The Bloodline System

Chapter 1472  Don"t Ruin It

Chapter 1472  Don"t Ruin It

Author"s Note : Unedited Chapter


Now is not the time to be uncertain. Either you do it right now or we"re toast," He stated with a tone of urgency.

This slap seemed to work as a wake up call for Falco as he suddenly reclined his face while energy began to gather around him.

"Find somewhere to hide," He suggested.

Ria and Gustav immediately distanced themselves from him and hid behind one of the ma.s.sive pieces of dark rock in the distance.

The air around them vibrates with a raw, unfathomable energy. Falco"s eyes blaze with a fierce dark flames, and the spiky crown above his head flares with an intensity that outs.h.i.+nes the eerie glow of the chains. He lets out a roar, a sound that carries the weight of captivity and the fury of a force long restrained. The power that ripples forth from him is not just immense; it"s primordial, a fundamental force that this dimension had sought to bind but never truly tamed.

In an instant, the restraints that coil around him, the sentient chains that leech his power, begin to shatter. The runes that once glowed with an ominous light start to dim, their hold weakening. One by one, the chains break, disintegrating into dust that is swept away by the shockwave of energy released. The ma.s.sive rocks to which they were anch.o.r.ed tremble and crack, the very foundation of this realm shaking under the unleashed might.

The ripple of power sweeps across the entirety of the dimension, causing the oppressive darkness to recoil and the whispering shadows to silence. It was like the darkness within this dimension was bending to his might and will.


Within the dessicated and dark planet, the rift on the left side of the monolith suddenly thrummed and out of it appeared a trio.

Gustav and Ria had returned with none other than Falco. Although he looked much different than normal, they had achieved their objective within the necessary time frame.

Falco falls to his knees a moment later, causing the both of them to swiftly move to help him up.

"Don"t worry I"m fine... its just a regular occurrence since I transitioned," Falco muttered as his body vibrated for a bit.

"You sure you"re gonna be fine?" Gustav inquired.

"Honestly... I feel you guys would have been better off leaving me in there. Now I pose a danger to everyone on this plane," Falco shook his head in worry.

"Whatever happens... we"ll figure it out," Gustav placed a hand on his shoulder with a look of determination.

Falco wanted to share in his enthusiasm but he was still very bothered.

"Why haven"t they returned yet?" Ria voiced from the other end.

The aim of these two figures seemed ti be the infiltration of this zone, driven by motives known only to themselves.

The sensation of being in this dimension was nothing short of overwhelming. The absence of time renders every moment eternal, every second a lifetime of experience.

The eerie silence is broken only by the sound of their own movements, which seem m.u.f.fled and distant in the dense atmosphere. The air is thick with an unnameable essence, making every breath an effort and every step a venture into the unknown.

Web like threads spread with every single movement, causing their faces to twist with worry.

As they advance, the reality around them seems to react, s.h.i.+fting and morphing in ways that challenge comprehension. Shapes that cannot be shapes flicker in the periphery of their vision, and sounds that cannot be sounds echo through the void. It feels as though the dimension itself is both aware and unaware of their presence.

Emerging from the swirling vortex of darkness, Gustav and Falco find themselves within a realm that defies logic.

They are surrounded by gargantuan rocky structures, each floating in the void yet connected by chains longer and more ma.s.sive than any skysc.r.a.per conceived by human imagination.

These chains, forged from an unknown material, s.h.i.+mmer with an ethereal light, casting eerie shadows that dance across the void. The darkness here is alive, pulsating with a malevolent energy that seems to watch and whisper.

As they cautiously navigate this surreal landscape, their eyes are drawn to a distant figure. This being, humanoid yet distinctly otherworldly, stands in stark contrast against the oppressive darkness. A ma.s.sive, dark wing extends from its left side, unfurling into the void with a regal yet ominous presence. Above its head, a spiky crown pulses with power so intense it distorts the air around it.

