The Bloodline System

Chapter 1173 Facing A Panel

Chapter 1173 Facing A Panel

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


"I would have liked to lesve the rest to the subst.i.tute team but I"m going to need you three to partic.i.p.ate in the next stage as well," Gustav responded lengthily.

"What if there come a time where we can"t partic.i.p.ate because we"re busy with a main category?" Fildhor asked.

"We"ll cross that line when we get there," Gustav responded.

"Angy, Phinx, Abestos, good job on your sudes too," Gustav added.

"It was a piece of cake," Angy said with a smile.

"I can"t wait for the next stage," She added.

"Nope nope it wasn"t a piece of cake for me at all, that Draconet nearly sabotaged the whole thing for me," Abestos shook his head.

"I saw but at least you managed to get through to the next stage," Gustav tapped his shoulder twice.

"So long as I maintain Angy"s transformation I"m good," Phinx cut in.

"According to the announcement, the next stage is in two days so you three can relax till then," Gustav stated.

"No rest for us, the next stage for the Seismic Climb is taking place tomorrow," Falco folded his arms.

"On the bright side, the River Splitting Challenge won"t be completed till tomorrow so the group will be free for the entire day... so until the second stage for the Seismic Climb starts, you three are also free," Gustav voiced in response.

They arrived on the ninth disk and the group decided to go spectate the ongoing River Splitting Challenge.

Gustav on the other hand excused himself and went off to a residential part of the ninth disk.


"Hand it over," Gustav voiced within a hallway where a group of ten could be seen. They had white heads, completely green eyes and transparent skin.

These were the Xionsi...

"Now hold on earthling, you can"t just take it from him," The captain responded.

"I can and I will. He lost the bet," Gustav stated with a strong tone.

Unda stood behind the group with a fearful look as he tried to avoid eye contact with Gustav.

"If he gives you his Sway force, he will be left powerless and become completely useless to our team in the course of this compet.i.tion," The captain spoke with a pleading tone.

"He should have thought about that before he made the bet. Hand it over," Gustav said once more.

"I"m afraid we really cannot do that. If you could wait till the end of th..." The captain was still speaking when Gustav cut him short.

"I will not repeat myself," A dreadful aura began emanating from his being as he threw out a menacing gaze.

"Or what?" Another teammate voiced as he stared back at Gustav with an unfazed expression.

"Uzeki stop it," Their captain quickly cautioned the teammate who had just spoken.

"Captain Ilumo, we don"t have to cower just because of his performance in the River Splitting Challenge," Uzeki voiced out.

-"Partic.i.p.ants are not allowed to fight each other outside of challenges too,"

-"And if he was to complain to anyone, he doesn"t have proof that there was a bet,"

The other teammates added as well. Unda was starting to regain his confidence back as he realised his teammates had his back on the issue.

"You all better stop thi..." The captain was about speaking again when Gustav cut in.

"Alright, time up," Gustav voiced as he began to take steps forward.

Step! Step! Step! Step!

"Hey hey you can"t attack us, its against the rules," Uzeki"s face turned tensed with every step Gustav took.

"Who said i was going to attack? I"m just going to take what is mine," The instant these words escaped Gustav"s lips his right foot also made contact with the ground.


A pinkish energy drifted from his being, spreading across the vicinity.

"What is..." Uzeki was about speaking again when he sensed an insurmountable force descending upon his entire body.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

He wasn"t the only one feeling this as they began to fall to their knees one after the other while Gustav kept stepping forward.

Captain Ilumo was the only one who managed to fight against the force as he struggled to remain standing. However, his trembling knees were proof that he was having a difficult time as well.

"Sleep," Gustav voice was like a mandate that couldn"t be resisted.

The Xionsis began falling face flat for the ground as they pa.s.sed out one after the other.

Their captain still remained the only one who kept fighting against the power as he tried activating his while a strong dose of drowsiness kept a.s.saulting his senses.

