The Bloodline System

Chapter 1236 Discovering Axiler

Chapter 1236 Discovering Axiler

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


"Miss Aimee," Gustav responded with a warm tone before his eyes darted to the person next to her.

"Stark... I see you two have finally met," Gustav voiced while moving closer to them.

"Why does this strung up kid say he knows you? He stopped me from dealing with the rat," Miss Aimee voiced while pointing at Stark.

"Hehe..." A wry chuckle escaped Stark lips as he rubbed his head nervously. Anyone would show respect to him as the head of the Vertigons but Miss Aimee didn"t seem to care about that.

He felt this was rightly so too since he found out that this was the famed Aimee. The Mixedblood who became a G.o.ddess. 

Immediately after Gustav heard Miss Aimee"s statement, he knew what she was talking about.

"You guys go ahead I"ll catch up," Gustav said to the others.

The group nodded and greeted Miss Aimee as well as Stark before leaving. After they had left, Miss Aimee, Gustav and Stark moved to a particular part of the spectators area to discuss privately.

"You found the person selling IYSOP information?" Gustav questioned.

The instant Miss Aimee mentioned getting stopped from dealing with a rat Gustav knew she was definitely referring to whoever was selling info.

"I did," Miss Aimee replied.

"So who is it? Which one of the handlers? It definitely has to be someone high up," Gustav voiced in quick successions.

"It isn"t one of Ozis," Miss Aimee instantly dismmised.

"What? If it isn"t one of the Ozis then who is it?" Gustav inquired with a tone of curiosity. 

"It"s an individual named Axiler," Stark replied from the side.

"Uh? Who is that?" Gustav was thrown into the sea of confusion once more.

"He"s or She or it since they do not have a gender, is a Diklaro, from the planet Deklan," Miss Aimee stated.

"Deklan... the planet that got destroyed due to the intergalactic war against the Fixians about five hundred years ago?" Gustav recalled this from one of the books he read within the MBO camp over a year ago.

"Yes them... their species or what is left of it is now scattered across the universe since they no longer have a place to call their home," Miss Aimee voiced in confirmation. 

"This one in particular, Axiler, is a well known intergalactic trader, guide and collector who is wanted in four different planets under the alliance... Some of the activities It engages in are not entirely legal but at the same time, It is still well known in many places as Its endeavours had spread across galaxies. It is said to possess many unique collections from all across the galaxies and have sold to both questionable and authoritative figures

I"ve been given a mission in the past to capture It due to one of the planets after him asking for earth"s help in catching him," Miss Aimee"s last sentence piqued the interests of both of them as she gave them information on Axiler. 

"You didn"t manage to catch him?" Gustav questioned with a look of surprise. 

"Of course I did," Miss Aimee responded.

Gustav"s face at this moment was one that without a doubt displayed what he was thinking, "Then how is he still at large?"

"They let Axiler go... My job was only to catch him and hand him over which I did. I wasn"t going to concern myself with whatever they chose to do to it. What I do remember is, despite being wanted, Axiler is also protected by powerful figures all across the galaxies so I"m sure they found a way to free him," Miss Aimee explained.

Gustav wouldn"t have believed it if Miss Aimee had failed to catch Axiler. The whole scenario made more sense now.

"He doesn"t sound like someone that would be allowed to attend IYSOP," Gustav said with a look of confoundment. 

"Because it isn"t... It came here disguised as someone else. I"m not surprised it managed to sneak in undetected. One of Axiler"s strong suit is getting into any place he wishes to no matter how protected or dangerous such a placs is. That"s why he is one of the most famous collectors all across galaxies today," Miss Aimee replied with faint admiration despite the status of the Diklaro.

"And by now you would have caught him again if it wasn"t for Stark, right?" Gustav tried to piece things together based on what he had heard so far.

