The Bloodline System

Chapter 1484  Dwell And Learn

Chapter 1484  Dwell And Learn

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


Gustav responded by initiating a projection that filled the room with data—a visual symphony of numbers, symbols, and cryptic words, interspersed with images showing an ashy trail streaking across s.p.a.ce.

"The key to finding Humbad lies in deciphering this," Gustav explained, his finger tracing the lines of data as they floated holographically in mid-air.

He paused at two recurring terms that seemed to anchor the chaos of information: "Stagnant Siterus Void" and "Premonition."

Gustav continued. "The Stagnant Siterus Void is where I believe Planet Humbad is... the problem is that according to what I know it also is a place that doesn"t exist in any known location within the universe."

"So what of the premonition? Are they linked with the five premonitions?" Aildris inquired.

"I don"t think so. I think this premonition represents something else. Representation for the location or key to accessing the Stagnant Siterus void..."


Meanwhile, back on Earth, in a facility orbiting high above the planet"s surface, a different scene unfolded.

A floating prison, specifically designed for holding aliens, was a marvel of modern technology.

Its exterior was a composite of dark metals and energy fields, rotating slowly with the Earth"s...o...b..t, its presence a silent sentinel in the cold vacuum of s.p.a.ce.

Inside, the environment was starkly minimalist, functional to its core. The cells were designed not with bars, but with energy fields humming with a low, almost imperceptible buzz.

At the center of one such cell floated a being, its form nebulous and s.h.i.+fting, contained by the force of the high-tech restraints.

Elevora stood outside the energy field, her figure bathed in the soft blue light that emanated from the cell"s containment system.

Her hair fluttered as her commanding presence contrasted sharply with the dim, utilitarian surroundings.

"Who is the leader of the Gustavo Alliance? And where is their base located?" Elevora asked, her voice firm and devoid of any warmth. It was a question she had posed several times, each iteration as pointed as the last.

The being inside the cell, its form coalescing into a more humanoid appearance, replied with a tone that was both weary and defiant.

"The answer remains the same as it has. It"s Gustav. He leads, and they follow."

Elevora"s eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of irritation pa.s.sing over her features.

"I know that Gustav has nothing to do with this... tell me the truth, who pulls the strings?" she countered smoothly.

"The seal was so strong, so impenetrable, that not even the might of the Ancient Executioners could break it on their own. My birth—my very existence—was the key to creating the first breach."

Ria, always quick to grasp the implications, leaned forward.

"So, your existence alone weakened the seal? But how does that relate to the premonitions we"ve been encountering?"

Falco sighed, the weight of his destiny apparent in his posture.

"The premonitions... they are not random cosmic events. They are rituals, each carefully planned and executed to weaken the seal further. And when the fifth premonition appears, the seal will be completely destroyed."

Aildris who was starting to understand the situation, interjected, "You"re saying that the appearances of these Ancient Executioners" body parts during the premonitions are sacrifices?"

Falco nodded grimly.

"Exactly. Each part of the Executioners that manifests and is then sacrificed contributes to the weakening of the seal. Those are body parts, that will be lost to them forever but that is a testament to the seal"s strength, considering that the Ancient Executioners are among the second most powerful beings within my father"s realm."

The silence within the s.p.a.cecraft was palpable, but it only lasted for a few seconds as Falco cut through the silence with the remaining part of his tale.

"So much so that they haven"t been conscious in hundreds of thousands of years because they serve only one purpose..."

The revelation stirred a mix of horror and fascination among the crew. The notion that such powerful ent.i.ties were being used as mere tools in a larger scheme was unsettling.

Ria, trying to understand the broader implications, asked, "What happens if the seal is broken completely? What does your father hope to achieve?"

Falco looked at each of them, his gaze lingering as if measuring the impact of his next words.

"If the seal breaks, it will release something bound since the dawn of this universe"s memory. Something my father believes should not have been sealed away or should I say someone."

He turned to face Gustav, "Someone you specifically sealed away."


