The Bloodline System

Chapter 1206 Scoreboard Revelation

Chapter 1206 Scoreboard Revelation

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


"Maybe could learn from this instead of seeing it as a ch.o.r.e due to restrictions," Aildris voiced with a smile as his silver hair fluttered in the wind.

"I have said this before, not every battle will be a battle of strength or power," Gustav voiced with calm tone.

"There will be battles you cannot win with just your fists... that is where your wits and intelligence comes in," He added.

"Indeed, intelligence is power but power isn"t always intelligence and something intelligence could save you where power fails," Aildris voiced out as well causing the teammates to show expressions of understanding. 

"I see why they are the captains of the team," Wong voiced with a tone of inspiration. 

Glade kept quiet while everyone handed their eggs over to Gustav so he could keep them in his storage device.

"We should head back to the designated point," Falco suggested.

Thhhiiiissshhhh! Thhhiiiissshhhh! Thhhiiiissshhhh! Thhhiiiissshhhh! Thhhiiiissshhhh! 

Immediately after Falco spoke, screen projections began appearing in the sky.

"The scoreboards are here," 

Every partic.i.p.ant across the fourth disk, gazed upwards with expressions of intrigue. 

1. Planet Earth - 17 Viondur Eggs > 6800 points 

2. Planet Diaporonian - 15 Viondur Eggs > 6000 points

3. Planet Ozious -  12 Viondur Eggs > 4800 points

4. Planet Draconet - 11 Viondur Eggs > 4400 points

5. Planet Hixto - 10 Viondur Eggs > 4000 points 

6. Planet Diov - 10 Viondur Eggs > 4000 points

7. Planet Indulus Prime - 10 Viondur Eggs > 4000 points

8. Planet Tribetes - 10 Viondur Eggs > 4000 points

9. Planet Ghundabault - 9 Viondur Eggs > 3600 points

10. Planet Xillion - 8 Viondur Eggs > 3200 points

11. Planet Klaxosape - 7 Viondur Eggs > 2800 points

12. Planet Oxlrk - 7 Viondur Eggs > 2800 points

13. Planet Cirus - 7 Viondur Eggs > 2800 points

14. Planet Osiris - 7 Viondur Eggs > 2800 points

15. Planet Orion - 7 Viondur Eggs > 2800 points

16. Planet Ustanbid - 7 Viondur Eggs > 2800 points 

17. Planet VA - 6 Viondur Eggs > 2400 points 

18. Planet Roidinstack - 6 Viondur Eggs > 2400 points 

19. Planet V#B - 6 Viondur Eggs > 2400 points 

20. Planet Qivendale - 6 Viondur Eggs > 2400 points 

21. Planet T429 - 6 Viondur Eggs > 2400


The list continued on till it reached the number 1897 displaying the scores of all the planets currently partic.i.p.ating in IYSOP.

"We"re number one," Matilda voiced with a tone of excitement. 

"Oh s.h.i.+t we are number one," E.E stated as well with excitement then a look of realisation dawned on him.

"We"re number one... that"s also bad isn"t it?" He questioned. 

"Yeah we become targets," Gustav nodded.

"But like I said, if they come to take from us, we will take from them instead," Gustav added.

"It doesn"t really seem like there is much to take from others," Falco said while still staring up.

From the numbers 527, the planets beneath hadn"t managed to acquire a single Viondur Egg. This meant there were currently over a thousand planets without a single point.

If these planets banded together out of desperation and went after the others, it would turn into a difficult war down here.

"If we"re also being honest, only around 200 planets are worth getting worried about... the rest aren"t that strong," Wong shrugged his shoulders while speaking.

"Don"t underestimate the strength in numbers..." Aildris voiced with a tone of caution. 

"We"ll tread carefully and only partake in battles that we can handle. If push comes to shove, we can also leave," Gustav finally spoke since they could easily escape from any situation that was out of their control.

"Only one week more till the Viondur Challenge ends. We can do this," Abestos said with a look of motivation. 

However, Gustav"s face currently displayed a suspicious expression as he glared at the planet in second place.

"Diaporonians... they weren"t even top 400 the last time," His mind instantly traveled back to the dead Diaporonian candidate that the Zherg chief turned into his slave.

