The Bloodline System

Chapter 1226  Finding A New Yellow Zone

Chapter 1226  Finding A New Yellow Zone

Author"s Notd: Unedited Chapters


The multiple arms that had extended grabbed hold of them and yanked them towards the mechanical beast.

Gustav resumed fleeing as this was the beast course of action. This beast wasn"t the only one on their tail, other beasts had began chasing after them and these ones had flesh.

"If I"m gonna get disqualified here, i might as well make use of them," Yonda cursed as he tapped on his Iov bracelet.

A mechanical arm was about to grab Phinx when a ma.s.sive green energy beam slammed into the mechanical beast, sending it flying across the air.


"That"s what you get for messing with me b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" Yonda yelled with a look of delight as he lowered his left hand.

The beasts in the vicinity were instantly alarmed by this action and turned to glare at him.

"Uh oh!" He turned around and began running.

Some of the beasts instantly gave chase while others still went after the rest of the partic.i.p.ants in the vicinity. The mechanical beast jumped back to its feet after a few seconds with its entire body smoking.

"Grrruuhhh!" It growled, causing the entire vicinity to radiate loudly.

"It "s attracting more beasts... keep running," Gustav voiced to the partic.i.p.ants around him as they stormed off into the unknown.


"Hmph! You just don"t understand..." Dark Falco muttered.

Falco ignored Dark Falco and leapt forward.


He landed right before the ma.s.sive barricade made of iro silk that covered the entire vicinity.

"This is the designated point we"re meant to meet Gustav in but I can"t sense anyone around," Falco voiced with a slightly confused expression.

He was well aware that the barricade was Gustav"s doing since he had seen him use the iro silk a couple of times and even covered nearly an entire city with it in the past.

He just didn"t understand why Gustav was not in like he was supposed to be.

"Maybe he"s out doing something... I should just hold on in the meantime," Falco proceeded to sit in a crossed legged position.

He tapped on the his storage b.u.t.ton, which revealed holographic images of the contents within. About twenty five eggs could be seen arranged within.

Falco was quite satisfied with the number of eggs he had gathered himself. He was also eager for everyone to meet up since it would make it easier for them to gather more eggs together.

"My liege!" Dark Falco yelled internally.

"What is it? Don"t start with your whole whining again, I am not interested in..."

"Incoming hostiles," Dark Falco cut Falco off before he could finish his sentence.

"Incoming...!" Dark Falco was still speaking when a ma.s.sive blueish glowing spear tore through the skies.


Falco leapt to his feet instantly but the spear which happened to be moving at immense speed slammed into the icy ground at that same instant.

Fwwwhiii~ Boooooommm!

Intense shockwaves blasted across the vicinity as Gustav"s iro silk barrier crumbled to dust along with the four icy mountains in the vicinity.

The attack was so powerful that everything in the vicinity, except the designated machine disintegrated.

It was unknown if Falco was unscathed but a figure with multiple limbs and a ma.s.sive shadowy being towering over him could be spotted descending from the sky.


Gustav held onto a Ziaphano"s beak, panting with his entire figure covered completely in blood.

"It"s been a while since I"ve battled this hard," The torn fabric on his body due to the intense battle began to join back together just like his injuries.

("You just fought against beings on the level of Omegas... it is quite impressive that you managed to take care of them all,") The system voiced.

Gusta recalled when he struggled to cause even the slightest damage on a Omega ranked mixedblood and now he managed to kill over a hundred of them.

He had truly gotten way more powerful than he was in the past but seeing as he still couldn"t use Cohilia, he knew he still hadn"t gotten to the strength level of an Alpha.

If this battle had occurred on earth, it would have caused a great catastrophe but fortunately, the fourth disk was immensely large and Whatever this dimension was, it somehow absorbed the shockwaves from their battles.

His breathing soon returned to normal as his body also transformed to his usual look.

[Atomic Disintegration Has Been Activated]

Gustav"s body emitted a milky glow on the parts with blood, causing them to turn into light particles and dissipate.

He currently looked like someone who didn"t just finish a crazy battle. The corpse of the Ziaphano in his grasp still had blood seeping out of its body from multiple areas.

"Might be useful later," Gustav fingers grew longer as he stabbed his right hand into its flesh, staining his arm with blood once more.

"Begin extraction," Gustav commanded.


Minutes later, Gustav could be seen flying across this unknown region once more while planning his next step.

