The Bloodline System

Chapter 1209 Clash With The Diaporonians

Chapter 1209 Clash With The Diaporonians

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


The dark figure didn"t seem to care about what they purpose there was, he was only interested in the actions Gustav performed there.

"So you all were rendered immobile by this strange force he emitted?" The dark figure questioned. 

"As insane as it sounds, yes. It was like our will was stripped from us and now belonged to him. His eyes glowed a strange color the world turned to that color his eyes emitted for a bit," The captain explained.

"Hmm i see, thank you for your cooperation," The dark figure voiced before handing a Viondur Egg to the captain. 

"That"s..." The captain was speechless as the egg landed on his goey frame that was still in a splat formation the ground.

"It is my token of appreciation," The Dark figure voiced before dissipating into a fog of darkness that disappeared into the distance.

-"Just what was that?"

-"And why did he want information on the earth"s captain?"

"It doesn"t matter so long as it doesn"t affect us. We have gotten a Viondur Egg out of it. Now let"s focus on getting back into that dimension," The Diaporonian captain voiced with a dismissive tone.

-"Who are we sacrificing next?"

Upon the utterance of this question, the entire place turned silent.

"Since no one is volunteering, I shall pick," The captain voiced as his gooy existence rose, turning into an humoid figure.



"Gotta hand it to you Gus, you always manage to find the craziest locations," E.E shook his head while staring down from a ma.s.sive floating diamond like platform.

"It is still as I remember... the portal brought us directly to a location with Eggs," Gustav voiced while looking around.

"How did you even create that portal that could bring us here? I thought you said dimensional travel in and out of this place was impossible?" Falco questioned with a look of suspicion. 

"First, I didn"t create that portal. Second, it truly is impossible to get in here with dimensional travel but those guys found a way... an unorthodox one," Gustav stated as his mind went back to the Diaporonians. 

"What guys?" Matilda asked.

"The Diaporonians," Gustav responded.

Everyone"s face showed an expression that depicted they were waiting for Gustav to continue but didn"t know who the Diaporonians were.

"The Diaporonians are mid level strength when it comes to ranking the planets under the alliance. They are not a very powerful planet but still, they are not to be underestimated," Falco mentioned.

"Did you have an encounter with them?" Aildris questioned. 

"They are responsible for the portal that brought you guys here," Gustav paused for a bit before resuming.

"They sacrificed one of their teammates to create a portal that would lead here," He revealed.

"By sacrifice you mean... they..." Wong voiced with a look of disbelief. 

"Yes, they killed one of their own and this wasn"t the first time. It would seem that is the requirement along with some other unknown sacrilege to create a portal. They are already down to seventeen members because they"ve already done this thrice," Gustav explained to the group who still had shocked expressions.

"So we hijacked their portal after they sacrificed another member?" Sheila had a disturbed expression as well.

"I sent them away and brought you guys there before the portal could close off. They would have been here instead of you guys," Gustav responded.

"Is that why we have this mark on our left hands?" Glade questioned while pointing at the white glowing circular formation plastered on her green skin.

"It is the same mark I found on the spot they had sacrificed their last teammate so yes it is most definitely linked to the portal," Gustav responded.

"This is not okay," Falco voiced with a troubled tone.

"They"re the ones who decided to kill their teammate not us," Teemee shrugged.

"They were willing to take such extreme measures to get in here and gather Viondur Eggs. They must be aiming to win the Viondur Egg challenge," Fildhor voiced.

"That"s nuts man," E.E shook his head, "Their whole civilization must be full of lunatics," 

"I don"t think they will stop there, they are most likely ready to sacrifice another teammate to get in," Aildris stated.

"Which also begs the question of why they kept leaving if this wasn"t the first time they sacrificed a teammate," Endric chipped in with a tone of curiosity. 

"There"s only one answer to that... a time limit," Gustav stated with a tone of certainty. 

"I believe the mark on my hand just got a little fainter," Elevora said with knitted eyebrows.

