The Bloodline System

Chapter 1149 The Arrival Of The Culprits

Chapter 1149 The Arrival Of The Culprits

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


The candidates that were initially getting thrown across the place, found stability as the suit glued them to the floor of the s.p.a.cecraft.

With this, they began making their way forward in a bit to understand what exactly was happening.

Within the control room, Gustav sat in place with metallic straps connected to his body as he looked up ahead.

The pilots and the navigators had looks of horors as they tapped on multiple b.u.t.tons while the lights in the entire control room kept flickering.

From the transparent gla.s.s walls up ahead, all that could be seen was strobing red lines of light. They were transverse a world of complete red and Gustav could tell that this gateway wouldn"t lead to anywhere good.

His eyes formed slits as be peered forward with a suspicious but calm gaze.

"This was a set up," He instantly came to this conclusion.

("We"re gonna appear somewhere different in the next second,") The system suddenly informed him.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Gustav tapped on his dimensional bracelet at very quick pace and activated it in less than a second.

The bracelet displayed this information which caused Gustav"s face to deepen with suspicions.

He intially wanted to try if the bracelet could transport the entire s.p.a.cecraft away before they arrived at the other side of the gateway but unfortunately this was the result.

It didn"t make sense to Gustav considering they were in a dimensional gateway at the moment which increased his suspicions.

"We are being drawn to the other side, we can"t make a getaway," The pilot yelled with a disturbed look.

"Activate the drift beam!"

"It isn"t functional!"

"The jumpback checkpoint beam?"

"Also currently unoperational!"

"We have to do something before..."

"It is too late,"


A golden light suddenly illuminated the entire area and sucked the s.p.a.cecraft into it.


They appeared within an unknown area in the next instant.

The functionality of the entire s.p.a.cecraft came to a stop at this point as everything turned off. The engines, the lights, the navigation systems...

The s.p.a.cecraft began slowly drifting in this unknown s.p.a.ce without any direction.

"The sticky void..." One of the pilots voiced with a defeated tone as he looked up ahead after letting go of the control jockey.

"Whatever that means... I can tell it isn"t anything nice," Gustav unstrapped himself as he stood to his feet.

He moved forward as well to scrutinize this unknown part of s.p.a.ce where they had appeared in.

All that could be seen in the vicinity were glowing golden sands in different areas. Not a single star could be sighted in this part of s.p.a.ce but one could see a cl.u.s.ter of floating rocks towards the south east.

It really didn"t look like they had arrived anywhere special from what Gustav could see but he knew there was more to this unknown part of s.p.a.ce than met the eyes.

[G.o.d Eyes Has Been Activated]

"Hmm?" Gustav let out an exclamation of confusion as he looked around with G.o.d Eyes Activated.

Everything would usually have a kind of reading and different look whenever he activated G.o.d Eyes but surprisingly Everything in this part of s.p.a.ce remained its usual color.

There was no reading, there was no difference like they weren"t really there.

"What is up with this?" Gustav wondered as he took another step forward.


He suddenly felt a strange energy as his body let off slight afterimage before returning to normal.

This was something that shouldn"t be happening unless he was making use of his speed so it made things even more confusing.

"We won"t be able to leave here without help," The other pilot stated.

"What exactly is this place?" Gustav questioned.

"It is a part of s.p.a.ce that is usually avoided by s.p.a.cecraft pilots and captain..." Grand commander s.h.i.+on suddenly appeared within the control room.

"Why?" Gustav questioned.

"Because everything that finds itself here gets trapped and eventually gets snuffed out of existence," Grand commander s.h.i.+on replied.

"Usually there is a 0 percent chance of the pilots will make a mistake that would lead us here which means... we got here through unknown means," He added.

Gustav was still waiting for them to explain why this sticky void was as bad as they said it was.

"We believe the orion two gateway was sabotaged which led us to a different location than intended," The pilot voiced out.

"The question now is who or what is responsible for the sabotage and what their aim is," Grand Commander s.h.i.+on"s face displayed a calm but deep expression.

