The Bloodline System

Chapter 1470  Let Her Go

Chapter 1470  Let Her Go

Author"s Note: Do Not Unlock


With a breath that felt like it could be his last, he took a step forward. The boots glow brightly, a beacon in the darkness, and in an instant, Gustav vanishes from sight.

Gustav reappears light minutes away from his initial location, and finds himself standing before the dark planet. He turns back, shooting a glance into the distance where the repellant force existed that now separates him from the others.

He activated the comm link and his voice was transmitted straight into their ears.

"I"m here. The boots worked. I"ve crossed in and no longer feel the repellant force."

Aildris"s voice comes through, a blend of relief and excitement. "Great, do you still see the planet?"

Gustav"s gaze sweept over the desolate landscape. "Yeah... its in an even worse state than I expected."

Outside the repelling perimeter, Endric, Aildris and Ria nodded in understanding.

"Will you be able to take us with you?" Endfic inquired.

"It is really difficult to control... I feel like, one misstep would cost a lot," Gustav said internally.

("Maybe you shouldn"t then,") The system responded in his head.

"Nah I have to. If I could split myself in two, I wouldn"t need them but I can"t," Gustav answered while turning around.

("You made use of your body weight to balance the movement and control the void stepper to an extent... take them one after the other so it doesn"t offset that balance by much,") The system suggested.

"Sure sure,"

"Hold on, I"m coming back for each of you. Prepare yourselves," he announced to the others with resolve that brooks no argument.

Gustav proceeds to take a step forward, appearing before the others in an instant.

The control over the Void Stepper"s power requires intense concentration, a balancing act between his will and the ancient sacred item capricious energy. He begins to take them in, one after the other.

With each journey back, Gustav feels the boots" power testing his limits, as if challenging his right to wield their might.

First, he reaches for Aildris, his calm demeanor belying the antic.i.p.ation of the unknown that awaits. Gustav extends his hand, and as their fingers touch, a surge of energy envelops them. With a step forward, they traverse the perimeter of the repellant force yielding to the Void Stepper"s ancient command.

Aildris"s breath catches at the sight that greets him—the dark planet, a vista of ruins and desolation, yet undeniably beautiful in its starkness. "Incredible," he whispers, his voice a mix of awe and trepidation.

Next, Gustav returns for Endric. As they step through the perimeter together, Endric"s mind races with questions and hypotheses about the barrier"s origins.

Lastly, Gustav brings Ria across the barrier. The strength emanating from Ria is comforting, a steadfast presence in the face of the uncertainty that lies ahead. As they set foot on the dark planet, Ria clenches his fists, ready for whatever challenges they may face.

This was pretty much the last step standing between them and the rescue of their friends.

Together again, the four stand on the brink of exploration, their mission clear yet daunting... THE EXIT POINT.

The exit point was the precise location where the mundane one told them to perfotm the ritual for opening the rifts.

He had given them details of how the place looked and how to reach there.

The planet, however, is not without its dangers. They"ve been warned of the vanis.h.i.+ng wind, an eerie phenomenon that sweeps across the surface unseen. Contact with this wind can displace any living being to an unknown location, a risk that adds a layer of peril to their journey.

"We need to be vigilant. The vanis.h.i.+ng wind is invisible, unpredictable. Stick close, and watch each other"s backs," Gustav instructs, his leaders.h.i.+p unquestioned.

Using their natural speed to navigate the surroundings might prove more dangerous so setting it aside was paramount.

They proceed with caution, their senses heightened to the subtlest of cues. The planet"s surface is a labyrinth of ruins, each step revealing that a civilization once thrived here. The silence is profound, broken only by the crunch of their boots on the desiccated soil.

Hours pa.s.s as they navigate through the ruins, the sense of desolation deepening with every step. Despite the dangers, there"s a beauty in the desolation, a reminder of the planet"s vibrant past and the fleeting nature of existence.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, they arrive at a vast clearing. In its center stands an ancient structure, its architecture defying the ravages of time. This is the exit point, its presence almost mystical in the desolate surroundings.

