The Bloodline System

Chapter 1586  Rigid Awakening

Chapter 1586  Rigid Awakening

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


Ria quickly rose as well; "Rival! Is that really you?!" His eyes were widened in disbelief while Gustav stood between them and the monstrous ent.i.ty.

Wilendor grunted while getting to his knees in disbelief. "I was starting to think we were done for. Thank you, great Outworldly."

Gustav didn"t look back at them. His eyes remained locked on the creature, his hand still raised as reddish pink strands of cosmic energy crackled around him. "You"re not done for yet," he said quietly. "But this thing is."

With another gesture, Gustav unleashed a torrent of energy, this time even more powerful than before. The creature let out a distorted, otherworldly howl as the energy tore through it, ripping its body apart at the molecular level. It tried to reform, as it had done so many times before, but this time, Gustav"s energy didn"t allow it. The creature"s body flickered and sputtered, unable to maintain its form.

In a final, blinding flash, the creature disintegrated, its body dissolving into particles of light that scattered into the wind.

The battlefield fell silent.

Gustav lowered his hand, the glow around him fading slightly as he turned to face Endric, Ria, and Wilendor. There was a calmness in his eyes, but also a deep, unspoken understanding that the battle was far from over.

"Let"s get that sword," Gustav said simply. "And get out of here."

**To be continued…**


Gustav paused briefly, allowing his words to sink in. The spectators, still on their knees, listened with rapt attention, unable to tear their eyes away from the figure before them.

"I care little for the rest of the world, but for those few, I would move mountains. It is for them that I have fought, bled, and sacrificed. Not for the applause or the accolades. Not to be branded a hero."

Gustav"s eyes scanned the faces before him which were mostly filled with fear before he continued.

"The allegations against me are false. The crimes you claim I committed are fabrications. I am no saint, but neither am I the monster you make me out to be. My deeds, whether good or bad, were driven by my own motives, not by a desire to bring harm to the innocent."

He let out a sigh, his gaze growing distant as he spoke of deeper truths. "The world is full of fools and greedy b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. Those who are never satisfied with what they have. They seek to claim benefits wherever they can, trampling over anyone who stands in their way. This is the nature of living beings: selfish, insatiable, and short-sighted."

The crowd was spellbound, unable to look away from Gustav"s commanding presence. His words cut through them like a blade, forcing them to confront uncomfortable truths.

"We live in a universe driven by greed and selfishness. You all scramble for power, for wealth, for status, without a thought for the consequences. You d.a.m.ned me because it was convenient, because it served your purposes. But now, you must face the reality for I am no one to be trifled with."

Gustav"s golden aura flared brighter, casting long shadows across the courtroom. His eyes, filled with a deep wisdom and an even deeper sorrow, bored into those of the alliance leaders.

"You call for my trial, but I stand here today to put you all on trial. You accuse me of crimes, yet your hands are far from clean. You seek to use me as a scapegoat for your own failures and fears. But I will not be your p.a.w.n."

The alliance leaders exchanged uneasy glances, their confidence wavering under the weight of Gustav"s words. Even Veran Kess, who had been so sure of his victory, seemed at a loss for words.

Gustav continued, his voice steady and unyielding. "You must understand that the universe does not revolve around your petty squabbles and power plays. There are greater threats out there, forces that seek to annihilate us. Forces that I am giving my all to face. Forces that should be focused on and yet your sights blurred from greed."

He paused, looking around the hall, at the judges, the spectators, and his allies. "I do not seek your approval nor your forgiveness nor your hero beliefs.  I seek only to protect those who matter to me, and if that makes me a villain in your eyes, so be it. But know this: I will not bow to your judgment."

The hall remained in stunned silence as Gustav"s words hung heavy. It wasn"t like they could speak even if they wanted to.

"Let me tell you a story," Gustav began, his voice resonant and clear. "A story of a boy who was always a loser, always at the bottom. He was laughed at, mocked, and pushed around. He had nothing. No power, no influence, no friends. Just a dream that someday, somehow, things would change."

He paused briefly once more while hovering around.

"Then, one day, everything did change," Gustav continued. "An unexpected stroke of fortune brought me power beyond my wildest dreams. But I hid it. I kept it a secret because I knew the greed of people. I knew that if they discovered what I was capable of, they would come for me. And so, I waited. I grew stronger, fought battles within and outside of Earth, and saved this planet time and time again. Not once did I think of conquering it. I fought because I wanted to protect those few who mattered to me."

