The Bloodline System

Chapter 1474  Old You

Chapter 1474  Old You

Author"s Note: Do not unlock


Jack, the strongest mixed-blood before he reversed time. The world had trembled at that time with so much destruction. Gustav was frozen in disbelief and horror. Angy was the infamous being cloaked in light and darkness.

A torrent of emotions overwhelmed him, a tumultuous storm that threatened to tear him apart from the inside. How could the entire MBO come to fear someone he cherished? How could Angy, with her gentle heart, become a symbol of terror?

Amidst his turmoil, Angy charged towards him, her movements a blur of conflicting energies. Every instinct in Gustav"s body screamed for him to defend himself, to prepare for the impending strike.

 But as she closed the distance, something miraculous happened. Inches away from him, Angy halted her own attack. With a visible struggle, she grasped her other hand, fighting against the darkness that sought to control her.

"Gustav," she called out, her voice a mixture of pain and desperation. Black tears streaked down her face, a poignant reflection of the battle raging within her.

Gustav, still reeling from the shock, found a reservoir of strength he didn"t know he possessed. He saw not the feared ent.i.ty that stood before the world, but his girlfriend, tormented and torn by her own nature.

Without a word, he closed the distance between them, pulling Angy into a fierce embrace. The warmth of his arms around her seemed to be the only real thing in this dimension of shadows and light.

"Angy..." he whispered, his voice steady yet laden with emotion. "I"ve got you."

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. The higher dimension, with its eerie landscape and oppressive atmosphere, faded into the background. All that mattered was their connection.

Angy"s body tensed in his arms, the internal struggle evident. Yet, as she leaned into his embrace, there was a sense of surrender, a momentary peace amidst the storm.

"I"m... I"m so scared, Gustav," she managed to say, her voice breaking. "I don"t want to hurt you."

Gustav tightened his hold, a silent vow to protect her from the darkness that sought to claim her. "It will be fine... you will be fine," he a.s.sured her, his determination unwavering.

 Gustav and Angy shared a moment of profound c

As Angy"s visage s.h.i.+fted between light and darkness, her features began to glitch, distorting in an eerie display of her fractured existence. Her face, once a harmonious blend of her dual nature, now fluctuated uncontrollably, mirroring the internal turmoil that tore through her. It was as if the very fabric of her being was rejecting itself, a terrifying spectacle that left Endric and Aildris frozen in horror.

"Angy, are you—" Endric began, his concern morphing into fear as Angy"s eyes fixed on them with an intensity that burned with unrecognizable emotions.

Without warning, Angy lunged forward, her movements erratic and disjointed, like a marionette jerked by unseen strings. Her attack was swift, a blur of light and shadow that bore down on Aildris and Endric with the ferocity of a storm.

Endric reacted instantly, his instincts honed from countless battles kicking in. He conjured a telekinetic wall, a barrier of concentrated energy, hoping to buffer the a.s.sault. However, Angy"s palm strike, charged with an unfathomable force, shattered the defense as if it were gla.s.s. The impact sent both Endric and Aildris flying. However, Endric had taken the hit directly so he was more affected.

His body cut through the air before cras.h.i.+ng into the distance, blood trailing from his lips.

Aildris who wasn"t fast enough to save Endric, faced Angy"s wrath as she conjured a dark blade, a manifestation of her turmoil and charged in his direction.

As the blade descended towards him, he tapped into his bloodline, draining the color and essence from the weapon in a desperate attempt to neutralize the attack.


 The blade fragmented upon contact, but the force behind her thrust unleashed an energy so potent that Aildris was hurled across the air, bleeding profusely from the shockwave that ravaged his body.


Both figures lay battered, the realization dawning on them that they were no match for Angy in her current state. She advanced, her form glitching with every step, a terrifying specter poised to erase their very existence from this plane.

It was at this moment, in the face of utter annihilation, that the air itself seemed to warp, and Gustav appeared between them and Angy.

