The Bloodline System

Chapter 986 Perfect Timing

Chapter 986 Perfect Timing

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapters


However, a dangerous situation was currently brewing as large numbers of infected were heading this way.

They had closed in on the walls in the west area and the number of MBO officers currently manning this part of the wall were very few.

They were already making calls on the communication channel about the impending doom.

The other side of the wall was also facing difficulty with the numbers of infected attacking so it had become quite a dangerous situation with barely any officials to spare.

Some were already heading towards the west side as quickly as they could as they heard the voices of urgency from the officers there.

The officers on the west side were trying their best to keep the infected away from the wall but the ones that had already closed in on the walls were extremely quick and quite st.u.r.dy.

Even with the others heading towards the west side of the wall it was looking like it might be too late as a few of them were only ten feet away from getting to the wall.

All of a sudden...


A ma.s.sive explosion rang out from hundreds of feet beyond, sending destructive shockwaves across the vicinity.

The purplish with reddish waves of energy mixed in ripped the creatures in the vicinity to shreds, even reaching the walls.


The walls trembled intensely as the residue energy slammed into it. The officers struggled to keep their balance and fortunately no one fell over but they wondered where such destructive attack had come from.

Thousands of infected were destroyed in an instant and those who had closed in on the walls had their body parts sprayed all over the walls.

About three ma.s.sive infect had managed to escape the destructiveness of the wave due to their st.u.r.dy bodies and began to climb the west wall.

The officers there quickly got to work and began sending forth destructive attacks downwards. A whitish sh.e.l.l grew out of one of them, covering his upper body as he climbed up.

The attacks kept bouncing off this particular infected as he climbed upwards.

The officers gritted their teeth and one of them leaned over the wall with a black cords reaching out of his body.

These black cords looked mettalic were each very long in length and kept stretching out, stabbing into the sides of the wall and lifting him.

Multiple of them pushed forward, pinching onto the sh.e.l.l of this infected with the intention of lifting it.

Suddenly a part of the sh.e.l.l opened up and the infected climbing up reached out with one of his hands to grab ons of the cords

Before the officer could react in time he was pulled forward and found himself heading towards the mouth of this infected which was wide open.

His eyes widened at the sheer strength of this infected which had taken him by surprise.


His head was cleanly bitten off in the next instant as the infected flung him towards the ground next.

The officers atop the walls had not expected the current situation and began hurling down attacks as much as they could but at the same time they were holding back so as not to damage the wall.

They were all standing on the wall afterwards.

Since they were focusing on this one, two other infected were climbing up with ease.


The officers who sent attacks towards the others were barely able to hit them due to their speed.

The st.u.r.dy one suddenly leaped upwards with speed, crossing over one thousand feet across the wall in an instant.

The officers eyes widened as they spotted the infected above the wall, falling from the air towards their stand point.

At this same instant, a loud ripping sound reverberated across the air. It sounded like the sky was being ripped open...


One of the officers who hadn"t reacted in time was about to get his neck bitten by the thirteen feet tall infected that had suddenly leaped across the wall.

However a streak of lightning suddenly appeared in front of him and transformed into a young man with dirty blonde hair.

"Get Lost!"

His thunderous voice rang out as his right hand which was tightened in a fist shot forward with intensity.


Shockwaves spread across the place as a might punch slammed into the side of this infected face.


The force of the punch sent him hurling back in the direction he leapt from.

At the same instant Gustav did this, he leapt forward while stretching his hands to the side.

[Atomic Disintegration Has Been Activated]

Two large atomic blades appeared in his grasps as he fell across the air.

He spotted the other two infected climbing upwards and flung the atomic blades in their direction.

Fwhhiiii! Fwwhiiii!

The blades accurately tore right through the foreheads of these infected causing them to lose balance as they fell through the air.

Gustav who was falling across three thousand feet stabilised himself and arrived right below the infected he had just punched.

This chapter is updated by


He landed right atop him and made use of Gravitational Displacement to increase their fall speed and ma.s.s.


A cloud of dust blasted across the place as the grounds once more trembled from the impact of Gustav landing right on top of this infected.

Another crater had yet again been formed on the ground and three infected could be seen within.

The officers atop the walls began sending down attacks as the other two who were speedily climbing over the wall earlier had finally been stopped.

These two were not dead yet despite Gustav"s attack but after the bombardment of the officers atop the wall they were blasted to smithereens.

"Stop attacking! Don"t hit Officer Crimson!"

One of them yelled out after noticing the area of impact was awfully close to where Gustav had landed.

As the dust cleared up Gustav looked down as saw that he was standing on a sh.e.l.l instead of a body like he expected.

To his surprise this sh.e.l.l was very st.u.r.dy and even with such intense landing, it didn"t have more than a few scratches on it.