The Bloodline System

Chapter 1551  The Blood Of Change

Chapter 1551  The Blood Of Change

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


The construct continued to play out the past for Gustav, revealing the intricate and mesmerizing history of Planet Humbad and its inhabitants. As the holographic images s.h.i.+fted and reformed around him, Gustav was transported back in time, witnessing the truth about how everything began.

"Humans have always believed that we were the first intelligent species," Gustav thought, watching the scenes unfold. "But the Slarkovs were here long before us, their civilization thriving while Earth was still in its infancy."

The holographic city came to life, filled with beings that bore a striking resemblance to humans but with distinct animalistic features. Some had horns curling elegantly from their heads, others had elongated ears, and many had scaly or iridescent skin that s.h.i.+mmered in the artificial light. They moved with a grace and purpose that spoke of their advanced intelligence and culture.

Gustav marveled at their appearance. "They look so different, yet so familiar. A blend of human and animal traits, creating a unique and diverse species. The Slarkovs were truly remarkable."

The playback showed the bustling streets of Humbad, filled with the daily activities of its inhabitants. Advanced vehicles zipped through the air, and towering buildings gleamed with the reflection of the twin suns in their sky. The architecture was a harmonious blend of functionality and beauty, with sleek lines and intricate designs that seemed to pulse with energy.

"Earth was a neighboring planet in their solar system," Gustav thought, the holographic images s.h.i.+fting to show the cosmic relations.h.i.+p between Humbad and Earth. "It was so close, that the distance between them was shorter than the distance from Earth to Mercury. But Earth didn"t even have humans back then."

The scene changed, showing Earth as a barren, lifeless world. The planet"s surface was a desolate landscape, devoid of the flora and fauna that would one day flourish there. In stark contrast, Humbad was a vibrant, thriving world, teeming with life and advanced civilizations.

"Humbad had already borne intelligent species for millennia," Gustav mused. "The Slarkovs were the most intelligent, their technology far surpa.s.sing anything humanity has achieved even today."

The playback s.h.i.+fted again, showing the development of the Slarkovs" technology. Gustav watched as they harnessed the power of their planet"s natural resources, creating energy sources that were clean and inexhaustible. They built towering structures that reached into the sky, their designs elegant and efficient. The Slarkovs had achieved a level of technological sophistication that seemed almost magical.

"They were so far ahead," Gustav thought, awe and admiration filling his heart. "Their understanding of science and technology was unparalleled. They must have had such a profound impact on their world."

The scenes s.h.i.+fted to show the Slarkovs" daily lives. Gustav saw families gathered together, sharing meals and stories. He saw scholars and scientists working diligently in their laboratories, pus.h.i.+ng the boundaries of knowledge and discovery. He saw artists creating breathtaking works of beauty, their expressions a testament to the creativity and pa.s.sion of the Slarkovs.

"They were so much like us," Gustav realized. "They loved, they learned, they created. Their civilization was a reflection of the best aspects of intelligent life."

The playback continued, showing the Slarkovs" interactions with neighboring planets and species. They were explorers and diplomats, seeking to expand their understanding of the universe and build alliances with other intelligent beings. Gustav watched as they traveled to distant worlds, sharing their knowledge and forming bonds of friends.h.i.+p and cooperation.

"They weren"t just advanced; they were compa.s.sionate and wise," Gustav thought. "They sought to connect with others, to learn and grow together. Their legacy is one of unity and understanding."

But the scenes soon took a darker turn. The playback showed the first signs of trouble, the ominous presence of the dark plane beginning to encroach upon Humbad. Gustav watched as the Slarkovs struggled to understand and combat this new threat. Their advanced technology, so powerful and effective against other challenges, seemed to falter in the face of the dark plane"s malevolent influence.

"They faced an insurmountable challenge," Gustav thought, his heart heavy with empathy. "Despite all their knowledge and power, the dark plane was something they couldn"t fully comprehend or control."

The holographic images showed the desperate efforts of the Slarkovs to save their world. They developed new technologies, devised intricate plans, and fought with unwavering determination. Gustav could see the fear and resolve in their eyes as they battled against the encroaching darkness.

"They gave everything they had," Gustav realized. "They fought with all their strength, but it wasn"t enough. The dark plane was relentless, and their world was dragged into the Stagnant Siterus Void."

The scenes of chaos and destruction played out before him, the once-thriving city of Humbad reduced to ruins. The ground split open, revealing the molten core beneath, and the elegant structures crumbled into dust. The inhabitants, so full of life and hope, were consumed by the darkness.

"They were wiped out," Gustav thought, a deep sadness settling over him. "Their civilization, their knowledge, their dreams—all lost to the void."

As the playback came to an end, Gustav stood in the silent chamber, the weight of what he had witnessed pressing heavily on his heart. The truth about Planet Humbad and the Slarkovs had been laid bare before him, and he felt a profound connection to their legacy.

"I understand now," he thought. "The Slarkovs" story is a warning and a guide. Their struggles and sacrifices must not be forgotten. I must use what I"ve learned here to protect our universe and prevent the same fate from befalling us."

He looked around the chamber, taking in the intricate machinery and the flickering holograms. The knowledge and technology of the Slarkovs were within his reach, preserved in Dimension Six. It was a treasure trove of information, a lifeline that could help him combat the dark plane and protect his world.

"I will honor your memory," Gustav vowed silently. "I will use what you"ve left behind to ensure that your sacrifices were not in vain."

