The Bloodline System

Chapter 1477  I"m Smarter

Chapter 1477  I"m Smarter

Author"s Note: Do not unlock


"This... whatever this is, it"s going to destroy everything."

Falco nodded, his expression grim. "There"s no point in staying here and there is nothing to save. We have to leave, immediately."

The urgency of the situation left no room for debate.

They gathered closer preparing to escape the dying world.

Gustav grabbed Aildris while Falco grabbed Ria. Violently pus.h.i.+ng upwards with their legs, they cut through the air with immense speed, disappearing into the orbit.

In a few moments, they appeared in outers.p.a.ce, floating before the charred and dessicated planet.


Endric appeared beside them as they turned around to give the planet a lingering stare.

The planet convulsed in its final moments. The dark mist surged with renewed vigor, enveloping everything in its path. The trembling of the ground reached a crescendo.

They witnessed the planet"s disintegration. From a safe distance, they watched as the world that had been their link to an otherwise disappointing rescue, crumbled into ash.

They witnessed the planet"s disintegration. From a safe distance, they watched as the world that had been their link to an otherwise disappointing rescue, crumbled into ash.

The planet"s final moments were both horrific and mesmerizing.

As the last remnants of the planet vanished into the void, a heavy silence fell over the group. The loss of an entire world, even one as desolate and forsaken as this, was a sobering reminder of the strength of the forces they were messing with.

 Just on the cusp of leaving the orbit, at the very edge of the center of the universe, an event unfolded that defied all logic and reason—a phenomenon so surreal that it momentarily stilled the chaos of their thoughts and the ache in their hearts.

Before their disbelieving eyes, the planet they had witnessed disintegrate into nothingness, consumed by a dark mist that heralded its doom, reappeared as if reborn from the ashes of its destruction.

It was as though the universe itself had hit a reset b.u.t.ton, presenting the planet in its original state, untouched by the cataclysmic forces that had ravaged its surface.

 The rifts that had torn the fabric of reality, the dark mist that had spread like a plague, all were gone, erased from existence.

The group stood in stunned silence, their minds grappling with the impossible reality unfolding before them. The planet, with its dessicated landscapes and remnants of ancient civilizations, was exactly as they had found it upon their arrival—barren, yet whole.

"How... How is this possible?" Aildris murmured in astonishment.

"I don"t understand," Ria added, his eyes wide with disbelief. "We saw it... it was gone."

Falco scanned the horizon, his gaze piercing the void where the planet had vanished and reappeared. "The rifts are gone... there is no sign of my father"s influence as well...," he stated, his tone reflective.

As they pondered the unfathomable resurrection of the planet, a strange twist of fate revealed itself.

 The planet, a solid, tangible presence to them moments ago, vanished from their view, disappearing as suddenly as it had appeared.

They all witnessed its disappearance except for Gustav.

To his eyes, the planet remained visible, a ghostly image that hovered on the brink of reality and illusion.

"I can still see it," Gustav announced, his voice tinged with a mix of wonder and realisation.

It turned out that the planet just went back to bordering on existence and non existence.

"We can"t linger on this," Endric finally said, breaking the spell of bewilderment that had enveloped them. "We need to get back to our s.p.a.cecraft, refresh and replan."

They agreed with him and turned around to leave once more.

As they made their way back, the repelling force surrounding the center of the universe did not hinder them since it was only there to keep things out and not in.

 As the s.p.a.cecraft loomed in the distance, a palpable s.h.i.+ft in the atmosphere halted their progress.

 The surroundings trembled, not with the seismic activities of a planet but with the presence of a force that seemed to distort the very fabric of s.p.a.ce around them.

Emerging from the ether, a figure materialized, its presence commanding yet devoid of any discernible features save for the unmistakable crimson tree-like hair that flowed and flickered like flames in a non-existent breeze.

This being, faceless and imposing, exuded a power that felt ancient and unfathomable, its eyes non existent yet undeniably fixed upon them.

Gustav, already burdened by the emotional weight of recent occurrences, felt a surge of irritation at this new challenge.

His patience frayed, and his voice carried a dangerous edge as he addressed Ifeiev.