Drawing closer, they observe the being"s inhumane characteristics: eyes that glow with an internal fire, skin etched with glowing runes of ancient power, and limbs that blend the elegance of a deity with the ferocity of a creature born from darkness. Most strikingly, the being is bound by restraints that appear almost sentient, coiling around its form and anchoring it to the surrounding floating rocks.

Despite the skin of this being looking like tar, Gustav eyes squinted in suspicion.

They soon arrived in clear view of the being who seemed to be struggling with his eyes closed. Occasionally wriggling and writhing in pain not visible to the naked eyes.

As they drew closer, they realized that this being indeed bears facial similarities with their friend.

"Falco?" Gustav whispered.

The realization hits them with a mix of relief and urgency.

"How is... he looks very different," Ria gazed at the part of his face that elongated into an upside down "v" structure.

"Yes, but why is he restrained?" Gustav gaze locked on the coils that bound Falco in place.

"If his father is truly who I think he is... why would he bind his son?" Gustav"s concern grew as he observed the surroundings.

"Can you hear us?" calls out the Ria, his voice cutting through the oppressive silence.

The bound being"s eyes flickered opened at this moment. His pupils dilated as the coils suddenly thrummed with unprecedented energy.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh!" The being screamed in excruciating pain as a throng of darkness burst forth.

Bang! Bang!

Gustav and Ria were instantly blasted backwards with intensity.

The dimension s.h.i.+mmered and pulsated from the sudden discharge, spreading to every nook and cranny, causing the other beings within to worry.

Gustav managed to put a protective layer of energy around himself and Ria before they got hit but even at that, they were both bleeding from their orifices.

Gustav"s ears were ringing so badly that it affected even his vision.

His body began to slowly regenerate but he couldn"t imagine just how much it would have affected Ria since even he was. .h.i.t this badly.



Hs could faintly hear his name being called but it wasn"t coming from Ria who was beside him.

The bound being"s eyes flicker with recognition, and a voice, deep and resonant, yet strained by confinement, fills their surroundings.

 "Gus... Gustav... You... came for me..."

"Falco... is it really you?" Gustav wiped the blood off his face while drawing closer.

The bound being nods in response.

"Do... don"t co-me... any closer... I don"t want to huuuu-rt you," his voice distorted multiple times as he spoke.

His disillusioned look slowly rescinded as he seemed to have completely gained consciousness.

"We"re getting you out of here," Gustav declares, his resolve steeling.

The moment Gustav touches one of the coils, his hand turned thin and fleshy like life was being sapped from it. He quickly retreats.

"Just tell us how to get rid or these restraints."

Falco gaze s.h.i.+fts to the chains and then back to them. "These are not mere physical bindings. They are forged from the essence of this dimension, a manifestation of its will to contain what it cannot control."

Ria seemed to be coming around at this point. He and Gustav exchange a determined glance, understanding the gravity of their task. They must not only contend with the physical act of freeing their friend but also engage in a battle against the very essence of the dimension.

"I could use Cohilia but that would pretty much ruin our cloak... HE will be aware of our presence if I do that."

As Gustav contemplates their next move, the air around them begins to thicken, and the whispers in the dark grow louder, more menacing. It is clear that something or someone was coming...

"You two need to leave... they always come to inspect me after a surge. Go!" Falco yelled with a look of urgency.

"We are not leaving you here. You are coming with us," Ria tried to touch the restraints with rocks wrapping around hands and they all disintegrated upon contact.

"Listen Falco... it took a lot to get here. After everything we have done to reach this point, giving up isn"t an option. These restraints are trying to hold back your power right? But have you really tried to free yourself from them?" Gustav"s question caused a hint of worry to appear on Falco"s face.

"Imma need you to unleash everything you"ve got so we can get out of here," Gustav urges Falco while scanning the surroundings.

"I don"t think that is a good idea," Falco shakes his head from side to side.


Gustav landed a slap on Falco"s face and pulled his head closer.
