would arrive at this designated point to turn in eggs.

Unfortunately for them, Gustav had spotted them at the same time he picked up on the machine in the designated point.

Gustav grabbed both their horns after tampering with his Dimemsional Bracelet.


In the next few seconds, a bright blue light encapsulated both their figures and they vanished. Gustav stood to his feet once more after successfully sending them away.

[Partial Kilapisole Transformation Has Been Activated]

Gustav"s skin turned greenish as he bloated a little.


His stamped his left foot on the ground and in the next instant, icicle like spikes began protruding from the edges of the crater.

These spikes were so densely merged as they shot out of the ground, that there was barely any s.p.a.ce left between them.

A wall was soon formed and from a wall the iro silk continued to grow higher and curve till the entire vicinity was covered like a cage.

The designated point had now been barricaded from the outside by Gustav.

[Hover Has Been Activated]

Gustav floated upwards, arriving before the ten feet tall machine that was suspended in the air.

"Its been almost seven days since the Viondur Egg Challenge began... its time i called them here," Gustav muttered as he stared at the machine.

[G.o.d Eyes Has Been Activated]

[Life Signs Tracking Has Been Activated]

Gustav shut his eyes at this point.




Multiple life signs began to appear in Gustav"s mind which he picked out one after the other.

Once they were up to twenty Gustav opened his eyes once again.

"SJ," He mumbled.


The Sacred Jewel appeared beside him in the next instant and Gustav didn"t need to utter another word before it understood what it needed to do.


The sacred jewel emitted a bright flourescent light from its surface.

Gustav felt a stream of energy flow into his being as he connected with the sacred jewel and his mind split into twenty one different sections.

While his eyes were open, Gustav could see twenty one different locations all at the same time.

"It worked," Gustav muttered as he observed twenty out of the twenty locations since one of them was his current location.

"Guys... can you hear me?" Gustav voiced.


"It"s difficult fighting with this thing lodged in my shoulder but I guess I"ll survive," Teemee voiced as he kicked the ma.s.sive white head of a creature away.

"Quite whining, it"s your fault you got injured in the first place," Glade responded without a shred of sympathy.

"I should have let it hit you," Teemee stated in regret as he watched Glade pull a Neon colored egg from the ice.

"Yeah yeah just don"t pull it out so we don"t get blown to smithereens," Glade voiced before keeping the egg in her storage b.u.t.ton.

"That belongs to us earthlings," A loud voice drew their attention as they quickly turned towards the east.

"No it doesn"t. We got here first," Glade stated.

"Xionsis," Teemee muttered.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ "Hand it over earthlings," The three transparent skinned figures with whitish heads approached them while coming out of a cave up ahead.

"it is..."

"Don"t bother," Teemee stopped Glade before she could speak.

"Do they look like they wanna reason to you? The only way out of this is to fight," Teemee voiced as his entire figure was suddenly engulfed in a reddish glow.

Glade expression turned serious as her figure glowed up like Teemee"s.

-"What is this? Matching pyjamas?"


--"You earthlings are too for your own good!"

All three Xionsis charged forward in the next instant.

The first one swirled like a raging tornado forming a scarlet storm in an instant while the other two that followed behind caused the grounds on the side to decay and cave in.

"They manipulate nature, be careful," Teemee voiced.

"I kno..." Before Glade could complete her sentence, a giant th.o.r.n.y vine phased out of the icy ground behind her and wrapped around her figure.


It flung raised her entire figure upwards in the next instant before slamming her into a mountain, hundreds of feet away.


At this same instant, Teeme had leaped away from the isolated icy platform he was standing on which only had caved in grounds around.


As his figure traveled across the air towards one of the Xionsis, the raging scarlet tornado suddenly increased in size and began pulling him in.

"I might need something bigger," Teemee muttered as the reddish glow surrounding his figure increased intensely.


A gaint reddish figure was formed around him, increasing his size by ten times as he flew into the scarlet tornado with a ma.s.sive red club forming in his grasp.

In the next instant a loud blast reverberated across the vicinity and with it came a painful cry.


A figure was sent flying out of the scarlet tornado which cleared up in the next couple of moments revealing Teemee within.


At the same instant Teemee landed on his feet with his ma.s.sive reddish figure encapsulating beam, two robust vines shot towards him from the sides.

The club dissappeared as Teemee stretched both his arms out and caught the vines but once he did, the third Xionsis had conjured up gigantic hails which began descending upon his figure from above.


A red axe suddenly cut through the air from behind, cleaving both vines in half and freeing Teemee.

The instant Teemee was free he leapt backwards, dodging some gigantic hails that landed on his initial spot.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Glade figure suddenly shot forward from the mountain which was hundreds of feet away with glowing red eyes and armor surrounding her figure.


A reddish castle materialised from nothing above one of the Xionsis and Glade landed atop it with force, causing it to descend powerfully.