"We"ve been through enough. Leave us in peace, or I"ll destroy you," he threatened, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

The faceless being, undeterred by Gustav"s words, responded not with speech but with action. With a deliberate charge, it unleashed an energy so potent it rippled across the vast expanse of outer s.p.a.ce, distorting the light of distant stars and sending a wave of foreboding through their minds.

Falco unexpectedly stepped forward with unfathomable speed.

With a swift motion, he launched himself at the faceless adversary, his fist imbued with the power of darkness so profound it caused the universe itself to swirl in response. The collision of forces was cataclysmic, a spectacle of power that reverberated through the cosmos.

The impact sent the faceless being hurtling through s.p.a.ce, its form streaking across the void like a comet gone awry.

It ripped through the fabric of multiple stars, causing cracks in s.p.a.ce as it streaked through galaxies while its form slowly broke apart, leaving a trail of cosmic destruction in its wake.

The force of Falco"s punch was so incredibly unbelievable, it seemed like a different person was standing before Gustav.

The group stared at him in awe as the witnessed the aftermath.

Falco, turning back to face Gustav, offered a nod of rea.s.surance, his expression unreadable yet conveying a sense of unwavering resolve.

"Let"s go," he suggested.

"Yeah you"re gonna need to explain what the h.e.l.l that was," Ria voiced in adoration.

Falco nodded once more as they resumed their path to the s.p.a.cecraft.

As their s.p.a.cecraft sliced through the velvet expanse of s.p.a.ce, leaving behind the tumultuous events that had unfolded at the center of the universe, a quiet realization dawned upon Gustav and the others.

The s.p.a.cecraft"s...o...b..ard calendar and time system, which had been synchronized with the standard galactic chronometer, revealed a startling discrepancy.

The hours they had perceived to have spent navigating the chaotic other plane and confronting the mysteries of the center were, in reality, three weeks in the external universe.

This revelation hung heavily in the air. It also bore grave implications.

"If someone from the alliance sent Ifeiev and he had been waiting for us there for that long... it means that the alliance most likely knows where we are," Gustav voiced in realisation.

The realization that their adversaries had been granted such an advantage cast a shadow of caution over their journey.

They understood that their movements henceforth would be scrutinized, fraught with the danger of confrontation with forces gathered specifically to thwart them.

Falco furrowed his brows in confusion at the mention of the alliance and the apparent bounty on Gustav"s head. "Just what happened while I was away?" he asked, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

 The time spent in the other plane which amounted to a year over here had wrought significant changes. Changes he was now struggling to comprehend.

Gustav, sensing Falco"s confusion and the need for clarity, decided it was time to shed light on the events that had transpired.

"About a year ago after our return from IYSOP..." Gustav began with a steady voice.




In the vast, uncharted expanse of s.p.a.ce, where stars twinkled like distant beacons and planets spun silently in their celestial dance, a fleet of s.p.a.cecraft cruised with purpose.

Each vessel, visibly formidable, bore the marks of advanced technology and untold power. The flotilla moved as one, a synchronized ballet of metal and might, cutting through the darkness like a blade.

Within these s.p.a.cecraft, the corridors hummed with the activity of beings from countless worlds. Despite their varied origins and the diversity of their appearances—from the tall, willowy figures with skin like the night sky to the rugged, stone-like creatures whose eyes glowed with inner fire—all were united under a common banner.

They were clad in uniform outfits of silver, grey, and blue, the colors merging and s.h.i.+fting with a subtlety that spoke of high craftsmans.h.i.+p.

 Emblazoned on their chests was an emblem of profound significance: a hand cradling a universe, its spiral galaxies and nebulae nestled securely in the palm, a symbol of their oath to protect and serve the vast cosmos they called home.

These were fleets from the alliance corps.

Amidst the soft hum of the s.h.i.+p"s engines and the quiet chatter of its crew, one of the commanders, a figure of imposing stature with skin that s.h.i.+mmered like the surface of a star, stepped forward. Her eyes, piercing and clear, reflected the depths of s.p.a.ce itself.

She approached the communication panel with a sense of urgency, her fingers dancing across the holographic interface to activate the general comms link, connecting her to every s.h.i.+p in the fleet.

"Attention all units..."