The Bloodline System

Chapter 1216 The Eggs Are Gone

Chapter 1216 The Eggs Are Gone

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapters


Aildris paused for a bit before nodding and handing Gustav a similar looking blueish b.u.t.ton.

"Alright, you guys stay here. I"m off," 


A part of the Iro silk opened up and Gustav sped out before anyone could retort again. The iro silk opening closed back immediately, leaving the others within.


"Well, it hasn"t been fruitless so far so it"s all good," Gustav muttered as he escaped another cloud of explosion. 

The group behind remained unrelenting as they gave chase but Gustav was in no mood to stick around.

[Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated]

He disappeared out of view after turning into a lightning bolt, leaving the group behind cursing their luck.

Gustav had been on this for over six hours and he was aware that only around an hour was left before the challenge would come to an end.

[G.o.d Eyes Has Been Activated]

Gustav made use of life signs Tracking to check on the others he had left behind, within the iro silk barrier.

After confirming that they were okay, he decided to head back. Just as he was about to leave, Gustav"s perception picked up on a battle occurring at the far end of his perception. 

His perception which covered thousands of miles only picked this up very close to the edge, which meant he would have to travel over a thousand miles to arrive there.

He felt it wasn"t worth it and decided to leave anyways. However, at this moment, something unantic.i.p.ated occured.

Gustav felt a strange pull and the next thing he knew, the Viondur Eggs he had acquired appeared from his storage device and vanished.

"What the h.e.l.l?" Gustav voiced with a look of confusion as he tapped on his storage b.u.t.ton multiple times.

All the items within had been completely emptied.

"The eggs are gone..." Gustav"s eyes turned listless.


(Minutes earlier)

"The magnetic s.p.a.ce bar is picking up on another nearby,"

Within a group of thirteen a creature with white striped mechanical looking body, voiced out.

"Is that Gustav Crimson?" One of them whose eyes were white and completely mirror like said with a surprised tone.

-"The captain of earth? We"ve hit the jackpot,"

-"The magnetic s.p.a.ce bar is scrambling with the frequency of his spatial pocket now," 

These mechanical looking creatues seemed to have multiple holographic screens floating around them along with rays of light shooting out of their eyes. It looked like they were a race mixed with technological parts as well as that of living tissue. 

The black piece of liquid metal floating in their midst seemed to be the magnetic s.p.a.ce bar that they were referring to.

This were the Phixiq group who had been stealing eggs since. So long as anyone was within a particular proximity from them, they could acquire the items in their spatial storage.

Every single IYSOP partic.i.p.ant had a spatial storage place where they kept everything they possessed. The Phixiq group being capable of this was practically a cheat as no one would expect such.

-"We should have his egs in 3... 2...1... now," One of them voiced with a tone of enthusiasm as a small glow coated the vicinity.


Four Viondur eggs appeared around the group after a couple of moments and their mechanical faces had hints of dissatisfaction. 

-"Just four? Wasn"t earth having around nineteen eggs a week ago?"

-"This doesn"t make any sense. They should have acquired more in the last week,"

-"At least he still gave us more than the other groups we"ve hijacked,"

They voiced out their confusions as they took possession of the four eggs that appeared.

"We need to leave here soon to avoid contact with any group," Their captain voiced.


(Present Time)

"It"s all gone?" Gustav voiced with a tone of utter confusion. 

("Obviously someone is responsible for this,") The system voiced in his mind.

"Yeah but then i don"t sense anyone remotely closeby except where the battle is ongoing and a little distance from there as well which is expected since there are multiple groups involved," Gustav replied.

("There"s your answer,") The system voiced.

"That is too far away for there such an occurrence. There is no way anyone would manage to steal the contents of a spatial storage device from such a distance, not to mention also telporting it as well," Gustav stated with a logical tone.

("Well, you don"t sense anyone else around so...")

[G.o.d Eyes Has Been Activated]

Gustav leapt into the air as wings sprouted out of his back in the process. His vision turned completely reddish as he zoomed in to the far ends of where his perception reached, crossing hundreds of miles.

"The Phixiq group..." Gustav"s screehed as he muttered.

"Over six hours of work... y"all think you can successfully render it useless," Gustav"s eyes gleamed with intensity as he watched the eggs they had stolen phase into a floating black liquid metal.

("That thing might be responsible...") Before the system could complete its statement, Gustav b.u.t.ted in.

"It is. I have a.n.a.lysed its components and confirmed that the black item is indeed responsible for this," Gustav voiced while multiple glowing readings were displayed before him.

"But it is running out of power very quickly, it won"t last for more than a couple more minutes," This made Gustav realise that if he was further from here for a few more minutes, his six hours of robbery wouldn"t be wasted.

"On the bright side, I exchanged storage devices with Aildris. Things could have gone way worse if I hadn"t," Gustav recalled making the decision to leave the iro silk with Aildris empty storage b.u.t.ton.

"Still, I won"t let things slide," Gustav decided as he deactivated G.o.d Eyes.

[Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated]


[Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated]


[Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated]


[Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated]


[Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated]


After turning into a lightning bolt five times and streaking across a distance of over eight hundred miles iin just a few moments, Lightning Blitz went into cooldown mode.

Gustav was still over six hundred miles away from their location and they were currently on the move, but he had decided not to let this situation be bygones.

[Ultimate Combination Has Been Activated]


"We"re being chased," One of the Phixiq group members voiced as the group made their way across a frozen ridge.

"It is earth"s captain," The team member with mirror like white eyes voiced.

"He will never get to us in time," Phixiq group captain voiced as numerical figures appeared in his line of sight. 


[10 seconds]

[9 Seconds]

[8 Seconds]

[7 Seconds]

[6 Seconds]

[5 Seconds]

[4 Seconds]

[3 Seconds]

[2 Seconds]

[1 Second]



A loud announcement reverberated across the fourth disk as well as other disks on Planet Ozious.

On the ninth disk, the sound of tense dialogues could be heard from all over.

Chatter! Chatter! Chatter!

-"Who do you think won?"

-"My money is with the Phixiq group. They may not have acquired any eggs during the first two to three weeks but their act at the last few days puts them at the top,"

-"I don"t think earth will remain in the top spot. That group acquired too many eggs,"

"The Draconets acquired many as well from weaker planets before time ran out,"

-"Honestly I don"t believe Earth partic.i.p.ants would even be top three. After the second week they just hid in one place till the challenge ended,"

-"The last minute battle Gustav Crimson had with the Phixiq though... it looked like something happened before time was up,"

Speculations about who would win could be heard all across the ninth disk and now earth was not even considered to be the top spot anymore based on the last events that occured on the fourth disk.

Some of the spectators had witnessed a battle going down between Gustav and the Phixiq group who were speculated to be the first position just before time ran out.

Zing! Zing! Zing! Zing! Zing!

Currently IYSOP partic.i.p.ant were appearing on the podium in the midst of the arena in tens. They were all getting teleported out of the fourth disk and as they arrived, they seemed to have brought an air of coldness with them.

"Finally we"re back here where the temperature is fairly normal," E.E voiced with a sigh of relief as he stood side by side with the others.

Every group that had been battling before the challenge ended, remained in place despite exuding an air of animosity.  They couldn"t attack each other anymore now that the challenge had ended or it would lead to disqualification 

"Where have you been Gus?" Teemee questioned the moment Gustav appeared.

There were cuts on his face and his entire right arm happened to be charred. However, right before their very eyes Gustav happened to be regenerating very quickly. 

Underneath his armpit area were two Viondur Eggs which he held with a slight look of dissatisfaction despite being unbothered about his injuries.

"I ran into some trouble,"
