The Bloodline System

Chapter 1453  You"re Delusional

Chapter 1453  You"re Delusional

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


"Everything that happens is the will of our Lord G.o.d Gustav. Don"t be a misguided sapiens, join the cause of our Lord," The being voiced once more like a fanatic.

"If you spit one more bulls.h.i.+t again... I will obliterate you," Elevora threatened.

The being"s form s.h.i.+mmered, its fear palpable even through the containment field.

"You think you are powerful, but your abilities are nothing but mere flickers of shadows compared to our G.o.d, Gustav, the s.h.i.+eld behind which the true powers convene."

Elevora stepped closer to the field, her presence imposing. "Your cooperation is your only path to lesser confinement. Help us, and we can help you. Who is behind this?"

"Our Lord Gustav," the being sounded like a brainwashed fanatic.

Elevora fixed her intense gaze upon the nebulous form of the imprisoned being.

"This is getting repet.i.tive... Tell me the truth, who is behind the Gustavo Alliance?" she demanded, her voice echoing slightly off the smooth walls, imbued with an authority that brooked no defiance.

The being inside the cell, its form s.h.i.+mmering with a yellow light, replied with a fervor that bordered on fanaticism.

"Lord Gustav is our G.o.d, our personal savior. There is no "behind," for he is the forefront, the guiding light of our mission."

Elevora"s eyes narrowed, her patience wearing thin.

"Spare me your zealotry. I need names and structures. Who orchestrates the moves? Does Gustav even know of the existence of you lots?"

The being seemed to curl within itself, a flicker of hesitation pa.s.sing through its ethereal form.

"You seek shadows in a well-lit room. Gustav is the epitome, the culmination of our faith and actions. We are his to command, his to deploy as he sees fit on the chessboard of this universe."

Unsatisfied with the circular answers, Elevora s.h.i.+fted tactics.

"Then tell me about your aims for attacking Earth. What was the objective?"

"We were to bring Earth under our dominion, as we have done with other planets," the being responded, its voice a mixture of pride and regret.

"But we underestimated Earth"s strength. Our unit thought ourselves too mighty even though we were warned. It matters not. Where we have failed others will succeed. They shall carry out the grand design."

Elevora pressed on, her tone sharpening like a blade.

"And what is this grand design? What is the endgame of your so-called Gustavo alliance?"

The room tensed as the being paused, its brightness dimming as if drawing in energy for a significant revelation.

"The endgame," it began, its voice now a hollow echo of its former vigor, "is to support our Lord and Savior Gustav in his ultimate mission—to bring an end to the existence of the universe."

The words hung heavy in the air, charged with the magnitude of their implications. Elevora felt a chill run down her spine as Gustav"s face flashed in her mind.

"To...end the universe?" she repeated, disbelief threading through her words.

"Gustav would never do that... these fools must have higher-ups that pursue such a goal."

"Until we resolve the current situation."

"Maybe you could consider going after them?" E.E suggested.


"I don"t know. We really don"t have much time left," Gustav answered.

The transmission continued, the weight of the universe"s eyes on them growing heavier by the moment.

E.E. s.h.i.+fted his attention to Falco, who had been quiet in the background.

"And Falco," E.E. added, his tone softening, "your Earthly father misses you. Any plans of coming to say hi soon?"

E.E seemed to have already been briefed on everything that had transpired as he spoke with a knowing tone.

"I miss him too but..." Falco replied, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and determination.

"This takes priority at the moment. Maybe you could help me send a message. Tell him, I"m fine," he added.

E.E. smiled slightly, a brief respite from the dire news he had delivered.

"I will. Stay safe, all of you. I will try my best to stabilize things over here."

The holographic image flickered as the transmission prepared to end.

"Keep us updated, E.E.," Gustav said firmly.

E.E nodded before the transmission ended.

After the transmission ended, Gustav went back to facing the display of data relating to the warp demolator and Stagnant Siterus void.

Endric turned to Gustav with a look of earnest inquiry.

"You"ve been poring over this data in the last few days. What have you uncovered? Any insights that could help us navigate to Humbad?"

The rest leaned in, antic.i.p.ation hanging palpable in the air. They all respected Gustav"s intellect, which had proven on countless occasions to be second to none.

His ability to discern patterns and meanings where others saw only chaos was almost legendary.

Gustav, who had been staring intently at the holographic symbols and equations, finally turned to face them. His expression was one of cautious intrigue, hinting at the depth of his discoveries.

"I have a mult.i.tude of theories," he began slowly, his voice measured, "but there is one that resonates the most, perhaps the most radical."

The crew s.h.i.+fted, their interest piqued as they prepared to delve into one of Gustav"s quintessential revelations.

Gustav continued, "Remember I mentioned that the Stagnant Siterus void is not any known place within the universe? But what if it doesn"t exist yet?"

A murmur of surprise and skepticism ran through the group, with Falco furrowing his brows in confusion. "Doesn"t exist yet? How?"

Gustav replied by pointing back to the display where the symbol for "Premonition" floated next to the term "Stagnant Siterus Void."

"We"ve been interpreting "premonition" as a warning or a vision of impending events. But what if in this context, it doesn"t just mean foresight? What if it"s actually a clue indicating the future?"

Aildris, trying to keep up, chimed in, "Are you saying that the Stagnant Siterus Void is a place that doesn"t exist yet but will exist in the future?"