He tried to scream and fight but he couldn"t do so for long. As his body began to succ.u.mb, the last thing he saw before his vision faded was Gustav"s hand on Unda"s head.

Unda was in a kneeling position, facing a completely different situation to his teammates...


Captain Ilumo"s body fell to the ground and he finally pa.s.sed out.

"I can extract it right?" It seemed like Gustav was talking to himself but this of course wasn"t so.

("Yeah, in a couple of seconds,") The system replied.


A minute later, Gustav stared at the system notification in front of him with a satisfied expression.

[Xionsi Sway Force Has Been Successfully Extracted]

[Does Host Wish To Merge The Sway Force With A Bloodline?]

"Oh i can do this too? Interesting," Gustav muttered.

"Unda, thank you for your cooperation... you can go to sleep now," Gustav said to the person kneeling before him.


Unda fell face flat onto the ground and pa.s.sed out in the next instant.

A couple of other species pa.s.sing by this corridor stared with curious gazes before one finally moved in Gustav"s direction.

"Fights are not allo..."

"It wasn"t a fight," Gustav cut her short before she could complete her statement.

[Sprint Has Been Activated]

"Gotta go,"

Gustav"s voice trailed off as his figure left afterimages while he sped off. He didn"t want to attract any more attention to himself here.

Everyone wondered what happened as the Xionsi lay on the ground like they had met their demise.


Time went by very quickly and the next day arrived. Since all planets didn"t get to partic.i.p.ate in the river splitting challenge the previous day they had today to do that.

Gustav headed out with the others to go spectate the challenge but on his way, he was accosted by a group of Handlers.


A rectangular floating platform descended from the air and landed in front of then.

"Gustav Crimson, you"re coming with us," The Handlers on the platform stated with authoritative looks.

The group had expressions of confusion as they wondered why the Handlers voices sounded hostile.

Gustav instantly knew what this was about but still decided to ask.

"This is about yesterday isn"t it?"

"Yes, you are coming with us for questioning," One of the handlers replied.

Gustav stared at them once more before replying, "Okay,"

"You guys go ahead, I"ll catch up soon," He said to the others before stepping onto the platform.

It floated upwards and soon dissappeared into the southern skies before they were even able to ask what was going on.

"Does anyone know what happened yesterday?" Angy asked with a worried expression.

"No idea," E.E shook his head.

The others looked clueless as well.

"We better tell Miss Aimee about this just in case," Teemee suggested.



Within a wavy looking roofed building, Gustav stood in front of what looked like a panel within a large hall.

They were seated on high transparent seats in front of the hall which made them look exalted above all.

Gustav stood on the left, while a bunch of Xionsis stood on the right. They all had familiar looking faces.

"Gustav Crimson, captain of earth, did you break the rules of IYSOP by fighting outside of the compet.i.tion?" One of the exalted panel members questioned with a loud tone.

"Nope," Gustav replied.

"Then how did you successfully extract the Sway force from a Xionsi partic.i.p.ant?" Another one of them questioned.

"I just did. I didn"t have to fight to achieve that," Gustav responded with an unbothered tone.

"Answer with truthfulness as this could lead to your disqualification from partic.i.p.ating in the rest of IYSOP," The one who first questioned Gustav, spoke again.

"Disqualification? Last i checked no rules were broken so just say so if you"re looking to disqualify anyone unjustly," Gustav replied.

"Are you claiming you didn"t make use of any special abilities against the Xionsis yesterday?" The panel member questioned.

"I did but there was no fight," Gustav replied.

"How do..."

"Just show a G.o.dd.a.m.ned footage instead of wasting time. What happened within the corridors of the accommodation area was surely recorded so show footages," Gustav stated.

The panel members began whispering amongst themselves for a minute before facing Gustav once more.

"Display yesterday"s footage,"

After the instruction was given, an holographic footage appeared in the middle of the hall.

It displayed what had gone down with Gustav and the others yesterday, stunning the panel members watching.

"How is he doing all this?" This question ran through their minds.