Gustav"s gaze hardened, and he spoke with more intensity. "I was skeptical about revealing that I had many bloodlines and could extract bloodlines from Mixedbloods. I knew what that kind of power would do to people. But I believed that one day, I would be powerful enough to no longer need to hide it."

He raised his hand, and a glowing orb appeared, the sacred Jewel. "And yet, here we are. I am not surprised that the alliance and Earth authorities have tried to pin false allegations on me. They want to dissect me, take my power for themselves and their selfish gains."

With a flick of his wrist, the orb projected a holographic image. The footage played out before the stunned crowd, showing scientists discussing their plans for Gustav once he was found guilty.

"...and once he"s declared guilty, we"ll finally have him," one scientist said, his voice dripping with antic.i.p.ation. "We can dissect him, unlock his secrets, and take his power for ourselves."

Another scientist chimed in, "The world government wants a big cut of the pie, but they"ll let us do the dirty work. It"s a win-win for them."

The alliance leaders and the judges struggled against the hold of Gustav"s cosmic superiority, their faces contorted in frustration. But they were powerless.

The footage continued to play out all across the world. Every one could clearly see how these scientists spoke of him like he was some kind of resource.

They added that the world government had their eyes on Gustav since he saved the earth from Yung Jo and now Gustav had finally given them the chance to legally turn him into their specimen.

 The entire world had watched, and the truth was now undeniable. The allegations against Gustav were false, fabricated to serve the greedy ambitions of a few.

Gustav looked around the room. "Time and time again, I tried to give living creatures the benefit of the doubt. I believed that maybe, just maybe, they could change. But all you have proven is that you cannot. You are driven by greed, by selfishness, by a l.u.s.t for power."

He took a deep breath as his aura flared brighter. "That is why I was okay with the universe peris.h.i.+ng. If it weren"t for my loved ones, I would let it all burn. But because they exist, because they matter to me, the universe gets another chance."

[ Five Years Quest Completed (1/2): Become The Most Powerful Mixedblood ✓ ]

Gustav"s voice grew colder, more resolute. "I am now the most powerful Mixedblood on Earth. Anyone who comes for me will meet a very gruesome end. I have no more patience for your schemes and deceit. I could have destroyed this planet a hundred times over if I wanted to. But I didn"t."

He paused, his gaze sweeping across the room. "And that is the reality you must face. I am not your enemy. I am not your conqueror... But cross me, threaten those I care about, and you will know true fear."

"Let this be the last time anyone dares to mess with me," Gustav declared, his tone brooking no argument.

As his words reverberated through the air, a binding process began. Cosmic strings, s.h.i.+mmering with a light that defied the spectrum, shot out from Gustav"s fingertips.

 They wrapped around the masked figure in dark robes first, encasing him in an unbreakable coc.o.o.n. The figure couldn"t even struggle as the strings tightened, rendering his supernatural abilities useless as well.

One by one, the members of the Gustavo alliance met the same fate. Each was bound tightly, their powers nullified.

Finally, Gustav deactivated his cosmic superiority. The oppressive weight lifted from the Earth, and people everywhere gasped for breath as their bodies slowly regained motor functions.

Chaos gave way to a tense stillness as everyone tried to process what had just happened.

In the courtroom, the judge and the alliance leaders were at a loss. They exchanged wary glances, unsure of how to proceed.

Gustav"s display of power had left them speechless, their carefully laid plans shattered.

Suddenly, a figure broke through the tension. Angy ran towards Gustav with a look of relief.

Her arms had wrapped around him before anyone could even understand what was happening. She locked him in a fierce embrace as her breath hitched with emotion.

"Gustav," she whispered, her voice trembling. "You"re back..."

Gustav"s rigid stance softened as he returned her embrace. His eyes closed for a moment as he enjoyed the solace of her warmth. "Angy," he murmured, his voice heavy with the weight of recent events. "I"m here. I"m not going anywhere."

The judge cleared his throat, attempting to regain control of the situation. "Gustav," she began cautiously, "what do we do now?"

Gustav gently disentangled himself from Angy, turning to face the judge.

"I think you know what to do. I don"t think anyone here dares stop the final verdict... The right verdict."