"That is right... It possesses what is known as a sentient level breach artifact. This item is the stuff of legends as many intergalactic travelers who also bear the t.i.tle of collectors have tried to acquire it for themselves and failed. Turns out it succeeded and is also using that to figure out information on IYSOP challenges before they are issued. He sells the information here on the ninth disk to partic.i.p.ating planets who are able to afford it. That little critter is still as greedy as I remember," Miss Aimee voiced lengthily. 

"I identified Axiler from up there and swooped down to capture hum but your friend here, stopped me from taking Axiler at the last minute, saying you wouldn"t have wanted things to go that way," Miss Aimee added.

"Uh? Stark why djd you stop her?" Gustav questioned while turning to face Stark.

"Because I have a preposition," Stark voiced with an insightful expression. 

"Instead of capturing him and handing him over to the handlers, why don"t we use him to our advantage," Stark added.

"Using him to our advantage would be considered cheating which could also bring problems to use if it people were to find out," Gustav responded while shaking his head.

He would have given it more thought if this wasn"t the case. He wasn"t willing to jeopardise the earth especially since their current standing isn"t bad.

"I don"t mean use him like that," Stark statement caused Miss Aimee to stare with curiosity. 

"I mean use him to sabotage the others purchasing information from him. This way we could ruin their plans and still remain free from the corruption of cheating," Stark explained. 

"I see... that"s a good one," Gustav held his chin before turning to stare in Miss Aimee"s direction. 

"Can we do that? Can we make him sabotage the others?" Gustav questioned.

"Knowing how it takes pride in its actions and reputation, Axiler will definitely refuse to do such so his credibility remains unsullied and it doesn"t affect his business in the future," Miss Aimee voiced in response.

"So we can"t..."

"No its fine because it won"t be a request, it will be a demand. A demand he won"t be able to refuse," Miss Aimee spoke with a frosty tone, causing Stark to chuckle nervously. 

"Great, then let"s do this," Gustav stated with a look of excitement. 

"I can see him right now, he"s currently conducting a business," Stark voiced with his eyes emitting a golden glow.

"So quick? The Beast Haven Challenge just ended an hour ago... I guess it is to be expected since everyone is curious as to the details of the upcoming major challenge," Gustav thought. 

"You can see it?" Miss Aimee questioned  Stark.

"Yes, the same way I saw you when you were up there and knew where you"d land first. I"ve also had my eyes on him sonce I arrived on Planet Ozious," 

Stark"s responss caused miss Aimee to show a hint of astonishment. Stark was truly remarkable being able to see her real body when no one could.

Gustav had nearly forgotten that Stark had the all seeing eyes till he made use of it again. He wondered how being able to see everything must feel like.

If Stark was unable to control it, this was something that could definitely drive anyone crazy since it was like having a bunch of monitors lined up in a circular format within you, giving back vivid footage of ongoing activities in both personal and public s.p.a.ces.

It really was like having an invisible CCTV placed everywhere.

"Shall we?" Stark questioned after a brief silence.

"Lead the way," Gustav responded.

"Gladly," Stark mouthed off as he turned in a particular direction and leapt into the air.


In mid air, he transformed into a three headed draconic figure that flew off into the distance. 

Gustav and Miss Aimee followed behind effortlessly.


Within a s.p.a.ce with a restaurant like setting, a bunch of individuals clad in all sorts of outfits that were unrecognisable to any earthling, enjoyed having the meal before them and chatting away in various languages. 

A lot of these individuals also happened to bear different appearances since the restaurant had different planetary species gathered within.

The manner in which the interior of restaurant was structured was one that a human would most definitely find odd.

The golden colored floors happened to be traingular in shape. The floors were so steep that people and the feeding tables set before them should be falling off, yet everything was well balanced on the steep floor.

To make things even more complicated, the upper floors of restaurant were shaped in an upside down traingular format, making it look like everyone was eating upside down yet, no one fell off.

At a section of this odd looking restaurant which was apparently normal to its inhabitants, two unknown figures sat before each other.
