The Bloodline System

Chapter 1424  Is That The Last Item On The List?

Chapter 1424  Is That The Last Item On The List?

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


General Reina stopped prancing at that moment.

"...where would someone like Gustav Crimson hide out?" She questioned while narrowing her eyes.

"He has friends," Officer Gohan pointed out.

"Indeed... one of them has to know he is on earth. One of them has to know exactly where he is," General Reina voiced with a tone of realization.

"General I... erm... th..." Gohan hesitantly stuttered.

"Speak your mind," General Reina stated with a clear tone.


"So... I think we should inform the higher-ups about our conceptions and plans. To run things smoothly, we will need all the help we can get," Gohan spoke with a slightly jittery tone.

"Of all the bad ideas, this is your worst. No, Gohan. I won"t do that until I find him and bring him into custody myself," General Reina turned down his suggestion immediately.

"Ma"am... if he is truly as powerful as an alpha, with capabilities relating to rewinding time, it will be very dangerous for us to go on the endeavor alone," Gohan tried to persuade her.

"No. I won"t share the glory with the others. Think about just how much I will be rewarded if I singlehandedly bring him back. The promotions..." Her face displayed a look of antic.i.p.ation as she raised her head.

"It will be enough for me to get to the next rank but... if taking him in becomes a joint effort, I can kiss my promotion goodbye," General Reina stated.

"I will bring Gustav Crimson in myself."




Within an apartment, a group of six sat around the sofa, seemingly having a conversation.

"Who is she?" Ria pointed at the sky blue-haired girl on Gustav"s left.

"She"s Sersi from planet Vespa," Gustav answered.

"You must be one of Father"s friends that he always talks about," Sersi voiced with intrigue.



Ria and Aildris yelled in confusion at the same time.

"Oh, you two are not up to speed yet," Endric shook his head.

"You cheated on Angy?! Promiscuous rival!" Ria shouted like he had just been betrayed, causing everyone to stare at him like an idiot.

"What?" Ria yelled.

"You do know that he can"t have a baby within the last year to grow to eighteen years of age, right?" Aildris felt like he shouldn"t even be explaining.

"So what? It"s Gustav... nothing is impossible when it comes to him," Ria threw up his hands.

"I hate to say it but, that actually makes sense," E.E. blinked repeatedly.

Everyone else besides Endric suddenly felt confused and turned to stare at Gustav.

"You... didn"t, right?" Aildris questioned very quietly.

"I haven"t had s.e.x in over a year if that"s what you"re asking," Gustav nearly facepalmed after seeing their expressions.

They let out a sigh of relief and immediately burst into laughter.

"Angy would have killed you!"

"I literally mentioned that she is from planet Vespa."

"Promiscuous Rival!"

"Why does she call you father?"

"I know right? It"s gross! She calls me uncle and she"s older than I am!"

The group let out a few more series of laughter before they finally went into the topic of discussion.

"I have gotten the level two hundred mutated beast egg, roots from the Pariscus tree, and the heart of a kilo-ranked mixedblood," Endric announced.

"The heart of a kilo ranked mixedblood? Where did you...?" Before Ria could complete the question, he was cut short.

"No interruptions, Ria. We need to focus," Aildris stated.

Ria kept quiet but was still curious. He could only guess that it belonged to some criminal or something.

"I will be heading to the underground ice research center tomorrow. I"ll get the sample from the Death Angel," E.E. stated with a tone of antic.i.p.ation.

"Is that the last item on the list?" Aildris inquired.

"Yes. Once we get that, we"re pretty much good to go," Endric responded with a gentle nod.

"Then, do you need any help tomorrow, E.E.?" Aildris turned to face Emma.

"Nah... once I get there, I just need to be near to teleport a little chunk of its flesh to my storage," E.E. responded with a tone of a.s.surance.

"Alright then."

"So when do we leave Earth?" Ria questioned.

"Immediately after E.E. gets the sample. I don"t want to stay another second on Earth before something crazy happens again," Gustav answered with a decisive look.

