The Bloodline System

Chapter 1550  The Deities Scuffle

Chapter 1550  The Deities Scuffle

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


The tension in the Grand Hall of Unity was at an all high. The delegates were still reeling from the revelations about the dark plane and the premonitions when Grand Commander s.h.i.+on raised his hand for silence once more.

"Ladies and gentlemen," s.h.i.+on began, his voice steady but carrying the weight of the news he was about to deliver, "I have additional information to share. Some of Earth"s greatest scientists have been working tirelessly to find a way to counter the threat from the dark plane."

The room grew silent, every delegate"s attention fixed on s.h.i.+on. He continued, "They have developed an amplification tool, a device that allows our warriors to enter the dark plane without suffering the reduction in strength we previously feared. This tool absorbs power from the warriors" future selves and the ambient energy of the dark plane, amplifying their strength multiple folds."

The delegates erupted in a chorus of excited murmurs and exclamations. The room buzzed with energy as representatives from various civilizations turned to each other, discussing the potential of such a device. A dignitary with scales that s.h.i.+mmered in the dim light stood up, a broad smile on his face.

"This is incredible news, Grand Commander! Earth"s ingenuity has provided us with a fighting chance. We must commend their fast thinking and problem-solving capabilities."

Others joined in, their voices a mix of admiration and hope. "Indeed, Earth has once again proven to be a beacon of innovation," added another delegate with elongated limbs and a crown of glowing crystals.

s.h.i.+on raised his hand again, and the hall fell silent. His expression was somber, contrasting sharply with the delegates" newfound optimism. "While I appreciate your commendations, I must inform you of the grave side effects a.s.sociated with this amplification tool."

The room fell silent, the delegates" faces turning from hopeful to anxious. s.h.i.+on"s eyes swept across the a.s.sembly before he spoke again. "The amplification tool, while effective, has a significant cost. Any soldier who uses it will die afterward. The process of drawing energy from their future selves and the dark plane is too much for any being to withstand."

A heavy silence settled over the hall. The delegates looked at each other, the weight of s.h.i.+on"s words sinking in. The realization that this powerful tool came at the ultimate price left a bitter taste in their mouths. The previously enthusiastic dignitary with s.h.i.+mmering scales was the first to break the silence.

"Grand Commander, this news is… devastating. How can we ask our warriors to make such a sacrifice?"

s.h.i.+on nodded, his face reflecting the inner turmoil he felt. "I understand your concerns. This is not a decision to be taken lightly. But we are faced with an existential threat. The beings of the dark plane will not show mercy, and our universe is at stake. We must weigh the cost of using this tool against the potential destruction of all we hold dear."

A tall, ethereal figure from the Mystic Enclave, their voice calm but filled with sorrow, spoke up. "We must ensure that those who choose to use this tool are fully aware of the consequences and are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. It is a heavy burden, but one that may be necessary to save countless lives."

Another delegate, with metallic skin and a deep, rumbling voice, addressed the room. "Our warriors are brave, but we cannot simply send them to their deaths without exploring every possible alternative. Are there no other options, Grand Commander?"

s.h.i.+on took a deep breath. "We are continuing our research, and we are exploring every possible avenue. But as of now, this amplification tool is our best chance to confront the dark plane on equal footing. We must also focus on strengthening the seal and preventing the final premonition, as these efforts are crucial to our survival."

The room erupted in a mix of despair and determination. Delegates voiced their fears and hopes, the atmosphere charged with the gravity of the situation. s.h.i.+on allowed the discussions to continue for a moment before raising his hand again.

"Please, everyone. I understand the gravity of what I"ve told you. We must move forward with caution and unity. We need volunteers who understand the stakes and are willing to make this sacrifice. We must also continue to work together to find other solutions. Our universe"s survival depends on our combined efforts."

The delegates nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting a mix of resolve and sorrow. A delegate with luminescent wings, representing the Celestial Guardians, stood. "Grand Commander, our people have always been protectors of this universe. We will provide volunteers who are prepared to make this sacrifice. Their courage will not be in vain."

