The Bloodline System

Chapter 1202 The Group Arrives

Chapter 1202 The Group Arrives

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


"If you kneel before me and apologise while handing the egg over to my subordinates, I shall spare you," Capatin Strum stated with a prideful tone.

"Is that so? I haven"t dealt with you enough for hurting my friend. Prepare to be in a world of pain," Gustav replied as his eyes glowed menacingly. 

The entire vicinity trembled intensely due to the clash of energies emitting from their beings.

Just as the spectators were about to witness what might be a proper first battle between captains a ma.s.sive wall suddenly descended and landed right in between them.

The ma.s.sive wall had brick like lines but looked too smooth to be made of bricks. It was so wide and ma.s.sive that it covered a very long distance.

The wind that spread forth from it upon it"s landing, caused Gustav"s hair to flutter as he floated in mid air.

Gustav and Captain Strum were aware that this wall that had arrived in their midst couldn"t stop them from engaging each other but they paused briefly.

Fourteen Draconets could be seen approaching from the western sky with speed.

"Ostril, I do not need your a.s.sistance to take care of this," Captain Strum voiced with a slightly irritated expression as he glared in their direction. 

The vice captain of the Draconets flew towards Captain Strum while the other Draconets landed on the wall and turned to face Gustav.

("Facing all of them together will be a near impossible task unless you go for slaughter,") The system voiced in Gustav"s mind.

He was well aware of this as he could sense the strength level of the new arrivals. He couldn"t even gauge Captain Strum"s strength properly due to the reveal of his encour true form so this would be an uncertain battle even for him.

"I haven"t come to offer a.s.sistance, captain," Vice Captain Ostril stated the moment she arrived before Captain Strum.

"What? Then why are you here? Get out of my sight," Captain Strum yelled.

Gustav energy began to build up intensely at this point, causing the Draconets on the wall to show expressions of wariness. 

"Maybe I"ll just use it," Gustav muttered. 

All of a sudden, everyone felt the approach of multiple people heading in this direction. 

Swwooossshhh! Swwooossshhh! Swwooossshhh! Swwooossshhh! Swwooossshhh! Swwooossshhh! 

Some flew, some leapt across the air while others sped across the ground.

"They"re here," A smile appeared on Gustav"s face.

A violet colored vortexes appeared on the wall before him and two people walked out of it.

"Yo Gus, are these people bothering you?" A familiar voice called out to him.

"E.E, How did you guys get here so fast?" Gustav asked.

"You underestimate us captain. We move as fast as required when it is necessary. So who are we beating up this time?" E.E voiced with an excited tone.

The Draconets stared at the newly arrived two on the wall with them.

"Mind your words earthling, we are not here to fight," One of the Draconets stated.

"Then what are you here for?" Aildris questioned with a calm demeanour. 

"Their captain hurt Falco," Gustav stated before the Draconet could reply.


"They hurt Falco?"

E.E and Aildris voiced with surprised tones as they glared at the Draconets.

At this same momemt, the others were arriving as well and found their way to the wall.

Elevora landed directly on it, while the others climbed and leapt to the top.

"Did someone say Falco got hurt?" Matilda voiced. 

"Gus, let"s make them pay," Teemee said while red energy blasted forth from his figure.

"Where is Falco?" Glade questioned while Vera stood in place silent as usual.

On the other side of the wall, Vice captain Ostril seemed to be in a small argument with Captain Strum and this time she wasn"t backing down.

"You expect me to just withdraw and bring shame to our great planet? Have you gone mad Ostril?" Captain Strum said with a tone of annoyance.

"Now that his teammates have arrived, it will become a nuisance. Now is neither the place nor the time. We should be gathering as many eggs as possible, this is just an unnecessary delay," Vice Captain Ostril stated.

"I shall not..."

"You will have the opportunity to face any one of them you wish to again when the time comes. Then you can have a proper fighting stage and show the might of our great planet to everyone. For now, it is best we withdraw," She explained with a convincing tone.

