The Bloodline System

Chapter 1213 The Difficult Part Is Finding Them

Chapter 1213 The Difficult Part Is Finding Them

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


[Mental Manipulation Has Been Activated]

"Wake up!"


Gustav"s voice rang in their minds heavily and repeatedly. It was like a hammer continously colliding with a nail with the sound amplified by over a thousand times.


The bunch began screaming as some of them held they held on their heads in agony while wriggling uncontrollably. 

"You lots are going to tell me how you found us," Gustav voiced with an intimidating tone.


"How could they have something like that? Is that even allowed?" Wong questioned with a look of surprise. 

"Well, it isn"t against the rules. Its just like how I have SJ here," Gustav replied as the Sacred Jewel appeared beside him.

The bunch they had abducted confess that a species known as the Ivdhar possessed an item that displayed the location of people they had b.u.mped into irregardless of place and time. 

This was how they had located earth candidates over and over again. What the Ivdhar group did was gather as many partic.i.p.ants as they could find and convince them to join in the ambus.h.i.+ng earth.

"Now we can be sure that they will definitely find us again," Matilda said with a disturbed tone.

"How do they expect to gain from this? They haven"t even attacked us directly?" Glade questioned. 

"Their plan is most likely to weaken us using the forces of other partic.i.p.ants and then swoop in when were out of energy. That way they will barely be any resistance from us and they get what they want," Falco a.n.a.lysed.

"We just have to destroy the item and then we"ll be fine for the next 24hrs. The likehood of encountering any opposing partic.i.p.ants after we destroy it will be very low," Teeemee said with a look of contemplation.

"Destroying it is the easy part... the difficult part is finding them," Falco stated.

"Not so difficult if we can get them to tell us," Teemee said while pointing at the partic.i.p.ants who were bound on the ground.

"No one really knows their way around the fourth disk. It is way too large. They wouldn"t be able to give us directions since they are also unaware of how to get back there," Gustav replied while slightly shaking his head.

"What do we do? How do we find them?" Matilda voiced with a concerning tone.

"I have a plan but we"ll need to let them get to us again," Gustav stated.

"Shouldn"t be long then," Aildris voiced while turning to stare in a particular direction. 

"Don"t expend much of your energy during the coming battle," Gustav warned.

"That reminds me, how are they even able to gather so much forces from all across the fourth disk?" Teemee questioned.

Since everyone was aware of how large the fourth disk was, it didn"t make sense that so many of them just happen to coincidentally find the Ivdhar group who were offering the location of the planet group with the highest number of Viondur eggs.

"I searched one of their memories and found out that the item also randomly sends out holographic messages all across the fourth disk, giving other partic.i.p.ants a directions on where to meet the Ivdhar group.

They meet the Ivdhar group, agree to their ambush plan and when a partic.i.p.ant makes contact with the item, a kind of location pull appears in their minds that point them in the exact direction to head in so they can find us," Gustav explained lengthily.

"That is not good," E.E muttered.

This meant other stronger groups, closer in proximity could definitely get the holographic messages soon and also decide to join in the ambush.

"That is why we have to destroy it as soon as possible," Glade voiced.

"They"re here," Gustav suddenly announced while leaping into the air.


A ma.s.sive tank shaped platform that happened to be descending from the sky had casted a looming shadow over them in an instant.

However, Gustav"s figure had already ascended to meet it.


A loud explosion rang out as waves of energy blasted across the sky. Heavy winds spread in every direction, causing the ground below to quake as the earth partic.i.p.ants found their hair swimming in the wind despite standing in place.


Gustav landed back on his feet in the next moment, "Go and stick together till I say it"s time to leave," 

He announced before, speeding off in a particular direction. The group wasted no time in chasing after him while channelling their bloodline energies as well.

This time the approaching numbers were nearly twice compared to before. Despite the figures, the earth partic.i.p.ants unwavering charged in and another battle soon began.

Bang! Bang! Boom!

Gustav swept through a group of seven at very quick pace, punching a hole through the attack of another specie.

"You will do," Gustav thought as he evaded the swing of the opponent blade that left afterimages.


Gustav ascended with incredible speed in the next instant.

[G.o.d Eyes Has Been Activated]

The moment he activated G.o.d Eyes and stared downwards he pa.s.sed an instruction, "E.E open up a vortex we"re leaving,"

The battle was starting to get intense at this point so everyone was busy dealing with a couple of enemies at the same time. Since Gustav knew it would be difficult for them to just stop with whatever opponents they were facing currently, he swooped down.

"Go now!" Gustav yelled as he descended with immense speed.

[Energy Discharge Has Been Activated]

His entire figure lit up with a red glow as he heavily landed in the midst of the oppositions. 


A red wave of energy detonated across the vicinity from his figure, sending forth intense destruction that spread across a range of thirty thousand feet.

Screams were heard all over the place as the oppositions had been taken by surprise. The ground caved in across multiple areas causing a lot of them to fall in while others git blasted backwards by the powerful force.

A couple of them sustained gracious injuries instantly but a few still managed to tank the attack, receiving a little damage. Nevertheless, this had given the others time to leave as they already dissapeared through the vortex E.E had created. 


Gustav turned around and sped away very quickly, vanis.h.i.+ng through the vortex E.E had left open.

The vortex closed up in the next moment and Gustav stared at the others who were looking at him like he had just done something crazy.

Up front a long divide had been left on the icy ground which happened to be from the residual energy of Gustav"s blast. It had followed them in through E.E"s vortex.

"Man you could have charred someone with that and they"d end up becoming difficult to locate during night-time like me," E.E gestured at his black face.

"It"s a good thing no one stood in front of the vortex after coming in," Aildris chuckled and everyone began choking with laughter after a little while.

"Give us a warning next time man," E.E said while tapping Gustav shoulder.

"I kinda did but anyways  I will be able to locate the item in a few. I just need one of them to head back to where the Ivdhar are," Gustav said while his eyes emitted a scarlet and green glow.

"You mean the dudes you just turned to tar?" E.E asked with a look of concern. 

"I weakened the effect close to me so they"ll be fine," Gustav replied.

Just as he said, the partic.i.p.ants closer to him were barely affected. The energy discharge most just grew more powerful the further it spread.

"What do we do now?" Fildhor questioned. 

"We wait," Gustav responded with a calm tone.



"Slaughter them all!"

"To h.e.l.l with the vermins!"

In the dimension in between the fourth and fifth disk a battle seemed to be ongoing as thousands of beasts chased after a group of ash colored slimy individuals. 

It was more of a chase than a battle. The ash colored gooey creatures seemed to be trying to escape due to the immense number of beasts chasing after them.

"How did it turn out like this captain? I thought you said we will be fine this time?" One of the goey creatures who was currently slimming his way across a rough rocky surface voiced with a tone of frustration. 

"I don"t understand how these creatures are aware of us... we can"t get any eggs because of this and the sudden alarm that goes off when we get close to the eggs," Th captain"s voice sounded more frustrated as they scurried away.

The Diaporonians happened to be the ones getting chased currently. It turned out that the advice Gustav had given the chief of the Zhergs was to use the Diaporonians as scape goats for the Viondur eggs that had been taken from here so far.

The chief of the Zhergs had gathered creatures together from all over, telling them about the beings that had been stealing their eggs.
