The Bloodline System

Chapter 1228 You Jinxed It

Chapter 1228 You Jinxed It

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Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter



"Finally we"re only ten minutes away," Angy voiced with an expression of relief.

They had been walking for over four hours since leaving the charred wasteland. Since their strength was currently weakened, they were all physically tired right now even though Gustav didn"t show it.

They wanted nothing more than to get somewhere and rest.

"I feel kinda weird that we barely came across any beast since. Is this luck?" E.E voiced with a weird look.

"Don"t jinx it," Gustav voiced from the side while tapping E.E with his elbow.

"Hehe this shouldn"t be called the beast haven anymore. It doesn"t live up to its name," E.E voiced jokingly.

"I"d say it has pretty bee..." Angy was about responding when a low swarming sound drifted into their ears.


"Do you guys ear that?" Angy questioned with a look of confusion as she paused her initial sentence.

The sound was low at first, then it slowly grew louder causing E.E to turn around.

"Yeah I hear it too," Just as he voiced out, his eyes widened.

"I wonder where its coming from," Angy eyes squinted.

"Guyyysss?" E.E voiced as his throat made a loud ~gurruhh~ sound from gulping down saliva.

Angy and Gustav turned around upon hearing his distressed filled voice to witness the incoming horror barely visible in the distance.

"You jinxed it," Gustav said with a disturbed tone.

"I think this is the part where we run," Angy voiced.

"Yeah let"s do that," Gustav responded before turning around and racing forward at full speed.

Angy and E.E ran as quickly as they could as well, not delaying for even a second more.

What laid behind them was a cloud of purple fog and within this cloud, the outline of skeletal looking faces could be spotted.

Whatever creatures traveled within this fast approaching fog were obviously flying as the swarming sound they gave off happened to the multiple wings flapping in unison. 

There were still quite a distance away and despite the trio moving as fast as they could, it was obvious that they weren"t a match for the speed of the incoming creatures.

Fortunately, the location of the yellow zone they were headed was finally in their line of sight. They had really shortened the distance between themselves and the zone. From the looks of things they would get to this yellow zone before the creatures could catch up to them.

< Golden Entrapment >

This location displayed the yellow color both on the Iov bracelet as well as the ground of the location as well.

"We could lose them in this," Gustav wasn"t void of hope as he stared at the structure of the yellow zone ahead.

It was constructed in such an incredible manner that even the ground was golden and seem to be void of any dirt. Golden poles and walls formed structures that layered atop one another.

Some parts looked like steel frames in a construction site while others looked inexplicable. 

The terrain looked quite confusing as poles intertwined and the intricate design of this place had floors atop pillars that were extending thousands of feet up.

Multiple house like s.p.a.ces could be spotted and a ma.s.sive wheel which was wedged behind the confusing looking structures.

To top it off, this was a moving terrain that would occasionally s.h.i.+ft and change outlines in unpredictable patterns.

"We have to get up there," Gustav said while pointing at a part of the golden entrapment that looked like a hideable s.p.a.ce.

"Then we better start climbing now," Angy voiced as she arrived before the first array of metal poles.

She jumped forward and grabbed hold of one on the left, pulling upwards as quickly as she could. E.E and Gustav didn"t wait around and jumped onto the closest ones nearby.

Despite the rod like golden pole being very slick, they were able to reach a height of eleven feet, arriving at the first walkable platform above the ground.

As they pulled themselves to the top of the golden smooth floor above, the purple fog in the air behind had crept much closer.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Their footsteps drummed on the golden platform rhythmically as they ran forward as quickly as they could. They soon arrived at the end of this platform, reaching an area with tens of golden rods positioned in horizontal and vertical formats.

Gustav, Angy and E.E positioned themselves on one of the horizontal rods carefully stepping forward because one little misstep could cause them to lose balance and fall back to the ground.

As they stepped forward, they raised their hands to grab hold of the closest golden rod above them and used it to climb upwards. 

This particular area extended about thirty feet above the ground so despite their carefulness they had to move as quickly as they could as well.

"It"s getting closer, move," Gustav stated with a hint of worry.

The moment was extremely tense as they quickly moved from one horizontal golden pole to the next above them. After a couple of seconds they arrived at the top of this particular area and stepped forward gently since they were still transversing on golden poles that were barely wider than half a foot length. 

Carefully placing one leg before they other, they made their way forward while the purplish fog finally arrived in the yellow zone.

Gustav, Angy and E.E got to the end of the poles they were walking on and arrived before a sloppy golden platform that extended upwards.

They wasted no time in boarding it and ran forward as quickly as they could while behind them, skeletal looking creatures began to sweep out of the purplish fog.

They spread, sweeping in all directions across the Golden Entrapment yellow zone. Their screeches tickled the eardrums of the trio as they tried their possible best to make their way forward and upwards as quickly as they could.

They soon reached a height of around hundred feet and made their way to an area up ahead with scattered golden boards positioned all across the air. It looked like they were being held up by the tip of golden poles from below.

However, these boards were positioned a couple feet away from each other so if the trio wanted to make it forward, they would have to jump from board to board.

Gustav, Angy and E.E wasted no time in doing the needful as the winds blew across their face while they jumped from board to board.

The boards differed in sizes but luckily, each of them were large enough to hold at least four people standing side by side. 

"Move move move," Gustav kept urging the others as he counted how many more boards were before them.

The further they progressed, the lengthier the distance between golden boards became.

"Two more," Gustav mummured as he noticed that the board before him was about seven feet away.

Ignoring the hard golden ground far below that seemed to be calling at any minor error, Gustav leapt forward with all of his strength. 


He landed one feet ahead of ledge of this golden board, barely making it. Since only one more board was in between the s.p.a.ce before the walkable golden platform ahead, E.E. and Angy had to leap towards Gustav"s current position as well.

Gustav moved slightly to the front so as not to hinder them as they jumped towards him.


E.E landed before Angy and balanced his body so as not to fall over. When Angy leapt forward, she landed and staggered into Gustav"s embrace who helped her gained balance.

"That"s the last one, by my calculations it is more than eight feet away, jump with all your strength," Gustav cautioned as purplish fog spread across the place.

He decided to go first and moved a few paces backwards to gather momentum. 

Gustav ran forward and leapt off the ledge after gathering all the strength he could muster.


As his body ascended across the air, a thirteen foot large creature suddenly descended upon the last golden board up ahead.


It screehed loudly before sweeping it"s left wing forward with ferocity.


A wave of purplish energy blasted forward, slamming into Gustav in mid air as he raised his arms to block.


Gustav"s body traveled across the air in a arc as he felt his body ringing internally with pain.

[ - 100 Life Points]

Gustav back slammed onto a golden board which was four places behind, sliding across it till he fell of the ledge.

"Gustav!" Angy and E.E yelled in horror upon witnessing the turn of events.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" Angy yelled in anguish as she tapped on her Iov bracelet, instantly Activating an attack. 

[Flame Blast]

The bracelet displayed the name of the random attack it generated as Angy stretched forth her left arm.


A jet of yellow flames bursted forth with intensity, slamming into the creature ahead and sending it flying.
