The Bloodline System

Chapter 1345 I Hope I Didn"t Scare You

Chapter 1345 I Hope I Didn"t Scare You

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


If the planet met the requirements, they would leave them alone. If not, the alliance would send an army and forcefully take control of the planet to right the wrongs.

The problem was... there was nothing right with this particular planet and Planet Investigators had been here in the past. It turned out that corruption wasn"t privy to earth alone. The last time Barron Diov visited he most likely took a bribe and didn"t report back what he had seen.

This also explained the luxurious treatment they were giving Barron Diov at the moment. They expected him to stay quiet again.

Unfortunately... this was Gustav, not Barron Diov. They had no idea what was coming to them.

"Oh right... I should head to Sersi"s room to make this more believable," Gustav voiced before standing to his feet.

The moment he stepped out of his room, he came into view with a large hallway with extremely high decorated ceilings and two guards stationed beside his room door.

Gustav held his head high with pride as he turned to the left and took strides forward. 

"Don"t follow me," he stated with a commanding tone, causing the guards to freeze before they could take a step forward. Both guards had been a.s.signed to him and were tasked with following him everywhere he went but now they were at a loss on what to do.

They communicated with their eyes, asking each other whether to follow him and risk irking him, which would result in great catastrophe, or stay back and most likely get scolded by their superior.

After a brief thought, they decided to stay behind. It wasn"t like he was going far... or so they thought. 

Gustav arrived before a large room door and knocked a couple of times.

"Valuri, it is me," He called out.


The door slid open and Gustav proceeded to immediately walk in.

After the door behind him shut, he moved to stand before the feminine figure clad in a tight, sleek, black, outfit. It looked like she was in a jumpsuit of sorts but her head was shaped in a triangular format like Gustav"s with a singular yellow eye.

[Mental Manipulation Has Been Activated]

"I"m heading out but you must pretend that I am still here. Which means you mustn"t let anyone in," Gustav communicated with Sersi through their minds to prevent anyone from eavesdropping on them. Not like he wouldn"t notice if anyone tried such.

"Alright, father. I will stay here and make sure no one gets in," Sersi a.s.sured Gustav.

Gustav placed his hand on her head and caressed her hair affectionately for a moment before turning around.

"I can make my presence vanish completely without activating Cognitive Concealment so I should be good", He thought while retracting his energy and presence.

Sersi"s eyes widened slightly in disbelief as Gustav vanished from her line of sight. She wasn"t just unable to sense his presence, she was unable to see him as well.

Gustav was able to do this by mimicking Jack and Mack. Unfortunately, more powerful beings would still be able to sense him if he were to try such in their presence without activating Cognitive concealment. However, with the strength of everyone currently around him, he knew he would go unnoticed.


"He said he is coming… that is all the message says," Toldou said while pointing at the holographic projection before him.

Matilda stared at the message as well with a slightly dumbfounded expression.

"But he doesn"t know where we are. Our mole wouldn"t have made contact with him yet," Oola voiced with a slightly uneasy tone.

"That can only mean one thing," Matilda said while turning around.

Thiiiisshhhhhh~ Thiiisshhhh~ Thiiissshhhh~

The walls before them suddenly separated, revealing a wide pa.s.sageway that led to the entry point of the structure.

"Uh?" Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the empty pa.s.sageway with expressions of puzzlement.

"Why did it open?" Toldou voiced as a chill permeated his spine.

Oola shrugged in uncertainty, "It never activates unless someone uses the knocking unlock pattern," She whispered.

"But there is no one there," Toldou pointed at the empty pa.s.sageway as the feeling of eeriness increased.

Thhhiiisssshhh~ Thhhhiiiissshh~ Thhissshhh~

The pa.s.sageway began shutting back and after a few seconds, silence ensued.

"h.e.l.lo Gus," A smile appeared on Matilda"s face as she voiced softly.

"I hope I didn"t scare you," A masculine voice resounded from behind Toldou.

"Eeekkkkkk!" Toldou jumped in fright the moment he turned around to spot someone standing behind him.

His arm instinctively swung forward to slap the figure but before it could reach their face it was stopped.