The monolithic structure was proof that they were in the right place which meant that the time had finally arrived.

"Are you guys ready?" Gustav asked them.

"I didn"t come all this way to back down now," Ria voiced in response.

"We"re rescuing them both and nothing can stop us," Aildris added with a tone of seriousness.

Endric only nodded in response but one could see the chilling expression on his face. He rubbed the bracelet on his right wrist causing it to emit a mild gleam.

"I need all the help I can get on this," He said internally.

"Endric... the items," Gustav called out to him.

Endric, nodding, rummages through his personal storage s.p.a.ce with a practiced ease, producing a collection of items that would seem bizarre to any onlooker but are essential to their task.

 Among these are the horns of an unknown beast, curling into the air with a malevolent grace; the heart of a mixedblood, still and silent; and an a.s.sortment of personal items, including a piece of clothing and a comb.

In a bit, they were floating before the endless void of s.p.a.ce, ready to take on the repelling force before them.

Gustav, with his dirty blonde hair framing a visage marked by determination, gazes out into the void, his mind racing with strategies and possibilities.

Beside him, Endric flexes his fingers, the air around them s.h.i.+mmering slightly as he prepares to wield his telekinesis.

Aildris opened his eyes reflecting the vastness of s.p.a.ce, stands calm and composed.

Ria, muscles tensed and energy crackling at his fingertips, draws upon the distant power of a star. No one knew he was capable of this initially but now wasn"t the time to question him.

Their mission is clear: breach the repellant force that stands between them and the dark, desiccated planet hidden at the center of the universe. A planet visible only to Gustav at this moment.

Endric flies foward first and with a deep breath extends his hands. The s.p.a.ce before them twists under the force of his telekinesis. Invisible strands of energy weave together, forming a lattice aimed at piercing the barrier.

 Yet, despite his efforts and the raw power at his command, the barrier remained.

Endric even tried letting his telekinesis go through the repelling force but it was still the same result.

"It"s like pus.h.i.+ng against the fabric of the universe itself," Endric said, frustration lacing his voice. "There"s no giving, no breaking point."

Next, Ria channels the energy he"s drawn from the distant star, his body aglow with a fierce, incandescent light. With a roar that echoes through the vacuum of s.p.a.ce, he launches himself forward, his fist aimed at the center.

Even before he could make contact, the repelling force was already slowing him down.

However, the strike was still immensely powerful.

The impact sends ripples through s.p.a.ce, a spectacle of light and energy that would awe any onlooker. Yet, there was no breach in the repelling force.

Aildris transforms their surroundings into a colorless void. In this altered state, he attempts to weaken the repelling force or render it null. But as his powers reach out, they find no purchase, the repelling force existing beyond the reach of altercation.

Aildris shakes his head in defeat. The others understood at this moment that abilities weren"t working on the surroundings but they still needed to keep trying.

Hours pa.s.s as they regroup and reconsider, their powers unable to find a weakness in the repelling force. Gustav gazes into the dustance while multiple different options run through his mind.

At this moment, he makes a conscious decision.

From his storage s.p.a.ce, he retrieves a golden and green boots, their appearance ancient, yet imbued with a power that feels alive, almost conscious.

The Void Stepper, an artifact said to defy the limitations of movement and travel.

"What are those?" Ria asks, curiosity piqued by the boots" unmistakable aura.

"An old legend," Endric replied while turning to stare at Gustav who was  strapping the boots onto his feet.

"They"re said to step through the void itself, to travel where one wishes without regard for barriers or distances." He added.

A silence falls over the group, a mixture of skepticism and hope, as Gustav stands ready.

"Are you sure?" Endric asked Gustav.

"You"re asking if I am sure about taking a step forward and finding myself within the epicenter instead of three galaxies away with half my body disintegrated? Nah, I"m not," Gustav answered with a poker face as opposed to his concern.

"Don"t worry... I"ll try not to overdo it," Gustav added before they could speak.