Captain Strum had a slightly sour look but was starting to see reason.



He flew upwards in the next instant, "Withdraw everyone," 

"Yes captain," The Draconets answered and ascended as well.

"Where do y"all think you"re going? Do you think you can just leave after hurting our teammate?" Teemee voiced as the whole vicinity suddenly turned completely red.

Captain Strum paused in mid air and turned to stare at the Earthlings standing on the wall, "I have no business with you. Gustav Crimson, we will meet again to finish what we started soon,"

Aftsr saying this, He sped forward with speed, dissapearing into the distance.

"You don..." 

"My apologies," Vice Captain Ostril who was still floating in place, interrupted Teemee before he could do anything. 

"We don"t want to cause a mess and we believe this is also in the best interests of earth as well since this will delay both parties in the gathering of eggs. Let"s focus on the task at hand till we meet again later in the compet.i.tion and have a proper battle," She explained politely. 

"Ostril, are you coming or what?" Captain Strum"s voice resounded in her mind.

"Farewell," She stated before flying away.

"What should we do Gus?" E.E questioned. 

"Let"s go after them! They will pay!" Teemee yelled in anguish.


Gustav"s placed his palm on Teemee"s shoulder, "Let it be,"

"What? How could..." 

"The Vice captain of the Draconets was right," Gustav cut Teemee off before he could complete his sentence.

"I agree, the battle would delay us since it isn"t the focus of this challenge. We can deal with them later and we certainly will have the opportunity to," Aildris specified.

Teemee slowly calmed himself after hearing this but asked Gustav, "You really didn"t do anything after he harmed Falco?" 

"Would you believe it if I told you he was nearly dead a couple of minutes ago?" Gustav responded with a question. 

"He looked fine to me," Teemee said.

Gustav recalled his energy at this point and flew in the direction of the sacred Jewel.

"Don"t push the subject. You should know Gus well by now. There is no way he would just let a person who harmed someone he cares about go just like that," Aildris said to Teemee.

"Aildris is right... I would know since I"ve experienced his wrath first hand," Endric chipped in from the side.

The tension within the group began to dissipate as they flew in the same direction Gustav headed in.


-"We don"t even know if he is the right person yet, we need more time," 

-"Our Lord said his offspring hangs around our target so it has to be one of them,"

-"We cannot make the mistake of using the ultimate attack on the wrong person. Remember we can only use it once,"

A group of dark phantom like partic.i.p.ants with dark bandage like clothes wrapped around their body from head to toe, could be seen transversing past a cold valley.

"What about our captain?" One of them questioned.

"He is still making his findings, I believe we should have confirmation after this challenge," Another one answered as darkness steamed out from his head like smoke.

"The offspring, should we kill him too?" One of them asked.

"Only if he fails to accept the throne then he will no longer be of use to our Lord. We can execute him if that happens,"


Flicker~ Flicker~

Falco slowly opened his eyes to see a roof of icicle like rocks covering his head.

"You"re finally awake," Teemee voiced from the side.

"Huh? I"m not dead?" Falco muttered as he slowly sat up.

"Well, I would have sent the ones responsible to join you in the afterlife if you were," Teemee replied with a smile.

"If you"re here then, the others..." Falco looked around and could only see a floating Viondur egg machine upwards and a charred ground beneath.

"They went to gather more eggs. I stayed to watch you with SJ," Teemee responded.

"SJ?" Teemee showed a slightly confused expression before SJ appeared beside him.

"Oh? This thing that follows Gustav around," He voiced in understanding after seeing the translucent circular object with glowing internals. 

"It saved you before Gustav arrived," Teemee began explaining everything that had happened since Falco was out.

SJ had showed them the footage so he also watched Gustav"s arrival when he nearly destroyed Captain Strum"s existence with a single punch.

Teemee was a bit astonished but was happy to be alive nevertheless. However, something began to bug him after a couple of minutes of being awake.
