The Bloodline System

Chapter 1175 Planet Descecrating Orbs

Chapter 1175 Planet Descecrating Orbs

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


"So what? Who cares if it is thirty or fifty times larger than earth?" Ria yelled and soon regretted his action.

Everyone stared at him like he was an idiot.

"The Viondur Egg Category is an entire three weeks duration... he"s not entirely wrong," Teemee added.

"If the disk is truly as large as recorded and the also make use of the dimensional expansion machine, the probability of us finding each other is really low... Angy is the only one that has a chance of finding anyone since she"s very fast," Gustav a.n.a.lysed.

"Indeed, since according to the information given, we will all be scattered across different locations on the fourth disk," Aildris added.

"I think its best we come up with a plan now," Endric voiced out.

"A map of the fourth disk might help," Sheila spoke as well.

"I doubt the Handlers would let the fourth disk bear its usual look... A map would become completely useless if the terrains of the entire fourth disk got changed," Gustav shook his head.

Everyone agreed with Gustav"s reasoning. So far the handlers had the power to change how the location of a category looked. There was a high chance they would do the same again.

"I don"t think we have any other choice than to just gather as many different colors as we each can and meet in a designated point," Endric voiced with a low tone.

"But there are over nine hundred designated points... how do we know which one to head to?" Phinx asked with a serious expression.

"This is gonna be difficult," Matilda sighed.

"Now now just relax guys, how about I cook a dish to calm everyone down," E.E stood to his feet with a smile as he proposed.


The unified voices of everyone left E.E standing in his spot with a look of betrayal.

"Come on guys, i promise I"ll cook something good this time," E.E voiced with a wry smile.

"The last thing we need before taking on a tasking challenge is food poisoning," Sheila pointed out with her shrill voice.

E.E; "..."

*pat pat* Aildris patted E.E shoulder as he took a seat with a defeated expression.

"Back to the issue at hand... I have a way out," Gustav stated.

Everyone"s attention instantly focused back on Gustav.

"Do you guys know that I can track everyone of you, no matter how far away you travel?" Gustav announced.

"What?" They exclaimed with expressions of surprise.

"Even if we"re on different planets?" Fildhor questioned.

"Yes... it gets weaker the farther away you are. Meaning, I"ll still be able to see you and your surroundings but I won"t be able to sense which direction to head in since its like a tracker..."

Everyone was still reeling in shock about Gustav having such a power. Like what he had displayed in these last few days weren"t enough. He still had more in his a.r.s.enal.

"However, so long as we are on the same planet I"ll be able to do both. See everyone and pinpoint locations as well," Gusyav explained.

"But that"s just a one way ability, no? We won"t be able to see you or talk to you but you"ll be able to see us," Abestos inquired with a contemplative expression.

"That"s where SJ comes in," Gustav replied.

"SJ!?" Everyone faces showed expressions of confusion upon hearing this.


Hours later, Gustav stood in the middle of a corridor with gla.s.s walls. He stared through the transparent walls towards the buildings in the distance.

"What are you worried about again," Angy approached from behind.

"We have only managed to acc.u.mulate a total of nineteen thousand points so far. There will be a huge gap if we don"t win the Viondur Egg Challenge," Gustav stated.

"And we"re currently sixth position out of over two thousand planets... so far I think we"re doing good," Angy said while wrapping her arms around Gustav from behind.

"Yeah... I don"t wanna lose though," Gustav replied.

"Don"t worry, even if we don"t take first place in this challenge, other challenges will still take place. Also, losing this category doesn"t mean we can"t aquire any points at all," Angy voiced with a comforting tone.

-"You"re right but we haven"t lost haha... this is more fun than I expected," Gustav said while slowly turning around with Angy"s arms still wrapped around him.

"I"m glad you"re having fun... I hope Gustav junior will be less stuck up and be more of your current self," Angy placed her head on his chest at this point.

"Gustav Junior eh... I think I"ll name him Danzo instead but no we won"t be making a mini me till after two years," Gustav replied with a light chuckle.

Angy"s face turned reddish at this point, "We? You want me to..." She stuttered while speaking.

"If not you then who else? Haha anyway let"s focus on the current task," Gustav said while separating from Angy.

"A little fun every once in a while wouldn"t kill you..." Angy muttered while pinching the chest area of her fabric and pulling it a little downwards.

This time Gustav"s face turned red as Angy"s cleavage was exposed, displaying the smooth lumps threatening to spill out.

"d.a.m.n it... I gotta look away... she really got bustier," Gustav said internally.

("Are you just noticing that?" Compared to the last three years her chest is twice as large... her thighs are also...")

"Shut the f.u.c.k up! You"re making things worse," Gustav cursed internally as he felt blood rush to a certain part of his body.

"*cough cough* See you later Angy," Gustav turned around and sped away.

"How is he still so shy after all this time," Angy smiled while shaking her head before recalling she was similar.

Her face turned red, "I love him... with all my heart, soul and body,"


The next day arrived very quickly. Gustav and the group didn"t have to head to the arena since no main category was holding today.

Only sub categories were taking place today. Angy and Phinx would be heading to the seventh disk for the last stage of the Varlin Chase.

As for the other sub categories, Gustav had picked a couple of earth subst.i.tutes to partc.i.p.ate in them.

As Earth"s captain, he was still the leader or the subt.i.tutes as well so he had to make sure he let right ones represent earth in the sub category that was suited them.

Gustav wanted to witness the final stage of the Varlin Chase in person so he gave Aildris the task to take care of the rest.




On a large screen towards the east, a group of species could be seen running from a bunch of black round creature with cat whiskers.

The black round creatures with cat whiskers moved so quickly, black streaks were all the screens could capture as they sped across the vicinity.

Gustav who witnessed the Varlins chasing the partic.i.p.ants was amongst the spectators who were able to properly follow the fast movements.

"They"re already this fast in just thirty minutes?" Glade voiced from the side.

"Yeah, that"s more than seventy miles per second," Gustav a.n.a.lysed.

"If they"re already moving this quickly, then how fast will they be moving in the next hour?" Matilda had a worried look on her face as she spoke.


Red energy phased out of Gustav as he stretched his hand forward to touch the spherical b.a.l.l.s one after the other.

A couple of minutes later all of the b.a.l.l.s had turned from purplish to dark red while black electric arcs swam across it.

The all emitted fierce destructive energy which the air to vibrate intensely due to their existence.

Gustav went back to his seating position after imbueing them with more energy and looked upwards before whispering...

"Combine," He snapped his fingers.

Ziiiihhh~ Ziiihhh~ Zzziiihhh~

The spherical b.a.l.l.s of destructive energy began to phase into one another at quick pace..

With every combination, they grew larger and larger. A few seconds later, a gigantic building sized orb had appeared.


The air sizzled with intensity upon the final product of the combination causing weird reactions to the vicinity.

"Compress," Gustav voiced out.

A s.p.a.ce compression energy phased out of Gustav at this point and the ma.s.sive spherical orb began to reduce in size.

("You... Do you know what you just created?") The system voiced with a slight tone of terror.

"A planet destroying orb... yes I"ll call it PLANET DESECRATING ORB," Gustav decided with a tone of delight.

("You are crazy, that thing can destroy a planet almost twice the size of earth,") The system yelled.

"Exactly why I call it backup," Gustav replied.

"Now lets make more," Gustav added.


"Did this idiot even hear what i just said?"


Hours upon hours pa.s.sed and Gustav spent half the day creating more Planet Descecrating orbs.

He didn"t stop even after creating more than ten of them. This couldn"t be called a backup anymore. It was more like a backup that had multiple other backups.