The Bloodline System

Chapter 1207 Anytime Soon

Chapter 1207 Anytime Soon

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapters


"I tend to worry more about his oppositions more than I  worry about him," Fildhor added.


Six Hundred Thousand Feet ~

Seven Hundred Thousand Feet ~

Eight Hundred Thousand  Feet ~

("You"re there,") 

"I am aware," 

("Sure you are,")

"You"re only useful in telling me information that I am already aware of which makes you useless,"

("You little... you"re the useless one hmph!")

Gustav ignored the system and activated Ultimate Combination. 

Immediately after his body finished transfoming, he built up a tremendous amount of energy around him as he prepared to speed downwards past the layer that erased things from existence. 

[Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated]


Coupling Lightning Blitz with the speed of his ultimate combination, Gustav"s form transformed into a silver lightning streak.


"I need you to show me where you found the corpse," Gustav stated as he stood before a ma.s.sive twenty feet tall figure with an upside down horn.

"Is that why you have returned saviour?" The chief of the Zhergs questioned with a wary expression.

"Yes. There is something i have to investigate," Gustav stated in response.

The chief of the Zhergs turned to stare in a particular direction which Gustav"s eyes also followed.

"There?" Gustav pointed at what looked like a pa.s.sage way by the side of a large rocky wall. 

One could easily fall from this ledge of this pa.s.sageway since its right had no railing or wall whereas the wall of this chasm was located on the left.

It extended into the distance, farther than the normal eye could reach.

"I"ll take you there," The chief of the Zhergs voiced before turning to the side and stepping forward. 

The wall of the chasm was quite distant and Gustav didn"t want to waste any time so he quickly sped forward. 


"Just direct me," Gustav voiced as he picked up the twenty feet large chief and leapt into the air.

They soon arrived at the wall of the chasm and stepped onto the platform that extended from it into the distance.

The land was soon far from them as all that could be spotted on the side was another endless looming depth with fog all over.

A couple of minutes later, Gustav and the chief arrived at a part of the chasm wall which had a boulder sized hole. There was a small s.p.a.ce within which looked like a cave but it was completely empty.

"This was where I found both of them," The chief of the Zhergs stated while hinting at the hole.

"Them? You found more than one?" Gustav questioned with a look of confoundment. 

"Yes saviour. After you left the last time, patrolling guard Zhergs found yet another corpse similar looking to the one i turned into my slave," The chief of the Zhergs stated.

"Another Diaporonian dead? There"s something off about this whole thing," Gustav thought after hearing this.

"So you have another slave now?" Gustav questioned. 

"Unfortunately the guards found the corpse too late. I was unable to bring the corpse back to life," The chief of the Zhergs shook his head.

"You said, this was not too long after i left?" Gustav inquired.

"Yes saviour. We found nothing else here but this is the same place where the one I rea.s.surected appeared as well," The Chief of the Zhergs confirmed.

"Something is definitely fishy. The first one was already suspicious but with the second, i can be sure that something is going on just as I thought," Gustav said internally.

("It is just as you humans say... lightning never strikes in the same place twice,") The system inputted.

"Heh... no one uses that term these days. Mixedbloods with such abilities could do that," Gustav said internally. 

("You know what I mean,") The system voiced.

[New Quest Has Been Issued]

Gustav saw a notification pop up in his line of sight at this moment. 

"Really? Right now?" Gustav voiced out loud.

"Saviour?" The chief of the Zhergs had a look of confusion. 

"You can leave now. I"ll be here in the meantime," Gustav said to the chief of the Zhergs.

The chief bowed slightly before turning around to start walking away.

"Tell your guards not to approach this area as well," Gustav voiced as the chief walked away.

He paused briefly before turning around to bow slightly. The Zhergs were incredibly fearful of Gustav"s existence so they never questioned anything he said.

A person that could render their special ability useless and even use a better one against them was to be feared from their point of view.