"Also, it isn"t we... It"s just Endric and I. None of you are coming with," He added.

"Come on, rival."

"You will need as much help as you can get."

Ria and Aildris tried to persuade him.

"I am trying to rescue a loved one. I don"t intend to lose more along the line," Gustav refused their help for the umpteenth time.

"Then why is Endric going with you? Isn"t he a loved one too?" Ria pointed out.

"Because he is more powerful than the both of you and can certainly hold his own," Gustav stated bluntly.

As bad as it sounded, Gustav was saying exactly what he felt. He knew they had both increased in strength but didn"t want to risk it. Gustav didn"t have complete faith in them not getting themselves killed.

"Angy is our friend too. We can"t sit back and watch only you two do a dangerous job that could be less dangerous with our help," Aildris kept trying to persuade Gustav.

"Nah, it"s more dangerous if you two come with me cos then I"d have more people to look out for," Gustav shot it down once more.

"E.E. come on say something," Ria turned to E.E. for help.

"Don"t look at me. I"m not tagging along either "cause someone gotta be in the MBO as a mole," E.E. raised both hands in defeat.

Also, they were well aware that once Gustav"s mind was made up, it was almost impossible to change it.

"So... if we prove we"re powerful enough, will you accept our help?" Aildris questioned with a serious expression.

Gustav folded his arms and leaned back against the sofa.

"And how do you intend to do that?" He questioned with a calm but intrigued tone.


The next day arrived in a jiffy. By the time dawn arrived, E.E. was already on his way out of Plankton City.

He stared at the enchanting city slowly disappearing into the horizon from the window of an aircraft. E.E. was in full uniformed outfit as the aircraft flew him out of the city on what was deemed as official business.

There was a weekly report that a particular officer would usually write to the MBO higher-ups after visiting the underground research center to briefly inspect the place.

Unfortunately, this higher-ranked MBO officer was down with a mixed-blood illness that would take a couple of days to recover from.

Luckily, E.E. had been chosen to fill in for him on that particular day for the weekly inspection... but was it really just luck?

E.E. sat in place with a calm demeanor as the aircraft cruised across the pristine blue skies.

"How soon until we get there?" He tapped a b.u.t.ton by his armrest while inquiring.

< "We will be arriving within the hour sir," >

The pilot responded from the cabin area.

"Good," E.E. muttered.

It was actually a distance that he could have opened a vortex to from the start but he had to take the aircraft since it was a different kind of MBO business.

Time went by very quickly and E.E."s aircraft touched down on the closest airstrip.

Beyond the airstrip was a terrain of ice that extended into the horizon. They were supposed to continue the journey from there with frost-designed vehicles.

However, E.E. seemed to have grown tired of using vehicles and simply opened a vortex.


He walked in and arrived at the surface of the underground research facility.

His presence immediately alerted Jack who was floating above the premises.


"What do you want here?"

E.E. didn"t even get a second to appreciate the scenery surrounding him before he heard a voice behind him.

He gulped down saliva while turning around. Lo and behold, the person who stood across from me was the one and only Jack s.h.i.+rwin... the strongest mixedblood in existence.

"Are you mute?" Jack questioned after not getting a reply for a few seconds.

"Uhm no. I am Officer E.E. Here for the weekly inspection," E.E. finally responded.

"The person in charge of the weekly inspection is, Commander Xanatus. What are you doing here?" Jack"s tone rose with suspicion.

"I am here on his behalf. He is down with Irinduses so the higher-ups had me replace him for only today," E.E. was a bit taken aback that Jack wasn"t informed about it.

"Oh, they may have mentioned something about that. You"re that E.E. person who is supposed to do the inspection today," Jack held his chin as a look of understanding appeared on his face.

"I just said that..." E.E."s left eye twitched repeatedly as he smiled wryly.

The world"s strongest surely can"t be a forgetful person. Right?

"Sir Jack, he is with us."