"There you have it... Everyone will most likely get pulled out of this dimension the instant the mark dissapears from our skin," Gustav 

"Then what are we waiting for? Let"s gather as many eggs are we can before we leave here," Ria yelled. 

Gustav had formulated plans in his mind the instant he got the group in so he wasn"t bothered about gathering eggs without drawing attention to himself. 

Even if he drew attention to them, he was also less concerned since the whole group was here as well. Especially with E.E"s presence here, getting Viondur Eggs would be way more easy.

One of the many things that bothered the group about the Diaporonians was how they had become aware of the existence of this dimension in the first place as well as how they knew what to do to get in.

Gustav could only chalk it up to prior awareness. Someone had informed the Diaporonians before hand or they had somehow gotten wind of the information long before Viondur challenge began.

How this was possible, no one knew. The Diaporonians had now climbed up Gustav"s danger list.

They were definitely a race that needed to be watched out for.


"Sixty seven thousand, two hundred and thirty five feet," Gustav voiced with G.o.d Eyes Activated.

E.E"s eyes glowed as he poked his index finger in the air and began outlining a circle.

"No, you"re a couple of feet away they might spot you," Gustav cautioned.

E.E paused for a bit before performing the same action as before. After he formed the circle in mid air, a small three feet wide vortex had opened up.

E.E proceeded to put his palm in and grabbed something before pulling it out.


The vortex vanished after he pulled out a Viondur Egg which he pa.s.sed to Gustav.

"Good job," Gustav voiced before keeping it within his storage s.p.a.ce.

"That makes nineteen," E.E voiced.

"Yeah let"s get three more and give it a rest before time runs out," Gustav stated.

"Three more? We still have at least two hours before we run out of time," Yonda said while pointing at his wrists.

"Why are we not getting every single Viondur egg before leaving here?" Fildhor chimmed in.

"Because it strips the creatures here of their abilities and renders the dimension unstable. I may not care about people but I won"t be responsible for the destruction of all the species here," Gustav stated.

"I don"t think the Diaporonians will share your sentiment," Falco voiced.

"What makes you think they will care about the existence of the creatures down here? After all they"re willing to sacrifice their own kin," Yonda voiced out as well.

"Then we just have to stop them. We are bound to encounter them eventually," Aildris suggested.

"I think its better to take it all than let it fall into their hands," Yonda stated.

Some of the teammates agreed with Yonda while others didn"t wish to see the dimension destroyed due to their acts and it caused an argument to brew.

"Stop..." Gustav suddenly voiced out.

"They"re close," He added before turning to stare in a particular direction. 

"They? The Diaporonians?" Teemee questioned.

"Yes, down there," Gustav pointed northeast. 

"They just acquired another Viondur Egg," He added before asking E.E to open a vortex.

"Whatever you do, don"t stare at them," Gustav warned as he jumped into the vortex.

The others followed after him as well and the group soon found themselves on a plain dark ground with multiple rock formations ahead.

"That"s enough. Do not take any more eggs from here," Gustav stated the instant they arrived behind the group of walking gooy humanoid figures.

"Earth captain Gustav Crimson, you have earned my ire," One of the Diaporonians spoke up as soon as they spotted Gustav.

"Okay. Seems like a you problem. Anyways, like I said, you"ve gotten enough eggs. Leave," Gustav demanded.

"Not until all the Viondur eggs in this dimension is within my possession," The Diaporonian captain voiced out.

"The dimension would collapse in on itself if that happened," Gustav warned.

"We don"t care about lower life forms. We must come first in the challenge," The captain responded.

"You see," Yonda voiced with an "I told you so" look.

"This is the last you take," Gustav stated while stepping forward. 

"I refuse," The Diaporonian captain voiced before dropping to the ground splat and swivelling forward. 

At this same instant the other Diaporonians dematerialised completely as well, leaping into the air in complete thick liquid form.

[Gravitational Manipulation Has Been Activated]