"It can"t be a coincidence... they must be aware of the existence of that dimension, if they haven"t already infiltrated it," With this thought in mind, Gustav felt their position as number one could be threatened.

The Diaporonians weren"t even seen as a challenge initially due to their weakness so the reveal of the scoreboard must have surprised everyone.

Earth was still considered one of the leading bodies of the alliance so it wouldn"t be so surprising to see them at the top. The same couldn"t be said for the Diaporonians. 

"We need to gather more eggs," Gustav stated.

"I don"t think we can," Falco suddenly voiced out.

"I just calculated the total number of Viondur eggs that has been acquired and only around seven are left that can be created," Falco added.

"Yeah, after we create more Viondur Eggs from the eggs currently in our possession, only around three will be left," Gustav replied as he was well aware that it would be a little more than three since he had acquired some Eggs from that other dimension.

However, without a doubt, there were very few number of required colored eggs left on the fourth disk and acquiring them before other planets got hold of them was close to impossible.

The fourth disk was still stupendously immense and trying to scour its entirety before a week was up, would be a completely impossible mission. The other planets would not just sit still and let others gather the rest of the required colored eggs either.

"So how do we gather more eggs since none are practically left at this momemt? Or are getting it from others like you said?" Falco inquired.

"We won"t be taking the initiative to approach anyone unless they approach us first so no. We"ll head to that dimension i spoke of and gather a couple of eggs... i have a feeling I am not the only one that knows how to get there," Gustav voiced with his tone hinting suspiciousness.

"I thought you said..."

"I know what I said," Gustav cut Ria off before he could complete his sentence.

"We"ll just have to find another way in," Gustav added.

"How do we do that?" Glade questioned.

"I guess I"ll have to ask someone who knows," Gustav"s reply was cryptic but the others already knew how he was.

It just meant he already had a plan in mind which he has decided to follow through with.

The group began hurrying back to the designated point. 


-Few hours later

"We have twenty Viondur eggs now, do we really need to go to this other dimension to get more?" Falco questioned with a slightly wary look.

"Yeah we do," Gustav responded while deactivating the iro silk around the designated point.

"Why don"t we just stay here, hideout and protect ourselves? I think we"ll still win," Falco suggested.

"I"m with Falco on this. You said it yourself that the other dimension was really dangerous even for you," Matilda voiced out as well.

"In that Dimension i counted close to a hundred Viondur eggs and i took only four which means if other partic.i.p.ants found it and managed to scale through the dangers, they could possibly acquire way more than we currently have. Well if you guys are okay with losing then it"s fine," Gustav responded with an unbothered tone.

"What? Someone else has found the place?" Ria yelled with a look of concern. 

"You didn"t tell us everything," Filhor said with a tone of suspiciousness.

"Did you meet another partic.i.p.ant there?" Yonda questioned. 

"Do they count as a partic.i.p.ant if they"re dead?"

This question took everyone by surprise as they stared at Gustav with expressions of confoundment and contemplation. 

"Either way, its a bit too complicated for y"all to understand but understand that there is no guarantee that we will win even though we are currently number one," Gustav voiced.

"How do we get there?" Aildris questioned. 

"That"s what I wanna figure out," Gustav voiced as his body levitated.

[Hover Has Been Activated]

"Follow me," He instructed before flying forward. 


The group wasted no time in following after Gustav.


After some time, the group stood before what looked like a gargantuan chasm. It looked like a split on the fourth disk but it was so ma.s.sive that the bottom could not be spotted neither could the other end of the chasm due to the intense width.

All that could be seen from up here was darkness. It really looked like the end of the fourth disk but Gustav was well aware that it wasn"t. 

"This is how I got in," Gustav pointed at the endless darkness gazing back at them below.

"That looks like a way off the planet," Matilda said with a wary tone.

Not all of them could fly like Gustav so this was a dangerous spot to be in.

"It isn"t... You guys just wait for me here. I"ll be back as soon as I can," Gustav said before stepping forward. 


The group watched him free fall into the jaws of darkness below. His figure soon dissapeared from their sight after a few moments. 

"He"s gonna be fine, right?" Wong questioned causing everyone to stare at him with a weird expression.

"It"s Gustav..." A couple of them voiced simultaneously. 

"I tend to worry more about his oppositions more than I  worry about him," Fildhor added.
