The Bloodline System

Chapter 1214 Acquiring The Mirror

Chapter 1214 Acquiring The Mirror

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


The chief of the Zhergs had gathered creatures together from all over, telling them about the beings that had been stealing their eggs.

The ones who already had their territories plundered were even more enraged and wasted no time in joining the Chief of the Zhergs course to eradicate the culprits the instant he proposed it.

The others didn"t want their eggs to be stolen so they joined the course as well and now there were over fifty thousand creatures gunning for the Diaporonians. They had also received the blame for the Eggs Gustav and the others had taken.

Despite this, Gustav did something that gave off a loud warning the moment the Diaporonians were in close proximity with a Viondur Eggs. They would have successfully acquired a couple if it wasn"t for this alarm.

Whenever it went off, thousands upon thousands of the beasts would be on the Diaporonians tail again.

Things had gone exactly according to Gustav"s plan so he didn"t need to bother himself about this place anymore. He only needed to be worried about the surface now.


[Life Signs Tracking Has Been Activated]

"Found them," Gustav voiced as he turned to stare southeast.

"The item?" Aildris questioned.

"I am staring at it right now and its staring back at me as well," Gustav"s response caused everyone faces to lit up with expressions of confoundment. 

"What do you mean?" Ria asked.

"They know where we are," Gustav stated.

At the moment Gustav sight displayed what looked like a large and smooth reflective surface. On this reflective surface he could see himself like he was standing right in front of a mirror while his teammates surrounded him.

Gustav was no doubt staring at the item that equipped the Ivdhars with the ability to locate them and he was looking through the body of one of the partic.i.p.ants whose life sign he had saved earlier.

"Does that mean they already found us?" E.E questioned. 

"I can see everyone of us through the eye of the item so yes they have found us but none have gotten to us yet as that will still take some time," Gustav responded.

"But its all good since i know their exact location right now," Gustav continued to stare southeast.

"E.E open a vortex... nine hundred and thirty seven miles, four thousand, two hundred and sixty nine point three feet, thirty degrees to left..." Gustav voiced out lengthily, calculating the precise distance between them and the location of the item with the Ivdhar group along with the others.

"Hold on," E.E stood right beside Gustav with his eyes closed as he stretched out both his hands.

In the next few moments, he opened his eyes which were gleaming with a bright Violet colored and made a swirling motion with both his hands.


A large vortex opened up in front of them in the next instant. E.E and Gustav didn"t need to utter a word before the others understood where it led.

"We"re leaving the instant it is destroyed. There will be no need to engage in any long battles," Gustav instructed as he stepped through the voetex.

His major reason for pointing this out was mostly due to the disgruntled in the group that felt like they could take on the entire world.


"Uh what is that?"

Within an area where a high number of group gathered before what looked like a thin layer of triangular gla.s.s frame, a violet swirling ma.s.sive appeared behind them.

"Is that a feature of the heaven gaze mirror?" Some of them wondered out loud as they stared at it.

The group who had blueish hair like wrappers surrounding their body which sxtended from their scalp, had looks of confusion as they stared ahead.

On the surface of the thin layer of gla.s.s was a footage that displayed a group of people walking through the exact Violet swirling ma.s.s that had appeared here.

"No that isn"t..." One of them was about stating when a purplish beam blasted forth from the vortex. 


It slammed heavily onto the thin layer of gla.s.s which in turn got forcefully yanked into the air.

"Protect the heaven gaze mirror!" One of them yelled as they quickly sent their hair like wrappers into the air to catch the mirror.


The first figure that came speeding out of the violet colored swirling ma.s.s, appeared right above the mirror in the next instant.


The familiar figure feet was laced with milky glowing light as he swung one of them heavily, sending the mirror flying further away as a crack finally appeared on its surface.


"Stop him!"

Some of them yelled loudly as they leapt into the air instantly. 

The others behind had also followed suit immediately, appearing as soon as the oppositions leapt into the air. The inevitable clash occurred as the rest of the earth partic.i.p.ants faced the groups currently gathered around.

Gustav followed the mirror with more than twenty different partic.i.p.ants on his tail, throwing multiple powerful attacks at him.

However, Gustav still outmatched them in speed especially since he had taken them by surprise. 

With his right fist coated in milky glow, he swung it forward powerfully as he arrived before the mirror once more.

A piece of hair like fabric extended from below at the same instant, faintly wrapping around the mirror while his fist made contact.


The mirror was only wrapped halfway before the fist hit but even at that, the mirror only developed a few more cracks as the hair like fabric disintegrated upon the fist collision while mirror repeatedly spiralled across the air from the impact.

[Atomic Blade Has Been Activated]

"That thing is way more st.u.r.dy than it looks," Gustav internally grumbled as a six feet long atomic blade appeared in his grasp. 

The mirror had a very thin layer which was like that of a thread if not even thinner. Yet the multiple attacks they had landed on it, had failed to destroy it.

It had only gotten a little damaged but was still far from being completely destroyed. Gustav didn"t put it into consideration that something like this would be so st.u.r.dy or he would have used more force from the start.


Gustav increased his flight speed as wings sprouted out of his back. He stretched his arm sideways as he sped forward, ready to deliver a powerful strike on the mirror with the atomic blade.

Down below, one of the creatueres who had a greenish hair like fabric wrapped around their body lunged forward. 


The hair like fabric surrounding their figure extended forward and increased in length crazily before stabbing into the ground ahead.

Gustav was close to making contact with the mirror when a greenish wall of hair shot out from the ground ahead, rising so high it blocked the path of the mirror spiralling in mid air.


The mirror rolled into it and got wrapped up completely by the wall of hair that had shot into the sky from below.

Gustav"s eyes squinted as he swung the blade sideways mightily. 


A ma.s.sive milkly colored arc sliced forward with intensely, cleaving the entire wall of dense green hair into two halves.

However, the mirror happened to be nowhere to be found as the rest of the hair descended into the ground.

Mutiple partic.i.p.ants chasing from behind were catching up to Gustav at this point since he had suddenly paused due to the current situation. 

He spotted the Ivdhar partic.i.p.ant responsible for hijaking the mirror before he could destroy it, far below. The partic.i.p.ant was speeding away with the mirror caught between his greenish hair like fabric.

The partic.i.p.ants that numbered in the thirties chasing after him would get to him before he could even manage to give chase so the situation looked impossible.

"Unfortunately, that"s not happening on my watch," Gustav stated as he descended with speed.

"SJ," Gustav muttered as he landed atop an icy mountain.


"Bring it to me," He instructed the moment SJ appeared before him.


"Get him!"

The partic.i.p.ants chasing after him were right above at the moment and had caught up to him while the Ivdhar partic.i.p.ant was getting away with the mirror.

All of a sudden the Sacred Jewel emitted a profound glow that caused everything in the environment to undergo an instant change of displacement. 


The Ivdhar partic.i.p.ant who was escaping in the opposite direction suddenly felt the landscape around him change and found himself standing before Gustav.

"Thank you," A smile appeared on Gustav"s face as he yanked the mirror out of the partic.i.p.ant hair like fabric that was holding it up.

"Don..." Before the partic.i.p.ant could utter another word, Gustav palm slammed into his body, sending him hurling across the air.


As for the partic.i.p.ants that had caught up to Gustav, they found themselves attacking the ground in another location. This occurrence completely shocked them as they realised they were thousands of feet away from Gustav"s position. 
