The Bloodline System

Chapter 1469  The Epicentre

Chapter 1469  The Epicentre

Author"s Note: Do Not Unlock


Wnat exactly is going on?" Ria asked with a look of bafflement.

"It means we"re almost there... we"re almost at the center of the universe," Endric voiced with a tone of certainty.

"I suspected something like this might happen," Gustav muttered while pus.h.i.+ng his hand forward.

A strange force kept contending with his palm movement.

"It makes sense why no one has ever been able to tell any tale about reaching the middle of the universe or why there is no mention of the planet there..." He added.

"Because whenever s.p.a.cecraft get to this point, they go around it," Aildris muttered with a tone of realisation.

"And I"m guessing they can"t see it either so no one ever really tried to get past," Gustav stated while squinting his eyes.

"See it?" Ria voiced in confusion.

Far into the distance was the outline of a planet, darkened and desolate, its surface a testament to ages of desiccation and decay.

This planet, hidden from the prying eyes of the universe, exists in isolation, its presence known to none, for it is invisible to all.

Instead of responding, Gustav gazes out into the void and sees what no other can—the darkened planet, suspended in the heart of repulsion.

From their current position, it was as distant as Mars from Earth but since they were in s.p.a.ce, the outline was visible to Gustav. However, it was just him and not the others.

"I can see it," Gustav proceeds to describe the planet in vivid detail, his eyes seeing through the cosmic veil that renders it invisible to others.

"Is there a reason why you can see it and we can"t?" Ria questioned in confoundment.

"Perks of being the outworldly I guess,"  Aildris voiced from the side.

"The Mundane one did mention that it was going to be invisible to the eyes except for specific periods which is also when we will get the chance to get onto the planet because it is also intangible while it is invisible," Endric chimed in from the side.

"Did he mention that the repulsion will stop too? Or do we have to get close to the planet first?" Aildris inquired.

"He didn"t specify but I"d say it"s better safe than sorry to be closer to it when the time comes," Endric responded with a grave tone.

With the s.p.a.cecraft unable to breach the invisible repellant force, the group had to come up with ways to infiltrate.

Gustav took sat down once again before the control panels and pushed the hyperjump b.u.t.ton.

He decided not to power it fully so it wouldn"t take them beyond the specific perimeter. After a few moments, he pushed the throttle.

The s.p.a.cecraft rumbled intensely as it turned into a needle like streak that pushed forward with unprecedented tenacity.

It soon returned to normal, giving them visuals of the surroundings once more.

"Did we get past in?" Ria inquired.

"Nope, we"re still where we were," Endric responded with a disturbed look.

"From the looks of things, it is impossible to move in a straight line beyond this point," Gustav shook his head.

"Then what do we do?" Ria questioned.

"I don"t think the s.p.a.cecraft will be any use to us in this situation," Gustav stood to his feet.

"Come on, let"s head out," He added while heading for the exit.

Aildris and Ria grabbed a s.p.a.cesuit since they couldn"t breathe in s.p.a.ce while Endric and Gustav headed out without issues.

In a bit, they were floating before the endless void of s.p.a.ce, ready to take on the repelling force before them.

"Oh? So it"s over?" He looked forward upon noticing that they were cruising through s.p.a.ce.

Taking note of the surroundings, he spotted familiar orbital bodies that came into view when they left the dead man zone over two weeks ago.

From the time and date Gustav could see the s.p.a.cecraft displaying, it seemed like they had gone back once again.

"What do you mean "oh it"s over"... I asked how long will it take us to reach our destination?" Ria questioned with a look of bafflement.

Aildris was just as clueless. He felt like something was wrong.

"You okay?" He inquired.

"Yeah I"m fine. It looks like you guys don"t remember. That"s a good sign," Gustav stated with a look of relief.

"Remember what?" Ria and Aildris took a brief glance at each other.

They were starting to wonder if Gustav was cuckoo in the head.

"It"s better that y"all don"t know. At least Ifeiev won"t be able to give chase anymore," Gustav smiled while the ancient hour gla.s.s appeared before him.