With renewed determination, he approached the central console, ready to delve deeper into the wealth of information contained within the archive. Each discovery brought him closer to understanding the nature of the dark plane and the means to combat it. The journey was far from over, but Gustav knew that he was on the right path.

As he worked, he felt the presence of Miss Aimee guiding him, her strength and wisdom echoing in his mind. "You believed in me," he thought, "and I will not let you down."

Hours turned into days as Gustav continued his search, the vast archive revealing its secrets to him. He learned about the advanced technology of the Slarkovs, their struggles and triumphs, and the forces that had ultimately led to their downfall. Each piece of knowledge was a step closer to finding a solution, a way to protect their universe from the same fate.

"The Slarkovs" legacy will not be forgotten," he vowed. "I will use what I have learned here to ensure a brighter future for all."


The journey ahead was filled with challenges, but Gustav felt ready to face them. The knowledge and technology of Humbad provided him with the tools he needed to combat the dark plane and prevent the final premonition from coming to pa.s.s. With renewed resolve, he continued his work, guided by the strength and wisdom of those who had come before him.

As the stars shone brightly above, a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the endless possibilities that lay ahead, Gustav pressed on. The future of the universe hung in the balance, but he was prepared to do whatever it took to ensure its survival.


The past continued to unfold before Gustav, revealing more layers of the Slarkovs" history and the challenges they faced. The holographic playback showed a time when Humbad existed in an era dominated by powerful beings who were essentially deities. These beings possessed unimaginable power, and their very presence could alter the fabric of reality.

Gustav watched in awe as the images s.h.i.+fted to show these deities, t.i.tanic figures of immense strength and majesty. They moved with a grace that belied their size, their forms s.h.i.+mmering with otherworldly energy. Their battles were cataclysmic, shaking the very foundations of the cosmos.

"The deities," Gustav thought, "beings of such immense power that their battles could affect entire worlds. How did the Slarkovs survive in such a time?"

The playback showed one such battle, taking place just outside their solar system. The deities clashed with a force that sent shockwaves rippling through s.p.a.ce. Even though the battle was far from Humbad, the residual energies from the conflict were enough to cause catastrophic damage on the planet.

Gustav"s eyes widened as he saw the planet shake, the ground splitting open and buildings crumbling. The inhabitants of Humbad screamed and ran for cover, but many were caught in the devastation. The scene was heart-wrenching, the loss of life immense.

"They were caught in the crossfire of a conflict that had nothing to do with them," Gustav realized, his heart heavy with empathy. "Innocent lives lost because of the battles of G.o.ds."

The holographic images showed the aftermath of the battle. The once-thriving city lay in ruins, the ground scarred and broken. The Slarkovs were resilient, though. They gathered together to rebuild, their determination and spirit undiminished.

"They didn"t give up," Gustav thought, admiration swelling in his chest. "They faced unimaginable challenges, but they kept going."

The scenes s.h.i.+fted to show more battles, each one leaving its mark on Humbad. The planet bore the scars of conflicts it had no part in, the residual energies from the deities" battles causing untold suffering. The Slarkovs, however, were determined to find a way to protect themselves.

"They couldn"t rely on the deities to care about their lives," Gustav mused. "They had to take matters into their own hands."

The playback showed the Slarkovs" scientists and engineers working tirelessly to develop a solution. Their technology was already advanced, but they needed something extraordinary to protect their people from the fallout of the t.i.tanic battles.

The holographic images s.h.i.+fted to a grand laboratory, filled with intricate machinery and glowing consoles. Gustav watched as the Slarkovs devised protective protocols, creating a system that would s.h.i.+eld their planet from the residual energies of the deities" battles.


"They were brilliant," Gustav thought, awe filling his mind. "They found a way to safeguard their world against forces that were beyond their control."

The playback showed the implementation of the protective protocols. Ma.s.sive towers were constructed, each one pulsing with energy. These towers created a barrier around the planet, designed to absorb and neutralize the residual energies from the deities" battles.

As the barrier came online, the holographic images showed another battle taking place outside their solar system. The deities clashed with the same devastating force, but this time, Humbad was prepared. The barrier absorbed the shockwaves, protecting the planet and its inhabitants.

"It worked," Gustav whispered, relief was.h.i.+ng over him. "They finally had a way to protect themselves."

The scenes s.h.i.+fted to show the Slarkovs celebrating their victory. Families gathered together, children playing in the streets, and the city was filled with joy and relief. The protective protocols had given them a sense of security and peace that they had longed for.

"They deserved this," Gustav thought, a smile forming on his lips. "After everything they went through, they finally had a way to live without fear."

As he continued to watch, Gustav felt a deep connection to the Slarkovs. Their resilience, their determination, and their ingenuity were qualities he admired and aspired to embody.

"They faced challenges that seemed insurmountable," he mused, "but they never gave up. They found a way to protect their world and their people. I must do the same."

The playback continued to show the daily lives of the Slarkovs. With the protective protocols in place, they flourished. Their technology advanced even further, and they explored new frontiers, always seeking to expand their knowledge and understanding of the universe.

Gustav watched as the Slarkovs traveled to distant worlds, forming alliances and sharing their technology with other civilizations. They were explorers, diplomats, and scholars, driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to connect with others.

"They were extraordinary," Gustav thought, admiration swelling in his chest. "Their legacy is one of resilience, ingenuity, and compa.s.sion."