The Bloodline System

Chapter 1528  Dinner With Angy"s Family

Chapter 1528  Dinner With Angy"s Family

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


He turned his attention to Raw a.s.similation. His Genetic Transformation Bloodline already granted him an a.s.similation ability, but this one was fundamentally different.

With Genetic Transformation, he could a.s.similate with living tissue—people, aliens, or organisms. However, Raw a.s.similation opened up a realm of new possibilities. He could merge with non-living matter, potentially even something as vast as a moon or as powerful as a star.

The idea was exhilarating, the potential applications endless.

As Gustav considered these new bloodlines, his thoughts s.h.i.+fted to the two skill evolution cards he had also received as part of his rewards.

He pondered which skills to evolve next, knowing that his choices could significantly impact his future capabilities. Before he could make a decision, he recalled the dinner he had agreed to have with Angy"s family.

Realizing the time, Gustav decided it was best to get ready. He headed to his bedroom which was a minimal yet compact and cozy set up.

He stepped into the en-suite bathroom to freshen up. The shower, with its multiple jets and rainfall feature, was a welcome respite. As the warm water cascaded over him, he allowed himself a moment to relax and clear his mind.

Once freshened up, Gustav chose a casual yet stylish outfit—dark jeans, a crisp white s.h.i.+rt, and a tailored red jacket. He checked his reflection in the mirror, ensuring he looked presentable for dinner. Satisfied, he made his way to the living room, where he grabbed his keys and phone.

Before leaving, he sent a quick message to Angy: "Heading out now. See you soon."

A few moments later, his phone beeped with Angy"s reply: "Can"t wait. Muah."

Gustav smiled and pocketed the device as he stepped towards the balcony area. It would seem that his location had been revealed so the press was cooped up at the entry point of the skysc.r.a.per.

The world before him came to a pause as Gustav moved leapt into the air and vanished.


Gustav stood outside Angy"s apartment building with some flowers in his grasp and a slight smile playing on his lips.

As he walked up to the apartment door, it swung open to reveal Mr. and Mrs. Vilandrobadia.

Mrs. Vilandrobadia displayed a welcoming smile.

"Good evening, Gustav," Mrs. Vilandrobadia greeted warmly. "We"re so glad you could join us tonight."

Mr. Vilandrobadia extended his hand. "It"s good to see you again, Gustav. Come in, make yourself at home."

Gustav shook his hand and stepped inside. "Thank you for having me."

The apartment was cozy and inviting, with family holographic photos adorning a side of the wall and the scent of a delicious meal wafting through the air. The dining table was set with elegant dishware, and a variety of mouth-watering dishes were spread out, indicating the effort the family had put into the evening.

As they moved into the living room, Gustav noticed Phil, Angy"s little brother. Phil was no longer the small boy Gustav remembered. Despite being 15, he was almost fully grown, with a build that hinted at his future strength.

"Hey, Phil," Gustav greeted with a nod, genuinely surprised by his growth. "You"ve grown a lot since I last saw you."

Phil smiled shyly, his voice deeper than before. "Hey, Gustav. Yeah, it"s been a while."

Angy appeared, a radiant smile on her face as she walked over to Gustav and linked her arm through his. "Come on, everyone. Let"s sit down for dinner."

They all gathered around the table as the atmosphere was filled with warmth. The meal was a delightful affair, with an array of flavors that showcased Mrs. Vilandrobadia"s culinary skills.

Gustav tried not to compare her cooking to that of Boss Danzo"s since he made an habit of doing that for every meal he had.

As they ate, they chatted and reminisced about the past, sharing stories and laughter that bridged the time and experiences they had missed.

They remembered how things used to be much simpler back in their previous neighborhood before Gustav and Angy joined the MBO.

Mr. Vilandrobadia recounted an amusing tale from Angy"s childhood, causing everyone to laugh. "Remember the time Angy tried to build a rocket in the backyard? She was so determined to reach the stars."

Angy groaned, her cheeks flus.h.i.+ng with embarra.s.sment. "Dad, not that story again!"

Gustav chuckled, his heart warming at the familial banter. "I"d love to hear more about Angy"s childhood adventures."

Mrs. Vilandrobadia smiled. "She was always so fearless, much like she is now."

After the meal, as they moved to the living room for dessert, Mr. and Mrs. Vilandrobadia grew more serious. Mr. Vilandrobadia cleared his throat and looked at Gustav with sincerity.