"How exactly do we perish here? Can"t the engines be restarted?" Gustav questioned.

"The sticky void works by..." Just as Great commander s.h.i.+on was about to explain, a bright glow of light drew everyone"s attention.

A s.p.a.cecraft surrounded by a weird milky buble suddenly appeared up ahead.

All of the IYSOP candidates and subst.i.tutes had gathered in the sitting area so they had all witnessed the appearance of this strange s.p.a.cecraft amidst their confusion.

Their faces displayed an even more conflicted expression upon the appearance of this dark s.p.a.cecraft.

"What is going on?" This was still the question running through the minds of everyone.

A male with a dark helmet suddenly appeared above the s.p.a.cecraft a moment later. Dark tentacles could be seen protruding from his sides and he was well over ten feet tall as he stood proudly above the s.p.a.cecraft.

Twwhii~ Thwwii~

Two others appearead and stood right beside him as they stared directly at the IYSOP s.p.a.cecraft.


of media outlets were buzzing with this information a lot of people wonder what the cause could be.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden white streaks fell from the skies and landed in the premises of the conventional centre.

-"An unknown group in white battle mech have just arrived at the venue,"

While Breaking the news, another crazy scenario began playing out.

"Get into the conventional centre and a.s.sist the other team," The whitish mech in the middle of the five that had just arrived, voiced out with a commanding tone.

The MBO officers who were in the vicinity took notice of their arrival and actively approached them.


concert had begun.

Initially, it was meant to be an eight hours concert and the nanites was set to explode when the event was at its peak.

With the Genxodus figuring out about the MBO having knowledge about thier plan, they needed to speed up the process now.

Gustav knew there was no guarantee the nanites wouldn"t explode before the set time since the Genxodus might become aware. This was why he actively searched for suspicious looking fellows before he activated Night Eye.

Delaying them was possible through this.

("The MBO officers are currently in a battle with a bunch of suspicious people they suspect to be Genxodus members,") The system reported.

"My haunch was right... they sent a group to manually detonate it. Looks like they really don"t care for even their own subordinates..."

The team that had been sent to detonate the nanites manually would definitely perish here as well if they went through with it. Yet they still showed up to display their unfettered loyalty to the organisation.

"We"re they brainwashed?" Gustav couldn"t understand how they"d just throw their lives away for this.

Gustav retained his focus on trying to complete the night projection while the MBO engaged the Genxodus members they had come into contact with.

Since Gustav was now a.s.sured of their presence, he tried to speed things up because there was no saying what could happen now.


-"Breaking News! For reasons unknown MBO officers have been clearing fans within the premises of the conventional centre!"

-"We bring you live news from the location of the event! The MBO officers taking fans away without permission..."

News outlets began showing footages of flas.h.i.+ng lights on the ground where the fans had cooped themselves up while the concert went on within the conventional centre.

Social media and all sorts of media outlets were buzzing with this information a lot of people wonder what the cause could be.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden white streaks fell from the skies and landed in the premises of the conventional centre.

-"An unknown group in white battle mech have just arrived at the venue,"

While Breaking the news, another crazy scenario began playing out.

"Get into the conventional centre and a.s.sist the other team," The whitish mech in the middle of the five that had just arrived, voiced out with a commanding tone.

The MBO officers who were in the vicinity took notice of their arrival and actively approached

The person reporting voiced out with an apologetic tone.

"They are trying to get as many people as possible away! This can ruin our plans of causing a major catastrophe!"

"Activate the nanites now!"

One of the figures commanded.

-"It will take us a few minutes to do so manually since we are no longer using the timer,"

The figure disclosed.

"Speed things up and get it done as soon as possible," One of the dark figures commanded yet again.

-"Yes leader, we will do our best,"

The communication was cut off at this point.

"How in the world did they figure out our ploy?" One of the dark figures voiced with a tone of bafflement.

-"Do we have a mole?"