 His arrival was marked by a surge of energy, his arm transformed, encased in silvery scales that emitted vibrant glows of power. With a roar that echoed through the dimension, he launched a decisive strike at Angy.

The force of his attack collided with her, blasting her back with such intensity that it momentarily halted her a.s.sault. The air vibrated with the impact, a shockwave of energy rippling outwards, a testament to Gustav"s might.

Gustav wasted no time, rus.h.i.+ng to Aildris and Endric"s side. "Are you both alright?" he asked, his voice laced with urgency and concern.

Endric, struggling to his feet with Gustav"s support, coughed, wiping the blood from his mouth. "That was...unexpected," he managed to say, his voice weak.

Aildris, equally battered, nodded in agreement, his eyes on Gustav"s transformed arm. "That is Angy... she isn"t herself," he revealed, the defeat heavy in his voice.

As Aildris"s words pierced the charged atmosphere, Gustav"s world came to a jarring halt. The revelation that the being before them—the ent.i.ty that had become a harbinger of fear across the globe—was none other than Angy, struck him with a force greater than any physical blow. The realization dawned on him with the weight of a thousand stars collapsing into a black hole. Angy, the first girl to ever show him what love was supposed to feel like.

Gustav"s gaze softened as he looked towards Angy, who was slowly regaining her composure, her form still glitching between darkness and light.


This gentle soul he knew, was the same being who had appeared on Earth twice in the last couple of months, leaving a trail of devastation in her wake.

He remembered it spread across the MBO, about how this half-white, half-black figure had laid down Grand Commander s.h.i.+on with an ease that sent s.h.i.+vers down the spine of the entire organization.

He recalled how she went toe to toe with onnection. Their embrace, a sanctuary from the chaos surrounding them, culminated in an electric kiss, a symbol of their defiance against the darkness that sought to claim Angy.

As their lips met, a miraculous transformation began to unfold. The dark, malevolent side of Angy, which had threatened to overwhelm her, started to retract, as if the purity of their connection was a light too bright for the shadows to endure.

However, this moment of triumph was short-lived. The fabric of the dimension itself seemed to tremble as a new presence made its entrance.

Emerging from the void was a being cloaked in flowing dark robes, a figure so imbued with darkness that the air around them thickened, heavy with a palpable sense of dread.

His face could not be seen but his presence and unfathomable dark power could be very much felt.

"Ezriovi fasvi ewvi," he uttered in a strange tongue, his voice resonating with a power that seemed to command the very essence of the dimension. At his words, the darkness responded, bending to his will with a terrifying obedience.

Beneath Gustav, Aildris, and Endric, the carpet of darkness that had mirrored the void above suddenly s.h.i.+fted, becoming a trap that ensnared them.

They found themselves sunk halfway into the dark matter, immobilized, as the terrain had become a prison designed to hold them captive.

In the midst of this turmoil, Angy"s demeanor s.h.i.+fted dramatically. The struggle and emotion that had just moments ago played across her face vanished, replaced by a listless, vacant expression. With a heart-wrenching detachment, she pulled away from Gustav"s embrace and took her place beside the dark-robed being, as if drawn by an unseen force beyond her control.

Gustav, Aildris, and Endric struggled against their bonds, their efforts futile as they found themselves unable to move or even channel their bloodline powers. It was as if the very essence of their abilities had been nullified, leaving them powerless in the face of this new adversary.

"You have no power here," the dark-robed being reminded Gustav, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. The statement hung in the air, a declaration of absolute control over the realm and its unwilling visitors.

"Is it...?" Aildris asked in horror as he panted since the darkness seemed to be incredibly choking.

Gustav shook his head. He knew very well that this person was powerful but also knew that it wasn"t HIM.

"Thank you for delivering yourself to our doorstep Outworldly... I am sure you do not remember me but we will have ample time to catch up since you will be trapped in her forever," The being spoke with a tone of familiarity.

Gustav"s frustration boiled over, his sense of helplessness clas.h.i.+ng with his need to protect Angy and his friends.