The Bloodline System

Chapter 1379 The Vitricites Species

Chapter 1379 The Vitricites Species

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter 


They didn"t know that only a single person had returned out of the five they sent, till he stepped out of the s.p.a.cecraft.

"Jvarvi?" Voices were heard from the background as he stepped into their midst.

"Where are the others?"Handler three inquired with a concerned look.

"They sent me back alone to come and give a message that would explain everything that had happened in the last three months," Jvarvi answered while bringing out a small pocket device.

"You all are going to want to see this," He added while handing it over to handler three.


Minutes later, all of the handlers had gathered in a ma.s.sive hall. They were all watching the projection that displayed footage of Vilax, Milox, and Osiark. The whole place had descended into quietness as they focused on the joint narration of the trio. 

Occasionally gasps would be heard as the Handlers listened to their tale which was full of unexpected situations like the hards.h.i.+p they faced while trying to acquire the requirements from the Xelios tower and how they finally succeeded.

When they arrived at the part where Gustav was mentioned, the hall was thrown into disarray. 

"They found the universal fugitive?"

"They must have captured him by now."

"They better bring him back so we can hand him over to the alliance."

"We shall regain our seat in the alliance."

Different voices with mixtures of both anguish and antic.i.p.ation could be heard. Handler three quickly addressed them to remain quiet so they could listen to the rest of the footage.

As the narration went on the faces of the Handlers changed to shock.

"How could they ask that criminal for help?!" A loud yell rang out which threw the whole hall into disarray again. 

Handler One tried to calm them down again but most of them had gotten incensed and even began to blame Handler Three"s son, Vilax, for this.

"Everyone relax," Handler Three"s voice resounded loudly which caused the place to reduce in noise.

"How can they work with the enemy?"

"They should have immediately brought that fugitive back!"

"Did you all even listen?" 

"Our people are in danger of getting lost forever!"

A big side of the handlers wasn"t in support of the decision Vilax and the others made, but some felt they made the right choice. However, everyone still had misgivings about Gustav.

"I am not sure some of you understand the severity of the situation," Handler Three resumed speaking.

"Seifiling is a being that has not been sighted by anyone in centuries, talk more of being caught. He has been gathering species nonstop and even the alliance has never been able to get a hold of him. He takes a bunch of species and moves on to another location. Our children cast their pride aside to ask for help from a person who is believed to be responsible for the destruction of our planet… just because they wanted to make sure they had a chance of saving our people who have been placed in bondage by this powerful being…" Handler Three"s tone had a hint of disappointment as he spoke.

At this point, the entire hall had completely quietened down.

"They were looking at the bigger picture to save the rest of our people. The lots of you don"t seem to realize what they have just put themselves into," He added.

"But are we just going to leave the criminal just because he has decided to help save the rest of our people?" A handler questioned from the side.

"That is not what I am saying. I am saying, we should not condemn their decision. It was the best option with the time frame they had or Seifiling would have disappeared again which would mean three months had been wasted. I have heard that the Xelios Tower gives even more ridiculous requirements for wanting to get the same information twice.

We are going to do our best to a.s.sist our children by heading to the coordinates they have left in this footage. It doesn"t matter how long it will take us to get there… so long as they can stall Seifiling for long enough, we could get there in time to save our people and finally capture Gustav Crimson," Handler three explained lengthily.

"Are you saying…" The handler who spoke had a look of surprise as he voiced out.

"Yes. It would be like killing two birds with one stone… prepare the army," Handler Three commanded sternly.


In the vastness of outer s.p.a.ce, a sleek s.p.a.cecraft appeared, hovering gracefully above a b.u.t.ter-colored planet that seemed to glow with warmth and mystery.

The s.h.i.+p, a marvel of cutting-edge technology, gleamed in the starlight, its metallic exterior reflecting the brilliance of distant galaxies.

Inside the s.p.a.cecraft, a group of intrepid explorers gazed upon the sight before them. The surreal landscape of the b.u.t.ter-colored planet seemed to resemble vast plains of wheat fields, stretching as far as the eye could see. 

"Are you sure this is the location?" Gustav questioned with a tone of uncertainty.

"The scroll says we"re here," Osiark replied while staring at the glowing scroll.

"Is something wrong?" Vilax inquired.

"No one matches the description you gave me of Seifiling," Gustav answered.

"Wait… how…" Osiark had a look of confusion as she voiced.

"I just scanned the entire planet and every single lifeform on it with my perception," Gustav answered.

It was like a bomb just went off in Milox, Vilax, and Osiark"s head the moment they heard this.

"You did what?" Vilax had to ask for confirmation as he was having a hard time comprehending what he had just heard.

"Scanned the entire planet with my perception," Gustav repeated this line like it was a normal thing to do.

All four Ozis stared at him in disbelief. They began questioning themselves internally. Technically Gustav was younger than they were even if they were agemates based on the calculation of planetary time so how the h.e.l.l was he so strong?

"Does this mean he has gone beyond his strength at IYSOP…? That strength that was already on a ridiculous level at the time?" Vilax was the most stumped out of all four of them.

Gustav was decimating the battlefield back then in IYSOP so just how much more powerful was he now?

"We can"t overrule the a.s.sumption that he might have taken on a secret ident.i.ty," Endric voiced from the side.

"That is indeed true," Osiark nodded.

"It is a good thing the scroll lets us know if we are near him. We just need to start looking," Vilax stated with a tone of antic.i.p.ation.

The Mundane one had informed them that the scroll would also help them figure out his exact position since they would be searching for him on a whole planet. The scroll only becomes useless once he leaves the vicinity of the planet.

Once he was within a radius of ten miles, the scroll would alert them.

"Where do we start from?" Endric asked with an inquisitive gaze.

"We start by landing," Gustav responded while tapping a bunch of functions on the control panel.


The s.p.a.cecraft descended onto the planet in a couple of seconds, ushering them into a completely different environment from what they saw in outer s.p.a.ce.

Their s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p touched down gently on the alien terrain. As the doors opened, a sense of antic.i.p.ation filled the air. 

Stepping out onto the planet"s surface, they were immediately struck by the cotton-like ash drizzling across the air. It was almost like snow but much darker and toxic for nonnative species. Fortunately, Sersi and the others were clad in s.p.a.cesuits.

Gustav had a milky-colored glow cast around his body that completely disintegrated any of the cotton-like ash that made contact with him. 

The ground beneath their feet was a vibrant shade of golden yellow, reminiscent of b.u.t.ter on a warm summer day. The sky above was a serene blend of pastel colors, casting a soft glow over the landscape.

No sun was visible but the day was still bright enough. With confident strides, they began venturing forth.

It didn"t take long before they encountered a settlement of the native alien species. 

Towering above them were slender beings, with skin that s.h.i.+mmered a brilliant iridescent hue, giving a contrasting view with the appearance of the environment. A bunch of them approached them cautiously. It wasn"t like they never got visitors but getting visitors on a planet that was only conducive to native species was a very occurrence.

Due to this, they had mostly been isolated by the rest of the planets under the same alliance. It was also why their structures and technology were primitive.

[Host Has Made Contact With Vitricites Species]

Gustav stared at the system notification that had just appeared in his line of sight. For the first time he was meeting with species he had never heard of.


They spoke a different language as expected but the system automatically translated the meaning to Gustav.