"Gustav, there"s something we need to say," he began. "When Angy disappeared, we were devastated. We were angry and scared, and we took a lot of that out on you. We were wrong."

Mrs. Vilandrobadia nodded with a remorseful look. "We"re so sorry for how we treated you, Gustav. Thank you for saving our daughter."

"You don"t need to apologize. I made a promise to protect Angy, and I failed. I can"t blame any of you but I"ll make sure to keep that promise in the future."

Mr. Vilandrobadia"s voice was filled with emotions. "Thank you, Gustav. You"ve done more for our family than we can ever repay."

Phil, who had been silent, spoke up. "Gustav, can I talk to you outside for a moment?"

Gustav nodded, standing up. "Of course."

They stepped out into the cool evening air, the city lights twinkling in the distance. Phil looked at Gustav with a serious look.

"I need to apologize too," Phil began, his voice trembling slightly. "For the longest time, I hated you. When Angy was missing, I hated myself for looking up to you. I blamed you for everything."

Gustav remained silent, giving Phil the s.p.a.ce to express his feelings.

Phil continued, his eyes filled with regret. "When Angy returned and told us what happened, how you sacrificed yourself to save her, I realized how stupid I"d been. You must love her just like we do. Maybe even more. When she was lost, you must have been hurt too, right?"

Gustav placed a rea.s.suring hand on Phil"s shoulder. "I was, Phil. But what matters is that Angy is safe now. And that"s all I care about."

Tears welled up in Phil"s eyes as he looked at Gustav. "I"m so sorry for how I treated you. Thank you for saving my sister."

Gustav smiled gently, patting Phil"s back. "Don"t worry about it. We all went through a lot. What"s important is how it turned out."

Phil wiped his eyes, his voice breaking. "Thank you, Big brother Gustav. Really."

They stood there for a moment in silence, staring into the distance with smiles on their faces. After a while, Angy appeared at the door, a soft smile on her face.

"Everything okay out here?" she asked.

Phil nodded with red eyes but a lighter expression. "Yeah. Thanks, big brother Gustav."

It was obvious that he"d been carrying a weight of guilt all this time and now that he had gotten it off his chest, he felt better.

He headed back inside, leaving Gustav and Angy alone. She walked up to him, her eyes filled with love and grat.i.tude.

"Thank you for talking to him," she said softly. "Phil led a campaign when you were still unconscious and in custody before your trial. He rallied so many people, trying to get justice for you."

Gustav raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Really? Phil did that?"

Angy nodded. "He looks up to you, Gustav. Even when he was angry, he still admired you. And when he realized how much you cared for me and put yourself on the line to save me, it made him want to fight for you."

"He"s a good kid. You"ve got a great family, Angy," Gustav had a brief recollection of everything that happened when Angy was missing.

Angy wrapped her arms around him while resting her head on his chest. "As do you because you"re our family too. We"re so lucky to have you, Gus."

Gustav held her close, feeling the warmth of her embrace. "Perhaps, I"m the lucky one."




About a day later, Gustav sat in the living area of his luxurious penthouse. The evening was calm, but inside his mind, a storm of decisions brewed.

He leaned back into the plush leather sofa, his thoughts fixated on the two skill evolution cards. These cards were potent, capable of transforming his abilities into something far more powerful and versatile.

He brought up his system skills and abilities collection causing a holographic panel to materialize before him.

The list was long, over two hundred skills and abilities which he had acquired over the years. However, only the skills that were maxed out could be evolved, and that narrowed his choices down to a handful of his most critical abilities.

[ Skills and Abilities ]

[ »Lightning Blitz (Level 7) ]

[ »Sprint (Level max) ]

[ »Chop (Level max) ]

[ »Slash (Level max) ]

[ »G.o.d Eyes (Level max) ]

[ »Flight (Level 8) ]

[ »Combination (Level max) ]

[ »Super Jump (Level max) ]

[ »Strength Boost (Level 9) ]

[ »Bloodline Acquisition (Level max) ]

[ »Bloodline Hold (Level 8) ]

[ »Bloodline Transfer (Level max) ]

[ »Palm Strike (Level max) ]

[ »Silent Advancement (Level max) ]

[ »Energy Discharge (Level max) ]

[ »Miniature Blackhole (Level 5) ]

[ »Recreation (Level max) ]

[ »Toxin Immunity (Level max) ]