Another delegate, a regal figure with an elaborate headdress, added, "We must honor those who choose to use the amplification tool by ensuring their sacrifice is not forgotten. We will create a memorial to their bravery and dedication."

s.h.i.+on bowed his head in grat.i.tude. "Thank you. Your support and unity give me hope. We will proceed with caution, and we will honor the sacrifices made in this struggle. Together, we will face the dark plane and protect our universe."

As the meeting continued, the delegates worked together to develop a plan. They discussed how to fortify the seal, protect the celestial guardians, and deploy the amplification tool strategically. Each step was carefully considered, with the understanding that the stakes had never been higher.

In the high-tech laboratories on Earth, scientists and engineers continued their tireless work. The air was filled with the hum of advanced machinery, the quiet murmur of intense discussions, and the occasional spark of inspiration. The amplification tool was refined, its design optimized for maximum efficiency and safety, though the ultimate cost remained.

Grand Commander s.h.i.+on visited the laboratories frequently, his presence a constant source of strength and motivation. He spoke with the scientists and engineers, offering his insights and encouragement. He knew that the road ahead would be long and arduous, but he was determined to see it through.

In the days and weeks that followed, progress was made. The gateway technology was refined, defenses were fortified, and reconnaissance teams were deployed to locate and protect the celestial guardians. The Universal Alliance stood united, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the stars shone brightly above, a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the endless possibilities that lay ahead, the Universal Alliance prepared to face the dark plane with unwavering resolve. The battle was far from over, but they were ready to fight, guided by the strength and wisdom they had gained from their shared resolve.

Grand Commander s.h.i.+on stood at the forefront, his heart filled with determination. "We will protect our universe," he vowed. "We will stand together and face the darkness. And we will prevail."


With that, the Universal Alliance moved forward, their combined strength and unity a beacon of hope in the face of the impending threat. The future of the universe hung in the balance, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, guided by their resolve and the strength they had gained from their shared purpose.


Gustav had been in Dimension Six for what felt like an eternity. The pa.s.sage of time seemed distorted in this place, the air heavy with an otherworldly energy. The realm itself was an empty city, maintaining its mechanical and incredibly futuristic constructs despite the desolation that had befallen Humbad. It was a stark contrast to the ruins outside, a testament to the advanced civilization that had once thrived here.

He found himself in awe of the towering spires, the sleek lines of the buildings, and the humming of machines that seemed to operate on their own, defying the decay of time. Yet, there was a haunting emptiness, a sense of loss that permeated every corner. The silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional whirr and click of the constructs.

Gustav had spent most of his time in a particular construct, an enormous chamber filled with holographic displays and intricate machinery. This construct had shown him the truth about Planet Humbad"s origin. It was a place where history played out before his eyes, the entire planet reconstructed in vivid detail.

He stood in the center of the chamber, surrounded by holographic images that flickered and s.h.i.+fted, creating a panoramic view of Humbad in its prime. The advanced technology brought the past to life, allowing him to walk through the city as it had once been, filled with vibrant energy and life.

"How did it come to this?" Gustav whispered to himself, his voice echoing in the empty chamber. He felt a deep sense of connection to the place, as if he were witnessing a part of his own heritage.

The holographic playback showed bustling streets filled with the inhabitants of Humbad, their movements fluid and graceful. Tall, slender beings with an ethereal glow moved through the city, their clothes s.h.i.+mmering in the artificial light. The air was filled with the hum of advanced vehicles and the soft murmur of conversations.

"These people," Gustav thought, "they were so advanced, so full of life. What happened to them?"

As he walked through the holographic city, he felt a pang of sadness. He hadn"t even had the time to properly think about what had happened to Miss Aimee or grieve her loss. The mission had consumed him, driving him forward with relentless determination. But now, in this silent, empty city, the weight of her sacrifice pressed heavily on his heart.

"Miss Aimee," he murmured, "you gave everything for me to be here. I won"t let your sacrifice be in vain."

The holographic images s.h.i.+fted, showing the once-thriving city beginning to fall into disarray. The vibrant lights dimmed, the streets grew emptier, and the inhabitants seemed to fade away. Gustav watched as the planet"s decline played out before him, the advanced technology unable to prevent the inevitable decay.

