The Bloodline System

Chapter 1237 Capturing Axiler

Chapter 1237 Capturing Axiler

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapters


At a section of this odd looking restaurant which was apparently normal to its inhabitants, two unknown figures sat before each other.

One had an armadillo shaped face with brownish scales allover with a humanoid structured full body.

The one on the other side had a transparent like skin that looked like a layer of water with weird reddish markings on his face. He had an extremely serious expression as he spoke while ghe armadillo shaped faced creature on the other end looked like he was in a silly goofy mood.

"I really need it, please help," The transparent skinned being begged.

"Hnmmh ouuu," The Armadillo faced like creature exclaimed pleasurably as it chewed on the contents of the plate before it.

"Oh mine this dish is definitely amongst my top ten now... It replaces Dahumar special at number ten. Planet Ozious truly lives up to its reputation as one of the leaders of the alliance, really top tier food quality here..." It added while grabbing another piece of the purplish dripping wormy like eyeball on the table.

"This is serious! It is a matter of life and death," The transparent skinned being stated with a strong tone while looking around as he tried not to speak too loud.

"It is a matter of life and death that I finish this dish uhhmmm..." The Armadillo faced being exclaimed pleasurable again as it downed another mouthful of the dish before it.

Ugh..." The transparent skinned being did his best not to lose his temper as he sat in place for a seconds, watching the creature before him gobble down chunks after chunks.

"s.h.i.+rmin, you... hav-en"t *gulps*  touched your food," The Armadillo faced being voiced amidst his chews.

"I am not hungry... this is a ma..." The transparent skinned being hadn"t managed to complete his sentence when the Armadillo faced being cut him off.

"Then can I have it?" It questioned. 

"You... fine you can have it," s.h.i.+rmin folded his arms and leaned backwards with a tired expression while the armadillo faced creature kept devouring everything in sight.

"Thank you s.h.i.+rmin..." It voiced joyously.

About a minute later, it had devoured every piece of food on the table completely and began cleaning it"s hands.

"Why do you have a scowl on your face... oh that"s right a matter of life and death," The Armadillo face creature said with an empathetic tone.

"Yes yes will you help me now?" s.h.i.+rmin questiond.

"From what you told me it seems like you folks are the ones that wanna sentence someone to death," The Armadillo faced creature voiced with a tone of awareness.

"It is still life and death... the other party deserves it," s.h.i.+rmin responded.

"Haha when you put it that way, you"re not entirely wrong. I have something for your young sappling that would work but it will work just once and can never be re used afterwards," The Armadillo faced creature stated while raising its right paw like hand and tapping on a necklace around it"s chest.


A small trinket that looked like a mix between a ring and a necklace appeared in its grasp. The metallic edges emitted a faint magenta glow and the circular ring like area had the carvings of the mouth of an unknown monster on its surface.

Besides these details, the trinket looked quite ordinary.

"So long as your young sappling wears this while activating an attack, it will do the required job but remember, it can only be used once," The Armadillo faced creature spoke while pa.s.sing it to s.h.i.+rmin on the other side.

"He won"t get another chance to use it? That is quite risky... what if it misses the target?" s.h.i.+rmin questioned.

"It can"t. Once the target is decided by the user, nothing in the entire universe will stop it from meeting the goal," The Armadillo faced creature stated with an aura of confidence that immediately erased any doubt s.h.i.+rmin had.

"Thank you," s.h.i.+rmin said while keeping it away.

"Just pay my fee and scamper off, i have another appointment soon," The Armadillo faced creature voiced with a light chuckle.

However, in the next instant its facial expression suddenly changed.

"I have to go now! You can pay through the usual channels," It voiced quickly while standing to its feet.

This change shocked s.h.i.+rmin as he had never seen this creature look so perturbed. It was always carefree and unbothered.

It frantically tapped on one of the multiple rings on its finger which glowed brightly but its face showed more shock as it remained in place.

"You cannot run from me!" A loud and powerful feminine voice reverberated across the vicinity causing its face to show even more

"Who said that? What in the world is going on?" s.h.i.+rmin became instantly startled as he jumped to his feet as well. The Armadillo faced creature tapped on multiple b.u.t.tons on his its fabric very quickly as a loud whoosing sound reverberated across the vicinity. 


A beam of light was emitted from his being as he vanished instantly. Meanwhile two individuals arrived in place of where the Armadillo face creature had just vanished from.

s.h.i.+rmin who had already left the seating area when he noticed everything intensifying, could be seen leaving through the exit of the restaurant very quickly. 

One of the individuals with a 6"2 build, extremely charming face with a dirty blonde hair and well chiseled upper body, was about to give chase when he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

"No need, he isn"t who we"re looking for," Stark voiced.

"Oh I thought we might need him too," Gustav said while pausing in his tracks. 

"Miss Aimee is gone..." Gustav noticed.

"She chased after Axiler," Stark voiced.

"Looks like he knew we were coming," Gustav said with a tone of realisation while the entirety of the individuals in the surroundings stared at them with expressions of confusion.

They couldn"t understand what was happening and why there was a popular IYSOP partic.i.p.ant here right now.

"She has cau..." Before Stark could complete his sentence a figure flickered into existence right before their eyes.

The powerful looking figure in all white had the same Armadillo faced creature from before in her grasp as she floated slightly above the ground.

"...ght him," Stark finished his sentence after their appearance. 

"He tried to escape in his s.p.a.cecraft hovering deep in s.p.a.ce," Miss Aimee voiced while holding the Armadillo face creature above the ground effortlessly. 

"Did both of them just bypa.s.s the planet"s security in seconds going back and forth within its...o...b..t like its nothing?" Stark couldn"t help but be astonished despite being aware that these were two legends in different fields.

It was even crazier that they were undetected and he had seen Axiler flying away in his s.p.a.cecraft already but Miss Aimee was just too powerful. She breached it and took him out forcefully before bringing him back to the ninth disk. All in less than five seconds.

There was no doubt that had Gustav and Stark done this themselves without the help of Miss Aimee, Axiler would have been long gone already. 

It sermed like he was ready to leave instantly at the first sign of danger. However, since this was Miss Aimee, he was completely out of luck. She had caught him in the past when she still took missions for the MBO, there was no doubt that she would capture him again, especially now that she was more powerful. 

" Aimee, please spare me eheeii," Axiler shrieked in fear while begging.

"You shouldn"t have tried to run then," Miss Aimee voiced while expressing a smirk of depravity. 

"au au... I... its reflex action you can"t blame me, please let me go, I"ll give you half... no you can have all of my wealth," He begged frantically while recalling the past of how he suffered intensely in the hands of Miss Aimee in the past.

This woman was the devil to him. She imprinted a fear deep into his mind five years ago that he couldn"t get rid of even till now.

"You know I need none of that. Even if you were to offer me your pitiful life, I wouldn"t take it," Miss Aimee replied while turning around.

"I have something else you can do for me instead," Miss Aimee stated before flickering out of existence like she appeared here in the first place.

This didn"t mean Miss Aimee had teleportation powers or anything, she was just so fast that it looked like she was vanis.h.i.+ng when she moved. Miss Aimee had grown so powerful that her rapid movements didn"t have much effects on the surroindings so everyone within the restaurant were barely affected. 

Gustav and Stark on the other hand were different. 


They sped out of the place, causing winds to blast in every direction as Ozis law enforcement made their way to the location. 


"What do you want from me this time? Please hand me over to the authorities here," Axiler voiced within a secluded dark s.p.a.ce.

He preferred being far away from Miss Aimee even if that meant getting locked up.

