The Bloodline System

Chapter 1358 Fis.h.i.+ng For Answers

Chapter 1358 Fis.h.i.+ng For Answers

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


"But why would you ambush me like this? What are you doing in my car?" Mr Tristan still had a hint of hostility in his tone as he questioned. 

"I have been trying to contact you for some time to no avail. You"re a very difficult person to contact, so I took my chance when the opportunity arose," E.E. answered. 

"Trying to contact me? Why?" Mr Tristan asked.

"I wanted to talk about Falco," The moment E.E. gave this answer, Mr Tristan"s eyes lit up.

"Did you find my son? What is..."

"No... at least not yet," E.E. cut Mr Tristan off before he could conclude, causing the poor man"s face to darken a bit.

"But... All of his friends, myself included, are working to get him back," E.E. said with a tone of rea.s.surance.

"If the MBO can"t do it, what makes you kids think you can?" Tristan questioned while rubbing his temples.

"Because we were there when it all went down. We were at the forefront of it all. No one witnessed what we did. No one knows everything we know. If anyone can bring back your son, it is us," E.E. stated with an expression of certainty.

"Hmm... you sound so sure," Mr Tristan was taken aback by his tone of confidence.

"That"s also because we have someone on our side... someone who the entire universe longs to acquire,"

"Hmm? Who is..."

"Sir Tristan, the major reason you and I need to talk is based on the origin of your son. If we wish to get Falco back, I need to know everything."

Mr Tristan paused with a slightly confounded look on his face before replying.

"Okay...? What exactly do you mean by origin?"

"Is Falco truly your son?" E.E. inquired with a tone of suspiciousness.

"What sort of idiotic question is this? Look at my face and tell me you don"t see the semblance between me and my son. Of course, he is my son and I do not doubt that!" Mr Tristan yelled loudly.

Kom! Kom! Kom!

A loud knock on the side of the tilted window caused things to quieten a bit.

"What is it?" Mr Tristan asked with hostility in his voice.

"Sir, are we not leaving?" A bodyguard asked from outside.

"Not…" Mr Tristan was about to respond when E.E. b.u.t.ted in.

"I think it"s better we take this discussion to a more secluded location. You"re gonna want to hear what I have to say about Falco," E.E. said with a cryptic tone.

"Hmm… Let"s go," Mr Tristan gestured at the bodyguard.




In deep s.p.a.ce, a s.p.a.cecraft navigated through an area of brownish s.p.a.ce dust.


The sphere-shaped s.p.a.cecraft swerved as a bunch of grey asteroids fritzed past. The s.p.a.cecraft was moving at such incredible speed and it took a lot of navigation to get past the asteroids without taking on any damage.

The blazing blueish light shooting out of the side of the s.p.a.cecraft was the only source of illumination in that part of s.p.a.ce. After a couple more hours of drifting across s.p.a.ce, a bunch of gloomy, icy-colored stars could be spotted in the distance.

Within the s.p.a.cecraft, Gustav sat before the control panel with Sersi and the system in physical form strapped to the seats behind.

When Gustav noticed the icy-colored stars which looked like planets of their own in the distance, he unstrapped himself.

"We"re closing in on the Ghismic Torin Galaxy…" He announced.

"That took us nearly two weeks of traveling. How slow," The system sounded irritated.

"If you had a faster means of travel why didn"t you provide it?" Gustav made a low tsking sound with his tongue after speaking.

"Are we there yet Daddy?" Sersi questioned.

"No, we still have a long way to go but it shouldn"t take us more than a day," Gustav answered.

"Sersi understands," Sersi nodded.

"This is your chance to go back to Planet Vespa. If you want it, I could send you back there right now," Gustav added quietly.

"No. I want to stay with you," Sersi shook her head.

"Are you sure? You most definitely have free will to go with whatever you wish," Gustav asked her again.

"Yes I am sure," She responded with a tone of certainty.

"Hmm... alright then," Gustav said before turning around to head back to his initial sitting area. He suddenly paused as he thought of something.

"You"re still too weak as you are…" He said while turning around and walking back towards Sersi.

"Here is a little reward for being a good girl," Gustav said while placing his hand on her head.

[Bloodline Upgrade Has Been Activated]

Sersi had a look of cluelessness on her face till she felt power flowing into her.





E.E. and Mr Tristan could be spotted sitting in a luxurious living room. It was incredibly large and furnished with expensive decor.

There was a large statue in the middle of the living room of a man in a suit, holding onto a walking cane. The statue was nearly thirty feet tall, with the ceiling of the living room being even higher in height. It was carved out of high-grade gems and had pristine transparent water trickling from the tip of the walking cane into an exalted mini pool of sorts.

The stairways were positioned on the far ends of the living room with an elevator area on the east.

If E.E. wasn"t in a serious conversation with Mr Tristan at the moment, he would have been admiring the incredible view in front of him.

"If Falco was here right now, I would have called him a lucky rich b.a.s.t.a.r.d for growing up in a place like this."

ƈοm For some reason, none of them had ever been to Falco"s house so this was the first time E.E. was seeing his place and he was also the first amongst the group to visit. 

"Are you telling me that before any of that happened, Falco was having nightmares of a strange person claiming to be his real father?" Mr Tristan questioned with a troubled expression.

"Yes… this person had been plaguing his nightmares for some time. Claimed to be his true father the ruler of some unknown dimension. Falco was also said to be heir to the throne since he got some type of crown. We know it wasn"t Falco just being paranoid and imagining it because Gustav Crimson personally witnessed the physical manifestation of the crown," E.E. answered.

"Gustav Crimson? The universal fugitive?" Mr Tristan said with a look of skepticism.

"I know how it sounds but the world seems to have forgotten that he saved the earth more than once. Also, he fought to protect your son so many times. He is the reason the rest of us managed to make it back to Earth safely. So, before you try to discredit him with the lies the alliance is spewing about him, remember his deeds." E.E. responded begrudgingly.

"Hmm, I know he is someone my son values and respects because just as my son has mentioned your name before, he has also mentioned that of the youngster, Gustav Crimson but… did he truly destroy Planet Ozious?" Mr Tristan questioned, his eyes denoting suspicion.

"No. It is all a setup because they realized what Gustav is capable of and everyone now wants him for themselves," E.E. answered before explaining.

"Planet Ozious was attacked by underlings of this person who is also responsible for taking Falco and our other friend. This was another way we confirmed that Falco wasn"t just having nightmares… he was having an encounter with whoever that being was and that being destroyed planet Ozious because he wanted to take Falco and kill Gustav."

Mr Tristan had a more troubled look on his face as he clasped his palms together and lowered his head.

"What exactly are we dealing with here?" Mr Tristan questioned in a low voice.

"We haven"t completely figured it out yet but it isn"t an easy opponent. I need you to tell me everything about Falco"s origin. Is there anything you"re hiding? It could help us in getting him back," E.E. requested thoughtfully. 

"I don"t know what to tell you. That boy is my son and I never doubted it for the last twenty years since his birth. My wife, she is incapable of…"

"I am not accusing your wife of anything," E.E. chimed in before it could breed a misunderstanding.

"I am asking if you remember any weird occurrence years ago. Maybe before his birth or after his birth. Could be anything… just try to remember," E.E. recalling Gustav being an otherworldly being, despite his birth parents" ident.i.ty as mixed bloods made him have an open mind.

Anything was possible at this point, regardless of how things were looking.

"Hmm… I think I recall an odd occurrence when my wife was still pregnant with him. I never really thought much of it till you mentioned this," Mr Tristan said with a reminiscent look.