"It"s him," Matilda said from the side after grabbing Toldou"s arm. 

"OH!" Toldou exclaimed in realization as he lowered his arm in embarra.s.sment.

Oola"s eyes widened in astonishment as she spotted the seven-foot-tall figure up ahead in majestic dark robes and one large shade covering half of his cone-shaped head.

"Sir Gustav Crimson? Is that really you?" Oola questioned with stars s.h.i.+mmering in her eyes


"Sir?" The tall figure said while slowly shapes.h.i.+fting.

"Oola is a big fan," Matilda said while drawing closer to hug Gustav.

"Oh… eh? That doesn"t seem right," Gustav responded after completely transforming back into his 6"3 original look.

He proceeded to return the hug as he and Matilda remained in each other"s embrace for a few seconds.

They were both aware that each of them had been through a lot in the past year so the hug felt more like they were comforting each other. Especially since they hadn"t seen each other in eight months and had only communicated through encrypted messages that transcended s.p.a.ce.

After they separated Matilda felt a little relief. It was like her spirits had been rejuvenated and she hoped it was the same for Gustav.


Gustav snapped his finger and the shade on his face instantly vanished.

Oola"s eyes widened even more, "It is truly you," She muttered while moving to stand in between him and Matilda.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you… Can I shake your hand, sir?" Oola gushed uncontrollably causing Toldou to roll his eyes by the side.

"What is with her?" Gustav said to Matilda as he stretched out his hand.

Oola disregarded Gustav"s unsettled tone and held his hand like she was holding onto the most priced piece of material in the universe.

"So smooth… so strong… so…" She was lost in her admiring thoughts while Matilda gave Gustav a little explanation.

"They watched IYSOP even if their planet didn"t partic.i.p.ate. A lot of them are infatuated with you," Matilda said.

"Yeaaa but still I"m wanted and known as very dangerous so…" Gustav had expected a different reaction especially since everyone was scared of their planet ending up like Planet Ozious. 

"They know you"re here to save them… also not everyone believes the bulls.h.i.+t the alliance is spewing about you. Haven"t you heard of the Gustavo resistance?" Matilda inquired.

"The Gustavo what now?" Gustav"s mouth hung loosely as he hoped it wasn"t what he thought it was.

"A religious group who appeared after you were declared wanted by the alliance. They claim to be your loyal wors.h.i.+ppers and also claim that you are destined to free the universe from bondage… whatever that means…" Matilda shook her head while trying to hold the laughter that nearly burst from her lips.

"What? My name isn"t even Gustavo…" Gustav was appalled.

At this point, Matilda couldn"t hold her laughter in any longer and began letting it out uncontrollably.

Toldou stared at her with a look of disbelief. She had never smiled since she arrived there nearly three months ago, but since his arrival not only did she smile, she even laughed.

"I"ve never seen such a pretty smile…"

Toldou couldn"t help but look bewildered as he wondered just what kind of person Gustav was to cast a ray of light upon the gloomy environment with only a few minutes of his appearance. 

"At least some people believe you"re innocent and aren"t running heedlessly with what the alliance is feeding the universe," Matilda voiced after she finally relaxed.

Gustav pulled his arm back from Oola who had been inspecting it all the while he had been talking to Maltida with gazes of adoration and eyes filled with wonder. 

"I hate this outfit… How long do I have to keep it on?" Gustav inquired.

"Till we can guarantee Dahria"s safety," Matilda answered.

"I could really just go get her from wherever she is and bring her here," Gustav said with a casual tone.

"You can?" Oola"s eyes s.h.i.+mmered.

"It isn"t difficult…" Gustav responded.

"It"s not that simple," Matilda chimed in. 

She turned to the side and walked towards the Albriukis man by the side working on a rhombus-shaped piece of machinery. 

"Riola has been working on this device for the past two months. It"s supposed to help free Dahria and the royal family left alongside the royal guards from the energy slave shackles around their hearts," Matilda explained.

"Hmm, energy slave shackles… isn"t that one of the forbidden items not meant for sale under the alliance?" Gustav questioned.