"Gustav? How could Gustav have sealed someone away from so long ago?"

Ria and Aildris voiced out their confusion.

"Because he was there... He is the Outworldy. I finally understand what the Outworldly is... what the t.i.tle entails. Gustav, do you even know who you are?"

"I can take a wild guess from everything you"ve mentioned but even I don"t believe it myself," Gustav shook his head slightly.

"He is telling the truth though. That is why you play a key part in stopping this," Endric voiced from the side.

"So what exactly happens when the seal is gone?" Ria questioned again.

"The Overseer will return. All beings of the higher planes will have a foothold in ours again and believe me... It isn"t a sight you wanna live to see," Falco shook his head.

"Then we must make sure the final premonition doesn"t happen. We can"t allow this seal to break." Gustav responded.

Falco"s expression softened, appreciating Gustav"s resolve.

"I thought you might say that, and I"m with you. While I was born to facilitate my father"s plans, my journey with you all... it has shown me a different path. One that I choose to follow, standing against the darkness my father seeks to unleash."

Aildris, moved by Falco"s declaration, placed a supportive hand on his shoulder.

"Then it"s settled. We"ll stand together, as we always have. And Falco, we"re not just fighting beside you out of duty but out of belief in you, in the choice you"ve made to defy what was written for you."

The group"s resolve hardened, fortified by the bonds they had formed through countless battles and shared burdens.

"But how do we do that? We couldn"t stop the premonitions before, how are we gonna stop them now?" Ria"s question broke the silence.

"We"ll come up with something... I need to complete two quests first," Gustav responded while a system panel appeared before him.






[Time Elapsed]

<4 Years>





[Time Elapsed]

<4 Years>



"I wonder how the system calculates the difference between power," Gustav thought about how he could use Cohilia to swallow anything up and how he also had Cosmic Superiority as another leverage over anyone, no matter how powerful.

Remembering his special abilities made him wonder the aspect of strength the System calculated.

("What does it matter? You"ve made much progress,") The system chipped in.

"Whatever... from the looks of things, I would probably be able to close in that 6% in less than a year"s time. The real issue is Dimension six in Planet Humbad," Gustav thought internally with a look of perplexity.

"We have to find Planet Humbad," Gustav announced.

The statement dropped like a meteor in the midst of the group, eliciting a mix of shock and confusion.

Ria, as always, was the first to respond.

"Gustav, Planet Humbad was destroyed thousands of years ago. How are we supposed to find something that doesn"t exist?"

Aildris and Falco were just as confused except Endric, whose expression remained unfazed.

"That"s where you"re wrong," Endric interjected, his voice steady and sure.

"The destruction of Humbad is a widely accepted fact, but it"s a facade, a cover-up for much deeper truths hidden by the Slarkovs themselves."

Gustav nodded at Endric"s clarification, appreciating the support.

"Exactly. And within Humbad, in what is known as Dimension Six, lies something crucial for handling our current predicament with the seal. We must locate it."

The revelation that Humbad still existed, possibly holding the keys to the answers they desperately needed, was beyond their comprehension.

The story of planet Humbad was one that had been told since forever to the on Earth. They had grown up with it and so had their fathers and their father"s fathers.

It was hard to swallow that it had been a generational lie, but it slowly began to sink in.

"But what about Angy? She"s still trapped within the dark plane. Do we give up on rescuing her?" Ria questioned with a mix of worry and frustration.

"I haven"t forgotten about Angy. I more than anyone want to rescue her. But consider this—if they"ve kept her alive all this time, they must still need her. That means she"s relatively safe for now. Our main focus must s.h.i.+ft to finding Humbad. It might be our best chance to save her and everyone else."

Falco, absorbing the strategy laid out by Gustav, added his perspective.

"Gustav is right. Angy has some kind of usefulness to my father and that is more so now than ever since he can"t control me. If Gustav"s says finding Humbad could help us then I trust his judgement."

Aildris chimed in at that moment, "The question remains—how do we find a planet that seemed to have vanished from existence? Where do we even begin?"