Floating atop the ancient hour gla.s.s was the Crimson strand of root like hair which was bathed in a golden glow.

Gustav had made use of the ancient hour gla.s.s energy to prevent the hair from being stripped away by the correction in time.

Since the loop was shattered, it meant Gustav wouldn"t have encountered Ifeiev and successfully stolen the hair. So originally, the hair would have returned to Ifeiev and he would still be capable of hunting them even after shattering the loop.

Fortunately, the energy from the ancient hour gla.s.s prevented this.

Aildris and Ria both stared at Gustav still utterly confused about how they went from talking about their destination to whatever he was referencing.

"I still remember though," Endric chimed in from the side.

"Time candidate... of course," Gustav voiced in understanding.

 It wasn"t the first time Endric was retaining his memory after a time reconfiguration.

"You guys better fill us in," Ria stated in defiance.

"Well, it might be better for you two to know about it anyways... just in case," Endric decided to be the one to narrate the endeavours to them.

Gustav focused on steering the s.p.a.cecraft forward and taking unprecedented paths so as not to accidentally into Ifeiev again.

They had successfully gotten away from him but to make sure things stayed that way, they needed to avoid spots that they initially traveled through.




In another part of s.p.a.ce, Ifeiev floated while his hair grew in length. Some parts of it became much thicker than before and spread out like branches. In a few moments, a finger sized green fruit with circular top and base, grew out of the peak.

It exuded a mythical glow as the time surrounding it sped up. The fruit ripened in just a few seconds and Ifeiev reached up to pluck it with his incredibly slender fingers.

He placed the fruit at his neck region and a circular hole suddenly opened up to consume it. His neck emitted a glow which followed down into his belly from the s.h.i.+mmer of the fruit.

Suddenly Ifeiev"s body began to morph.

Tthe serene beauty of the hair"s Crimson branches becomes more p.r.o.nounced, their edges sharpening, their movements becoming more deliberate and ominous.

The branches twist and coil, transforming into a writhing ma.s.s that exudes a sinister aura. The transformation is not just visual but palpable, as a wave of energy bursts forth from Ifeiev, rippling through the surrounding s.p.a.ce, distorting the very fabric of reality.

As the Ifeiev undergoes some type of metamorphosis, his form grows exponentially, expanding into something far more sinister and immensely powerful. The once serene and beautiful branches now resemble the tendrils of some cosmic horror, each movement synchronized with the pulsing of dark energy that now emanates from his core. The Crimson hue deepens to a blood-like shade, imbuing Ifeiev with an aura of malevolence that chills the soul.

The faceless nature of Ifeiev becomes even more p.r.o.nounced, as if its lack of features is a void that draws in all hope, all light. Its form, now a monument to dread, looms in the void of s.p.a.ce, a harbinger of an unfathomable darkness.

The transformation was completed, and where once floated a creature of mysterious beauty, now stands a being of unparalleled power and sinister intent.

{ I may not know where you are... but I know where you are going! }

Ifeiev"s dreadful voice resonates deeply despite being in s.p.a.ce as he suddenly vanishes.



-Ten Days Later

In an unknown location, Gustav"s s.p.a.cecraft slices through the vacuum of s.p.a.ce.

They happened to be nearing their destination at this point and watched out for unexpectancies.

As the s.p.a.cecraft further nears their destination, the group notices a s.h.i.+ft in the behavior of s.p.a.ce itself.

 Particles that once drifted lazily now veer away in an unseen current, as if repelled by an invisible force. Stars that should twinkle in the distance seem to skirt around an unseen boundary, leaving a void that stares back at them like an unblinking eye.

 The closer the s.p.a.cecraft gets, the more p.r.o.nounced the repulsion becomes, until it reaches a threshold where s.p.a.ce itself seems to fold, creating a barrier that no physical object can penetrate.

"Why have we stopped? Are we there already?" Ria questioned.

"It"s not by the choice... the engines are still running but it"s having difficulty moving any further," Gustav answered.

"We are being repelled," Aildris stood to his feet and noticed that it took a lot of energy to move forward despite being within the s.p.a.cecraft.