He reached out to touch one of the holographic figures, a young child with wide, curious eyes. His hand pa.s.sed through the image, and the child dissolved into a cascade of light. "What happened to you?" Gustav wondered aloud.

The playback continued, showing scenes of chaos and destruction. The once-proud buildings crumbled, and the ground split open, revealing the molten core beneath. The inhabitants of Humbad fought desperately to save their world, but their efforts were in vain. The planet was dragged into the Stagnant Siterus Void, its fate sealed by forces beyond their control.

Gustav"s mind raced as he pieced together the story. "The warp demolator," he thought. "They knew it would happen, and they tried to stop it, but they couldn"t."

He felt a deep sense of empathy for the people of Humbad. They had faced an insurmountable challenge, and despite their advanced technology and determination, they had been unable to save their world. The realization filled him with a renewed sense of purpose.

"I must learn from their mistakes," he resolved. "I must find a way to protect our universe from the same fate."

The holographic playback s.h.i.+fted again, showing the planet"s surface consumed by molten magma. The desolation was complete, and the once-great city lay in ruins. Gustav watched in silence, the gravity of the situation settling over him like a heavy shroud.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Miss Aimee," he thought, "you believed in me. You trusted me to find the answers and use them to protect our future. I won"t let you down."

Opening his eyes, he looked around the chamber, taking in the intricate machinery and the flickering holograms. "This place holds the key," he realized. "The knowledge and technology of Humbad are here, preserved in Dimension Six. I just need to unlock it."

He approached a central console, its surface covered in glowing symbols and controls. Placing his hand on the interface, he felt a surge of energy as the construct responded to his touch. The holographic images s.h.i.+fted, revealing a map of the city and its various constructs.

"Show me the central archive," Gustav commanded, his voice steady.

The map zoomed in on a particular section of the city, highlighting a ma.s.sive structure at its heart. The archive was the repository of all the knowledge and technology of Humbad, a treasure trove of information that could provide the answers he sought.

"That"s where I need to go," he thought, determination filling his heart.

As he made his way through the holographic city, the scenes of the past continued to play out around him. He saw the inhabitants in their daily lives, their hopes and dreams, their struggles and triumphs. He felt a deep connection to them, a kins.h.i.+p born of shared adversity.

"Your legacy will not be forgotten," he vowed silently. "I will honor your memory by using what I learn here to protect our universe."

The journey to the central archive was long and arduous, but Gustav pressed on, driven by a sense of purpose. The constructs around him seemed to come alive as he approached the archive, the machinery humming with energy and the holograms flickering with antic.i.p.ation.

Finally, he stood before the ma.s.sive doors of the archive, their surface covered in intricate carvings and symbols. Placing his hand on the door, he felt a surge of energy as it responded to his touch. The doors slowly opened, revealing the vast interior of the archive.

Rows upon rows of glowing consoles and holographic displays filled the s.p.a.ce, each one containing a wealth of information. Gustav"s heart raced as he realized the magnitude of what lay before him. The knowledge of an entire civilization, preserved for millennia, was now at his fingertips.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the archive, ready to begin his search. "This is it," he thought. "The answers are here. I just need to find them."

As he began to explore the archive, he felt a sense of purpose and determination like never before. The weight of Miss Aimee"s sacrifice and the legacy of Humbad pressed heavily on his shoulders, but he welcomed it. He knew that he was meant to be here, that his journey had led him to this moment.

"I will find a way," he vowed. "I will protect our universe, no matter the cost."

Hours turned into days as Gustav delved into the wealth of information contained in the archive. He learned about the advanced technology of Humbad, their struggles and triumphs, and the forces that had ultimately led to their downfall. Each discovery brought him closer to understanding the nature of the dark plane and the means to combat it.

As he worked, he felt the presence of Miss Aimee guiding him, her strength and wisdom echoing in his mind. "You believed in me," he thought, "and I will not let you down."

The journey was far from over, but Gustav knew that he was on the right path. The knowledge and technology of Humbad would provide the answers he needed to protect their universe and prevent the final premonition from coming to pa.s.s.

With renewed determination, he continued his search, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The future of the universe hung in the balance, but he was prepared to do whatever it took to ensure its survival.