The Bloodline System

Chapter 1243  Picking Opponents

Chapter 1243  Picking Opponents

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


This will be much more interesting than I expected," A smirk appeared on Gustav"s face as he muttered.

Although he had the lowest point accredited to him amongst all of his teammates, this point was still considered pretty high generally since the planetary groups each had different points they had acquired since the start of IYSOP.

"Hmm she just happens to have the highest number of points..." Gustav voiced while staring at Yuhiko who had the number 8300 floating above her head.

"Should we be worried?" Aidris questioned from the side.

"No, she can handle herself except she gets challenged by the more powerful partic.i.p.ants from stronger planets... Also she has higher points than almost everyone so it"s quite beneficial since she can turn down fights from stronger oppositions," Gustav voiced without a tone of worry.

"Lastly, the deduction of points vary based on partic.i.p.ants..." Handler One happened to still be explaining.

Gustav"s eyebrows furrowed as he heard this.

"500 points is the minimum amount deducted after a loss... however, if a the partic.i.p.ant who lost has up to 1500 points then the deduction will be higher," As Handler One got to this point, the details were displayed on the floating screens above.

1500 points = 600 points deduction

2000 points = 700 points deduction

2500 points = 800 points deduction

3000 points = 900 points deduction

3500 points = 1000 poonts deduction

4000 points = 1100 points deduction


The points deduction kept rising till it reached ten thousand, displaying the number of points that would be deducted if a partic.i.p.ant with that amount of point loses to an opponent.

"This is not good," Gustav eyebrows furrowed even more.

"Now there will be more reason to target those with higher points," Aildris voiced with a concerned tone.

While Aildris and Gustav was concerned about this, a lot of other partic.i.p.ants were peachy about this new announcement and began looking around for a target.

It was unknown who would be picked for the first batch but there was no doubt that everyone would get a turn so it was best to set their sights on someone they knew they could beat and also acquire a good number of points from.

"Yuhiko," Gustav called out.

"Cap... Captain Crimson?" She voiced with a respectful and shy look as she turned around.

"Drop the honorifics... Listen to me very clearly," Gustav started by saying.

"Do not accept any challenge unless I tell you to no matter what you think or how many points you lose except its unavoidable like another partic.i.p.ant having a higher number of points than you," Gustav voiced with a cautionary tone.

"Understood," Yuhiko answered with a tone of total obedience.

"it is unlikely you"ll get challenged by anyone with higher points since only a single partic.i.p.ant has higher points than you do. Anyway, even if you feel you can defeat a challenging partic.i.p.ant, do not accept unless I ask you to," Gustav elucidated once more.

Yuhiko nodded meekly in response causing the males around to stare with blissful expressions.

"I wish she"d act this way with me," More than one of them bore this thought in mind.

"She sure has become quite humble compared to what I remember," Matilda voiced from the side.

"That is only because of the person my big brother is right now. It is normal for people to try to bootlick him to get in his good graces," Endric chipped in from the side.

"But she seems to have changed... shouldn"t we at least give her the benefit of the doubt?" Matilda said with a contemplative expression.

"That"s for my brother to decide. We didn"t experience what he did at her hands and don"t be fooled by appearances... People don"t easily change," Endric concluded with a look of dissaproval.

He still hated himself for what he made his brother go through all those years just as much as he hated the others who were included in Gustav"s torment as well. Yuhiko included.

Handler One mentioned a few more things and highlighted some already mentioned information before finally declaring the start of the next challenge.

< The Versus Challenge Shall Now Commence >

The partic.i.p.ants were told to move to a part of the arena as they waited for the computerised artificial intelligence system to pick out the first batch of one hundred and fifty partic.i.p.ants.

Thhrriiihhiii~ Thhrriihhh~

Groups sat together waiting as digital images of hundreds of the partic.i.p.ants were run through on the screens floating above.

Thhiihhnn~ Thhiihhnn~ Thhiihhnn~ Thhiihhnn~ Thhiihhnn~

Partic.i.p.ants names and faces began to line up one after the other as the system picked out the first batch.