[Successfully Bring The Rest Of Earth"s Candidate Into The Dimension In Between The Fourth And Fifth Disk]

[Duration: 48hrs]

[Failure Punishment]

<-1,000,000 EXP>

[Success Rewards]

<+10,000,000 EXP>


Gustav stared at the details of the quest before questioning, "Planet Ozious hours or earth hours?" 

("Planet Ozious obviously since we"re far from earth right now,") The system responded.

"Alright. This was the plan before the quest anyways so it doesn"t really matter," Gustav voiced as he stepped into the cave. 

[G.o.d Eyes Has Been Activated]

"Residual DNA samples and small specs of energy in the environment shows that there have been more than two people here," Gustav voiced as he squatted within the cave.

"And the others were not the Zhergs... they were Diaporonians as well," Gustav could see microscopic level tissues from the goo that would usually cover their bodies and something else he couldn"t explain at the moment. 

Millions of theories were going through his head as he scanned the area for a few more seconds before making a decision.

Gustav"s body morphed quickly as he placed his back to a part of the wall of the cave. In the next moment, he had become a part of the rough walls of the cave. 

[Cognitive Concealment Has Been Activated]

At the same moment his presence completely dissapeared as he blended into the surroundings. If a person was to step into this place, they would be totally unaware that a living being was in the vicinity. 


"How long has it been now?" Glade questioned as the group sat before the ma.s.sive chasm.

"Roughly a day... I didn"t think he would take this long," Falco said with a slightly worried expression.

"He must be experiencing troubles I guess," Wong voiced.

"We just have to wait, I"m sure he will appear anytime now," Aildris said with a tone of encouragement. 

"Seems like something else is appearing instead," Matilda voiced while pointing at the east skies.

"Uhoh," Sheila eyes knitted.

What looked like a purple cloud was approaching but on closer look, it was actually a swarm.

A purple swarm of tiny triangular particles approaching at insane speed. 

"That"s not all," Elevora called out to the rest of the group after taking off the headtie covering her forehead. 

The purplish eyeball embedded into her forehead twitched repeatedly as it gleamed dangerously. 

"There are six more groups approaching but they are still far behind," She voiced.

"Looks like it has begun," Abestos voiced as everyone stood to their feet and began activating their bloodlines.

"How did they even find us?" Wong questioned with a concerned tone.

"That shouldn"t be our focus right now. Let"s take them down," Aildris voiced with a smile while his eyed remained closed.

"E.E send that swarm away," He instructed. 

"Sure thing," E.E eyes gleamed with violet colored energy as he twirled his fingers.


A ma.s.sive vortex suddenly appeared in the sky, radiating immense energy across the vicinity that made it seem like the world was about to be swallowed up.

E.E pushed his palm forward and the vortex obeyed his command, driving forward to swallow everything in its path.


[Duration. 48hrs]

[Time Elapsed: 38hrs]

("Looks like you"re running out of time,") The system voiced.

"I am aware but I still have to wait. I cannot risk trying to bring them in with just my abilities,"

("Sure dumbo,") 


Within the cave by the wall of the chasm Gustav remained a piece of rock that blended into the surroundings and had been waiting for over a day.

"If my speculations are correct, it should be happening anytime soon," Gustav thought. 

-10 mins later

"Anytime soon,"

-20 minutes later

"Anytime soon,"

-30 minutes later

"...Anytime from now,"

-One hour later

("I swear if you say "anytime soon" again I"ll develop a real body and punch you in the face,") The girly voice of the system sounded frustrated.

"But... it should be happening anytime soon,"

("You little...") Just as the system was about to berate him again a small whitish spark appeared in the middle of the cave.

"Hold..." Gustav stated as he felt a whirling sensation. 


In the next instant, an ashy goo covered corpse appeared in the cave.


It fell to the floor of the cave causing goo to spread across the place, however nothing else happened.

"That can"t be it," Gustav voiced as he swiftly shapes.h.i.+fted back into his original look.


He noticed the white spark that brought the corpse here disappearing and quickly reached out to grab it.


Gustav felt a mythical pull in the next instant as his entire frame suddenly dissapeared into the spark.
