The Bloodline System

Chapter 1199 Disappear!

Chapter 1199 Disappear!

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


Falco slammed into the ground and repeatedly ricocheted off it, sweeping across the ground for hundreds of feet.

-"My liege wake up! Wake up! Or I"m taking over! Wake up!"

Dark Falco kept yelling internally as Falco"s body swept across the ground, creating long ridges.

"Ugghhhhh..." Falco groaned as his body came to a stop after a while.

He felt extremely sore all over and lightheaded.

"Bleerrghhh!" He vomitted out another mouthful of blood as his visibility slowly returned to normal.

-"My liege, you are not a match for him as you are now. Accept the full power of the crow...,"

"Not a ma-tch huh... we shall see about that," Falco interrupted with a stubborn look while trying to pick himself up once more.


Captain Strum"s figure flew out of the crater which happened to be hundreds of feet ahead, with intense speed in Falco"s direction.

His arms were arched back as he prepared to launch another flurry of fists on Falco"s body.

Immense dark energy suddenly radiated from Falco"s being before Captain Strum could get to him.


Falco"s left arm which was twisted 180° right due to the damage he took from the beating earlier, spun back to its usual angle as he leapt into the air to receive Captain Strum.

A large fist conjured from dark energy formed as Falco swung his initially broken arm forward to meet with the multiple fist headed in his direction. 


Shockwaves blasted in every direction as the ma.s.sive dark fist collided with Captain"s Strum"s multiple fists, causing both figures to instantly separate in mid air.

Falco landed on his feet and slid tens of feet backwards just like Captain Strum who has a little expression of excitement on his face.

"Now that"s more like it earthling," He stated while two of his arms rested on his hips while another one smoothed his hair backwards and one pointed at Falco.

"Don"t make this boring for me," He added.

"You only held the upper hand for a little because your attack took me by surprise. Don"t get too full of yourself," Falco wiped the blood off his mouth with his sleeves.

"Big talk for a person that I don"t need my encour to defeat," Captain Strum stated with a confident grin planted on his face.

Falco recalled that what the Draconets called Encours was that shadowy figure that would be projected behind them which was usually very powerful. 

However, he felt things might have been easier if Captain Strum made use of it considering that he was aware that the encours was also their weakness as well as it was their strength. 

The aura of darkness covering Falco entire being grew in size as the mark on his forehead enlarged as well.


They both charged forward without saying any more words at this point as Captain Strum didn"t seem to have gotten enough out of the beating he gave Falco earlier.

Multiple dark arms phased out of the dark aura covering Falco"s being as he clashed repeatedly with Captain Strum.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

They both threw out thousands of punches in seconds, making it look like a flurry of blurry arms swinging forward repeatedly. 

Shockwaves wrecked the entire vicinity even more as these two continued to exchanged fists in mid air unyielding to the other.

-"He managed to hold his own against the captain,"

-"That earthling is truly impressive,"

-"We can"t even interfere or the captain would face us and beat us to a pulp,"

-"This won"t last for long though,"

-"The earthling might be able to hold his own now but the moment the captain stops holding back, that would be the end,"

The five Draconets in the sky watched the battle unfold with interested expressions and speculations. 

It looked like the battle was still in stalemate even after a few minutes had gone by but Falco was not interested in letting things stay this way.

He had conjured more than seventeen dark arms to combat Captain Strum six arms yet the captain was able to fend off the attacks from every single one of them by swinging faster each time there was a new dark arm.

"I need to incapacitate him," Falco thought as dark energy spread further from his being encapsulating Captain Strum"s figure within.


In the next instant, a radius of more than a thousand feet had been covered in darkness.

All captain Strum could see was darkness as every ounce of light completely got snuffed out.

Thrraahh! Thrraahh!

Captain Strum suddenly found his entire figure wrapped by ma.s.sive dark arms shooting from the ground behind him.


Falco dashed forward at this point with the other dark arms extending from his being suddenly grabbing Captain Strum"s six arms to trap him in place.

Falco who had arched his right arm back to the limit, hurled a punch forward at Captain Strum"s gut the instant he arrived before him.


Captain Strum"s figure catapulted across the air with intensity, spiralling for several hundred feet before slamming into the ground far ahead.


Falco charged forward once more, as multiple arms shot out of the ground in this vicinity of darkness, trying to trap captain Strum in place once more.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Captain Strum swiftly threw fists across the place, hitting the dark arms away but the instant he fended them off, Falco arrived before him.


Fists were exchanged once more and before Captain Strum could fend them off completely, hundreds of dark arms had held onto his six arms once more trapping him in place.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

This time, Falco didn"t let him off with a single punch.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Falco"s face squeezed up in anger as he repeatedly punched Captain Strum across the air, leaving him no chance to counter or land before driving fists into his gut.

"Tch such humiliation... I need to find a way out of this dark domain," Captain Strum thought as he received a flurry of fists.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Conjuring another ma.s.sive dark fist, Falco threw an upper cut at Strum sending him hurling upwards. 

As his figure ascended for hundreds of feet, his figure escaped the dark area Falco had set up for an instant.

Falco charged upwards instantly but Captain Strum was quick enough to further fly upwards, escaping the dark domain.

"I need to get him back in," Falco thought as he flew after Captain Strum.

"Such nuisance..." Captain Strum voiced with a frustrated tone as a ma.s.sive shadowy figure appeared behind him.

"Disappear," He voiced as the Shadowy figure raised his arm with a ma.s.sive glowing blueish spear appeared in his grasp.

Falco eyes slightly widened as he recognised the ma.s.sive spear but it was too late.


The spear was flung down, instantly cutting through the air with intensity and bearing a tremendous pressure as a ma.s.sive line could be spotted in the sky.


Falco"s entire being shot downwards, as the spear crashed him into the ground beneath, sending blueish destructive waves across the vicinity. 

The darkness in the vicinity instantly disintegrated into light particles as the blueish blast leveled the surroindings. 

-"Looks like that was all the captain needed to do,"

-"There"s no way that earthling survived now since it was a direct hit,"

-"Now the captain will get a strike *sigh*"

The Draconets shook their heads with looks of pity as it seemed like any attack from Captain Strum"s encour was absolute.


"Are you guys going to need any help protecting yourselves though?" 

Within the Temple like structure Gustav held onto another Viondur Egg with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"We will be fine saviour," The Chief of the Zhergs stated.

"You know it wouldn"t take a rocket scientist for the Butfahgs to figure out that you"re responsible if they ever find out that the egg with them right now is a fake," Gustav voiced out.

"What is a rocket scientist?" The cheif of the Zhergs questioned with a look of confoundment. 

"That"s... never mind, its an earth term," Gustav replied.

The Chief still had a look of intrigue but Gustav wasn"t going to explain it no matter how much he asked.

"Say chief, are you the only one that can use that revival power?" Gustav inquired.

"Indeed I am the only Zherg on that level of power but another could achieve it maybe in the next fifty to two hundred years," The chief of the Zhergs responded.

Gustav figured it was a thing of cultivation and stared at the other Zhergs in the vicinity. 

"So it"s not entirely impossible then," Gustav thought. 

"Also, I cannot revive a person that has been a corpse for longer than five minutes," The chief added.

"Then the Diaporonian girl was only a fresh corpse when you found her," Gustav voiced.

"Yes. I don"t know where she came from. I just found her corpse nearby and used my power to turn her into my slave. I didn"t even know that it would work," The Captain of the Zhergs answered.
