The Bloodline System

Chapter 1246 I Trust In Your Judgement

Chapter 1246 I Trust In Your Judgement

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapters


It showed Gustav placing a small circular item on his forehead the moment the ground around him got destroyed and he began falling.

As the buildings descended and covered up his entire figure or so they thought at the time, he had already vanished. He turned invisible, activated speed skills along with hover and used his wings.

He immediately became fast enough to escape the descending buildings, and appeared behind Navira who was still dropping the buildings in a frenzy.

The power in the invisibility b.u.t.ton depleted after she finished dropping the buildings and Gustav just happened to wait patiently till she was done so he could tell her she failed.

-"That was..."

-"He ended the battle in less than five minutes?"

-"It looked so easy for him..."

-"Crimson! Crimson! Crimson!"

The spectators were still immensely shocked watching Gustav approach the area where other partic.i.p.ants were cooped up. A lot of them didn"t think Navira would win from the start but they hadn"t expected Gustav to take care of her so easily.

To Gustav this battle had lasted longer than he wanted it to but he was glad he didn"t display much of his battle prowess just like he wanted.

"Yo man that was cold," E.E voiced with  a smile as he raised his hand for a high five.


Gustav returned the high five as he return to the midst of his teammates. Aildris, Teemee and the others as well also basked in joy at their first win. It was almost like the win had come to them with open arms asking to be taken.

A couple of partic.i.p.ants shot Gustav a not so friendly glance from all across the place but Gustav wasn"t bothered. He knew he would still be challenged regardless of how things had gone down this time. He just didn"t think he would have been challenged so early into the start.

The second batch continued without a hitch as the spectators focused on other battles that were currently ongoing. 

The sound of battles continously echoed across the vicinity as things turned even more intense in some locations. The place where Gustav had battled with Navira began slowly repairing itself.

There was no doubt that it would be ready before the next batch began. 

"We just have to maintain our current acc.u.mulated number of points to be fine in the long run... I estimate the second disqualification will be in two days and this time a higher number of planets won"t make the cut," Gustav calculated as he took note of the ongoing battles on every single stage.

Handler One had mentioned that the Versus Battle Challenge would go on for about a week and during this time, there would be disqualifications. Gustav could already tell when the disqualification would first happen and it was obvious that a specific amount of total points for a planet would be decided upon.

The planets who fail to meet up with the required points will of course be disqualified. Gustav could tell there will be more getting disqualified this time since the current challenge was practically a points stealing challenge. There was no doubt that before this ended, some planets might not be left with any points. 

There was also the unspoken rule that should a planet lose all of their points, they were automatically disqualified. It would still take some time to get to this point since there were still over 1800 planets left in the compet.i.tion. 

As time went by, the third batch began and still not a single earth partic.i.p.ant was picked amongst the one hundred and fifty. This time no one challenged a single Earthling as well making Gustav wonder if he did too good in the last battle.

He of course didn"t want to completely scare partic.i.p.ants off since he still wanted them to gather some more points for themselves. He already had someone in mind that he was interested in challenging but he wanted to make sure he gathered enough points so the person wouldn"t be able to refuse his challenge.

Right now he had the number" 1500" floating above his head but it wasn"t enough so he was hoping more people would challenge him.

"Am I the only one who thinks that dude powers are awfully similar to Falco"s?" Teemee voiced from the side.

"You"re actually right... I"m noticing the similarities as well," Matilda added from the side.

Following their gazes, there was no doubt that they were referring to the seven foot figure wrapped up in black bandage like outfit from head to toe while emitting an aura of darkness.

His eyed were pitch black as well and he just happened to be battling with an opponent with a dark claws that had formed on his hands. Whenever he swung his arms, dark sharp crescent shaped energy would shoot forward dissecting everything in its path.

When Falco was still learning to control Darko, this was an application of darkness he constantly made use of so it was easily recognised by Teemee and the others.I think you should take a look at

"It isn"t just him... The team members from Indulus Prime as a whole seem to bear similar abilities with Falco," Aildris chimed in from the side.

"So I wasn"t the only one who noticed then," Teemee voiced with a hint of suspiciousness. 

"Well... I think it should be a little normal to find one or two persons across the universe with similar abilities with yourself... there aren"t a lot to go around," E.E said with a contemplative tone as he tethered on whether this was something to be suspicious of or not.

"Right Gustav?" E.E asked.

"They haven"t performed any suspicious acts that have caught my eyes yet," Gustav responded.

"You see guys, y"all are worried about noth..." E.E didn"t get to complete his statement when Gustav interrupted.

"That doesn"t mean I don"t find them suspicious," Gustav stated."

"Oh..." E.E turned to stare back at one of the screens above with squinted eyes.

"While you are correct, Some things are just too similar to be merely coincidental... You guys should keep an eye out and tell me if you spot anything suspicious," Gustav added with a serious tone.

They all responded affirmatively and kept watching the ongoing third batch.

The team members from Indulus Prime were all dressed the same way and each gave off the same form of presence and energy. They all emitted dark mist like Falco recently would from his forehead whenever he activated his bloodline. 

It was hard to tell teammate from teammate since they all pretty much looked the same except for their differences in height. 

Gustav already had a few suspicions since he witnessed the prowess of their captain, Irand, during the river splitting challenge. 

After observing them he noticed that, they didn"t seem to have human like skin since all G.o.d Eyes showed to him was ink black and multiple hollow parts that on their bodies that were hidden by the bandage like wraps covering them. There was no doubt that they weren"t humans.

However, in some instances their application of the power of darkness was very similar to Falco"s. Whilst this had put them on Gustav"s radar it wasn"t enough to have any suspicions about them. 

Gustav had thrown them to the back of his mind till Falco began acting up recently. At this point, everything and everyone was suspicious to him so he wouldn"t mind holding onto the littlest of strands.

"Somehow their accomodation center is always shrouded in a layer of darkness," Gustav knew he was unable to see through other planets accomodation area using G.o.d Eyes unless he didn"t care about setting off alarms.

However, he had noticed that the Indulus Prime accomodation area would be shrouded in an extra layer of darkness. Almost like they couldn"t trust the protection measures set in place by the Ozis.

Were they trying to keep eyes out? Or were they trying to keep something in?

Either way, Gustav found this to be a little bit more suspicious. 

"The Sacred Jewel should also be able to see through but it would be the same as G.o.d Eyes... Alarms would go off. I need something or rather someone who can do it naturally like it doesn"t have to be an ability that should be activated..." At this point only one person came to mind.

Gustav made his decision at this point.


After two more batches, an earth partic.i.p.ant was finally picked to be amongst the next 150 partic.i.p.ants. 

"Finally," Teemee voiced from the side as one of them stood to their feet.

"Haha Aildris show em who"s boss," E.E yelled from the side as the silver haired 7"1 member in thier midst wore a faint smile.

"Do you have someone in mind?" Aildris turned to Gustav"s position with his eyes still shut as usual. 

"No, i trust in your judgement. Pick any opponent you wish to," Gustav responded.

"Hnm, Alright then," Aildris nodded before stepping forward elegantly and confidently.