-"Yes! I"m one of the first,"

-"I see myself up there haha,"

-"I"m going in, i know who to challenge first,"

Multiple partic.i.p.ants voices laced with excitement and vigor could be heard all over.

"Captain, it looks like I"m going first," On the side of the Klaxosapes, one of them with a brownish rocky figure voiced as he stood to his feet.

"Who should I pick?" He proceeded to question.

"Anyone you can defeat. Squash them," The captain of the Klaxosapes gave his team member full authority to pick who he wanted to fight.

"Ak ti hum sav itu nem," The team member voiced with a tone of respect before heading forward.

The partic.i.p.ants that were picked had the location they"d be battling tagged to their names and pictures up there. This made it easy for them to head to their various battle stages.

After arriving within his battle stage which was a location with a stream and multiple seamount scattered across, the Klaxosape proceeded to head to the middle.

The computerised screen before him, displayed the different planets he could pick to < Korgi of Planet Klaxosape has challenged Fv12 of Planet Phixiq >

< Doquisol of Planet Kindulhas challenged Cletivil of planet Torqe >

challenge. He proceeded to scroll through them and tap on the planet he had interest in.


The members were displayed before him along with their various points.

A chuckling expression appeared on his rocky face as he stared at the person with the highest number of points.


< Korgi of Planet Klaxosape has challenged Fv12 of Planet Phixiq >

< Doquisol of Planet Kindulhas challenged Cletivil of planet Torqe >


Different challenges began appearing on the screens above as the one hundred and fifty partic.i.p.ants picked their opponents.

<< (Planet Klaxosape) Korgi Vs Fv12 (Planet Phixiq) >>

<< (Planet Sxil) Triewindi Tarbolt Vs Soruda Ols (Planet Foridal) >>

<< (Planet Kindulhas) Doquisol Vs Cletivil (Planet Torqe) >>

For partic.i.p.ants with lesser points that were challenged, they had no choice but to move onto the required stage to battle the opponent who picked them.

While those with higher points contemplated whether or not to accept the challenge they had been issued.

The whole arena erupted into loud cheers and dialogues of excitement as the versus challenge kicked off. With the number of partic.i.p.ants currently battling, it was impossible to watch every single one of them so spectators stuck to their fellow species partic.i.p.ating or another partic.i.p.ant they found interest in.

Minutes later, the sounds of blasts and collisions continously rang out as partic.i.p.ants faced each other.

The versus challenge had a no hold bars battle so anyone could fight as they pleased without holding back. There were Handlers who were set to swoop in and declare the loss of a partic.i.p.ant if their opponent unleashed an inescapable attack that would deal fatal damage.

Within one of the stages where the environment happened to be a forestry type, an individual with glowing red markings all over her body could be seen leaving the stage.

It had only been a few minutes yet she had already defeated her opponents.

"It is finally our time to s.h.i.+ne," This individual who happened to posses a double shoe shaped head and rhombus white eyes voiced with delight.

< Opheiner (Planet Ruhz) Wins >

< 500 Points Attained >

The screens showed a playback of her battle with her opponent which had ended with just three hits.

Opheiner had moved very swiftly, the instant the battle began dealing a strike on her opponent"s back before they could realise what was going on. The moment she did, the red markings appeared on her body and she moved even faster, delivering a fiercer blow the next time.

Her opponent was a team member from the planet VA who had performed really good since IYSOP began so they weren"t weak. She just happened to have dealt damage too high and quickly before they were able to retaliate which brought about her win.

"Watch out for those ones if they ever challenge you, they"re battle freaks..." Gustav voiced to his teammates.

Planet Ruhz hadn"t done very well since IYSOP began due to not specialising in anything beyond battle. Since not every IYSOP challenge was battle oriented, it was expected that they wouldn"t perform their best there but now, the perfect opportunity had presented itself.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

One another of the floating screens, a partic.i.p.ant who was shaped like a humaoid bug was continously getting smazhed into a mountain.

As his face planted into a side of a mountain, he would be aggressively pulled out and smashed into another before he could retaliate.

< Korgi (Planet Klaxosape) Wins >

< 600 Points Attained >

"I don"t need to tell you guys how physically strong the Klaxosapes are," Gustav voiced as they stared at the screens.