He had acquired two Viondur Eggs in this unknown place which brought earth up to three Eggs in possession currently.

He didn"t want to spend too long here due to the others approaching the designated point so he decided to only get two more and leave.

He wasn"t sure if bringing the others here was a good idea since their speed was not a match for his so he hadn"t given that much though yet.


Gustav increased his speed after deciding which place he was going to visit next. He had practically gone round this whole place during his battle with the Ziaphanos so he knew just how large it was.

There were a lot more creatures down here than he thought and some of them had gained awareness of his presence but didn"t seem to be interested in him.

Gustav felt, they wouldn"t come after him unless he breached their territory first.

About thirty minutes later, Gustav arrived above a misty surrounded structure.

The structure looked like a temple of sorts but had a torso statue of an unknown creature erected above it. The structure was multilayered but still had only a single ground floor.

The statue of the creature upper body seemed quite muscular but its head had what looked like an upside down horn potruding from it.

Gustav perception picked up on the seventeen feet feet tall creatures in the vicinity that looked similar to the statue above the temple like structure.

These creatures were capable of walking on two feet like humans but everything else about them looked nothing human like.

They had greenish looking armored upper body with oddly shaped variety of weapons in their grasp as they moved about the place.

Gustav was still thousands of feet above their territory but he could see them clearly and even hear they way they communicated with one another.

This was another intelligent species with strength and a special ability which Gustav wasn"t aware of but he could tell that those upside down horns potruding from their scalp wasn"t ordinary.

He reckoned that there were around twenty thousand of them but they happened to be weaker than the Ziaphanos. However, even with this discovery, Gustav wasn"t going to underestimate them.

Something happened to catch Gustav"s attention upon scanning their territory with his perception which made him activate G.o.d Eyes.

[G.o.d Eyes Has Been Activated]

His eyes zoomed in on the altar area of the structure and he happened to spot an unexpected sight.

"There"s a partic.i.p.ant here?" Gustav muttered.

("Not of her volition from the looks of things,") The system voiced in response.

"How do you even know its a her," Gustav eyes squinted as he stared at the partic.i.p.ant"s body which looked like an ever outpouring source of goo.

The partic.i.p.ant body was covered in ash goey liquid that never stopped flowing. However, greenish glowing binds could be seen all over their body which was in a kneeling position on the altar.

("It is a female Diaporonian," The system voiced once more.

"How did a partic.i.p.ant even manage to get here?" Gustav recalled nearly getting erased from existence on his way down here.

("The Diaporonians are not as powerful as the planets that lead the alliance but they are not bad in terms of abilities,")

"Yes but none of their abilities should be able to help her get down here. Besides, if she is that powerful, how did she wind up in this situation," Gustav voiced.

("Saying that like you were not almost unalived by the Ziaphanos a while ago,"

"Tch, I won that fight,"


Gustav decided to ignore the system taunts and stared at the Viondur Egg right in front of the partic.i.p.ant who had become a captive.

"Hmm maybe she was also trying to steal their Viondur egg and got caught," Gustav felt she was also doing the same thing as he was.

"Anyways, its time to get the egg... since she"s so powerful, she should be able to save herself, right?"

Just as Gustav was about to deactivate G.o.d Eyes, the head area of the Diaporonian turned and two snake like creatures bore out of the parts where her eyes were supposed to be located.

These eyes suddenly stared directly into Gustav"s causing him to pause in place.

"Please help me," A high pitched feminine voice rang in his mind.

"What the h.e.l.l?" Gustav voiced.

"Please save me," The voice which was undoubted that of the Diaporonian rang in his mind once more.

("You are aware of their abilities and you still fell into one of it. I would be shaking my head if I had one... oh wait,") The instant the system finished speaking, it appeared before Gustav in holographic format.

Her eyes held a look of ridicule as she shook her head repeatedly like a dissapointed human.

"f.u.c.k you," At this point, Gustav couldn"t count the number of times the system had made him cuss.

The Diaporonian had made use of an ability that trapped anything in place the moment she stared at it, making that thing or person completely unmovable.

Gustav was aware of this ability since he had made his research on the aliens the earth would be going up against during IYSOP but he didn"t think the Diaporonian would be able to activate it from such distance.

He wasn"t even aware that she was conscious or would be able to see through the structure and discover his existence.

It took him completely by surprise.
